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and among the latter are divided the duties of, of the good man: and some profess to love to hear carding, spinning, cooking, and house, work, and the good book talk, as they term reading the bible. making and mending the garments of the scholars. Every where the mission family are treated by the Every morning of the week afterwards the boys are Indians with great respect and affection, and they summoned into line by the sound of a whistle. will rarely receive pay from them for what they After the roll is called, the classes are designated are accustomed to consider as sources of profit, and by naming their avocations, when the members of subjects of charge upon travellers. This is not each break out of the ranks at once, and enter up. the unmeaning politeness with which Indians have on their second employments with great spirit and been charged. It is a very emphatic expression of alacrity. They remain in school six hours a day, their sense of the disinterested and useful labors and work four or five. I went round to visit them of the missionaries. At a late national council, two at their several labors in the wood and in the field, men were appointed, as special safeguards of the and found them every where busy and cheerful persons and properties of the missionaries. A little They seemed by their manner to require no other circumstance which took place a few days before recreation. A prudent, well regulated system of I was at the school, speaks very distinctly the senti moral discipline appeared completely to supersede ments which prevail. An old Indian woman, who the necessity of every kind of corporeal punish-seemed not to have a vestige of civilization, brought ment or physical coercion. The utmost harmony a little savage, her grandson, to place at the school. reigned throughout. Neither idleness nor games When the former was about to depart, she wept so gave them occasion for feuds or dissentions. Their much over her child, who cried to accompany her, affection for their teachers seemed to be unbound-that Mr Hoyt apprehended she would not leave ed. I have seen the boys, by half dozens, surround him, and through an interpreter assured her that Mr. Chamberlain when he came in fatigued, clasp he would in a few days be reconciled to his situa him round the neck and arms, all eager to tell ortion. She replied that she had no intention but to ask something and engage his attention; and when leave him; that the parting was very painful to her, he had good humoredly shaken off one set, he but she too well knew what was for the child's good. would be immediately surrounded by another, An Indian who had once been to visit the president clamorous as blackbirds. A command, however, at Washington, told me that civilization had made would always reduce them instantly to order and the white people great, but ignorance had made place. Play is occasionally allowed. One boy will the Indians dwindle away to nothing. Most of those throw up a gourd or shingle, which will come to with whom I conversed seemed to feel the senti the ground with a dozen arrows sticking to it.ment of patriotism strong in their bosoms, to deBathing in the fine clear stream of Chickamaugh is plore the fall of their once wide extended and permitted twice a week. Indeed an Indian would powerful nation, and to be anxious that the little not dispense with this, for they are scrupulously of it which remained should be saved from annihila attentive to cleanliness. An Indian child runs into tion.-Who that himself enjoys the comforts of the water as naturally as a duck. I have seen them civilized life, and the consolations of religion, and (particularly in the Chickasaw country) scarce six knows the wants and capabilities of these people, years old, up to their chins in the stream of a bold would withhold a contribution to a purpose so creek. Col. Meigs, the Indian agent, asked a beneficent and full of merit? Cherokee girl why she did not marry a white man One or two facts will enable all to judge for who paid his addresses to her. She replied, that themselves of the teachableness of their disposishe could not endure white men, they were so dirty, tions, and their capacities for acquirement. A never, as she understoed, bathing in creeks as the wild naked-legged boy, eight years old, named red people did. Chees quan-ee-tah, or A Young Bird, who could


I have seen the girls at their several employ-speak nothing but Cherokee, came for the first time ments, forming circles round some of the ladies into the school on the day on which I visited it, and of the family, beguiling the time by singing and I taught him the letters of the alphabet but three conversation, and seeming, as no doubt they really or four times over, using some device to impress were, very happy. The white children of the them more strongly on the memory, in one of which mission family are treated in all respects as the I was assisted by a beautiful and sprightly little girl, Indian children are. Indeed, an exemption from who told me she was the black warrior's daughter. any part of the routine of duty and labor would be This was, to place the letters O C U together, the no favor. To the Indians this course is indispens pronounciation of which, in the Cherokee tongue, ably necessary to their civilization and future wel- signifies good, which I made him understand was fare, and I am not sure but the plan of the Chicka- applicable to him. The little girl, who spoke Eng maugh school, in all its details, is the best that lish tolerably, in a playful manner, with a look full could be devised for children in any community. of arch simplicity, told me her mother seldom apDuring the week of my visit it fell to the lot of plied it to her, but much oftener a word, of which girl (a young lady I might with perfect propriety I have now forgotten the Indian, that signified bad. style her) to wait at table, as a part of the house- At night the boy distinctly remembered seven lethold labors, and she performed the duties with ters of the alphabet. equal propriety, cheerfulness and grace. It was A little girl by the name of Jenny Reece had felt to be, as it really was, perfectly proper, and been six weeks in the school, and could spell very honorable, because it was a place that each one in well in words of three letters and yet had never turn was destined to fill, and no ideas of servitude in conversation been heard to utter a word of Engcould of course be attached to it. This young wo-lish. It is remarkable of the Indians that when man was the daughter of a wealthy, high minded they commence expressing their ideas and wants chief, who kept a good table and servants, at whose in English, they in a time surprisingly short speak house I have been handsomely entertained, and who it very distinctly. But they cannot be persuaded spoke of the economy of this school in terms of high to speak, until conscious of their ability to do it commendation. well; afraid, I suppose, of drawing upon themselves The Indians are mostly favorable to the mission. ridicule; and indeed their first essays are calculatMr. Hoyt is known among them by the appellation led to excite laughter in many, when the ardor of

their anxiety to be understood prompts them to emed very industrious in various domestic empremature efforts. Like the Greeks and Romans, ployments, and the men much more so in their they place the object before the agent. I heard agricultural pursuits than in any Indian nation I this from a boy anxious to go to the store on mail had ever visited. Many of them had considerable day. "S'ore go to who? Want some to me." It plantations, and two at whose houses I was, owned was predicted, from their usual progress, that this several negroes, and employed white men as overboy would speak correctly in a month. seers; and all had horses and cattle. Every thing,

The mention of Jenny Reece brings her father's I thought, manifested the progress of civilization name and merit before me, and I hope to be pardon- and the practicability of its soon attaining the ed for a passing notice of him, though apparently ordinary degrees of perfection. very remotely, if at all in connection with the Possibly this brief exposition of facts and cirschool. This man, Charly Reece, was a very dis- cumstances, new to most of the readers of the tinguished warrior, and one of the three Indians Raleigh Register, will excite in the benevolent & who at the battle of the Horse Shoe swam the river desire to strengthen the hands of these employed in sight of the contending armies, under showers in this work of instruction and of giving them the of arrows and bullets and brought over the canoes means of more extended and genera usefulness. which contributed so essentially to the dislodge. The education of the Cherokees will only be limited ment and defeat of the Creek Indians. Gen Jackson by the ability to found and support schools. I bave mentioned him most honorably in his despatches no correspondence with the board of missions, but and general orders, and president Madison wrote presume donations to their treasurer in Boston, him a letter, and presented him with a superbly Jeremiah Evarts, will be acceptable. It is equally mounted rifle, with suitable inscriptions. This likely that the Moravian society of Salem would once his boast, is his pride no longer. I had some not refuse benefactions, though they have never conversation with him, and he spoke of his mili-asked contributions. The good they have done tary exploits with evident reluctance.-This once has been their own, and it has been done without haughty warrior is now a humble and devout pro- ostentation. I was told that plain ready made fessor of the religion of Jesus.—The wild hunter, clothing for boys, particularly trowsers and huntwho could not endure the restraints of home and ing shirts, was wanted. Dr. Strong, of Knoxville, but one wife, is now the industrious and prosperous A. J. Huntingdon, of Augusta, S. C. Dunning, of farmer, and the respectable head of a happy family. Savannah, Doge and Sayre, of New-York, and the This man's example, the happiness he has con- superintendant of Indian affairs, Washington city, ferred on a wife and amiable children, is surely will remit any thing to the mission house at enough to overturn infidelity in the heart of Chickamaugh that is committed to their care. I obstinacy itself, and make the most heedless anxi-add this paragraph at the suggestion of a traveller ous to promote the diffusion of principles, capable now confined in this city by sickness, who observed of such happy influence. I belong to no church to me yesterday, that the good deeds of man fell shore or sect, but I have seen too much of the benign of their beneficent wishes from not knowing how and effects of religion, to withhold from it this testi-where to dispense of their liberalities. monial in its favor I am convinced of the very great and essential importance of its principles and doctrines to civilization. The Chinese can make pots and the Turks carpets, but they are barbarians; and neither science nor manners will ever obtain MR. GALES-The articles of intelligence I gave there, until the domestic fireside becomes the place you some weeks ago respecting the Cherokee Inwhere confidence can repose itself, where the best dians seem to have been so well received by the and holiest affections of our nature can find their public, that I am led to expect a further account solace, and where the infant mind will be formed of that nation would not now be unacceptable. under the influence of precept and example. The interest which appears to have been excited Polygamy is at eternal and irreconcilable war with bears honorable testimony to the liberal and charitcivilization. able feelings of our countrymen. I now send you

August 24, 1818.


From the Raleigh Register.

I had almost forgotten to say that there is one a notice of some of the peculiar manners and cuscertainly, and I believe two schools in the nation toms of the Cherokees, drawn up a few months supported and patronized exclusively by the In- ago by Charles Hicks, a chief of the nation, at the dians. I visited one of the patrons. He complained request of Mr. Hoyt, the missionary, and by me much of the moral character of the master, and copied, in June last, from the mission diary. The said he had seen him drunk even on the Sabbath, original was the diction and hand writing of the and threatened to dismiss him. This teacher, a chief, and was recorded nearly in his own words. native of Europe, had the common stipend of coun- Charles Hicks is a half blooded Cherokee, has a try schoolmasters allowed him, was allowed to tolerable education, is a man of intelligence and cultivate as much land as he pleased, and had a piety, and has long filled the office next in rank to good number of scholars, but the Indians were the king. The latter is a full-blooded ludian, who scandalized at his irregularities, and I expect, if has no acquaintance with our language. At a late they failed to civilize him, they would, as they national council, it was enacted that no order of threatened, discharge him. I neither saw the the king should take effect until approved and teacher nor his school. It would swell this article concurred in by Charles Hicks, This virtually to a size too great for a newspaper, were I to speak makes him equal to the king, but in influence and of the character and manners of the Indians; and real authority he is greatly his superior. He is a it would besides be foreign to the object for which staunch friend to the whites, a zealous promoter I commenced it. I will therefore only say in a few of the measures now in progress to educate and words, that I found them every where kind and civilize his nation, and at this moment has a son at obliging in their deportment and correct in their a public school in Connecticut. The insured coconduct; that in their houses, and I entered not a operation of a chief so endowed and so influential few, I observed a general appearance of order and should strengthen the hands and animate the exerneatness that indicated comfort. The womehltions of those benevolent and liberal minded meu

who are laboring to enlighten and humanize an unhappy but very interesting portion of our species. The Indians will become at once civilized whenever the numbers of the educated shall be so considerable as to give respect and confidence to each other and a fashion to manners. Mr. Boudinot, in a late work, has undertaken to show that the Ame rican Indians are a remnant of the ten lost tribes of Israel. One of their customs, it will be seen, shows some analogy to those of the ancient Israelites, as recorded in the books of the old Testament. CALVIN JONES.

Raleigh, Oct. 13, 1818.

MANNERS, CUSTOMS, &C. "The Cherokee people are divided into seven different clans, each having a distinct name.* No one is permitted to marry within his own clan. The children are always considered as belonging to the clan of the mother. Murder committed by a person of one clan on one of another is always punished with death; but if both belong to the same clan, it frequently happens that the clan intercedes with the chief head of the nation, and obtains a pardon, which pardon is published in the national council when convened.

"The national council is composed of chiefs from each clan, some sending more some less, regard being had to the population of each-though the number is not very definitely fixed Each clan has its separate portion of land, which it holds in com mon right-the poorest men having the same right as the greatest.

"Before eating the geen corn when in the milk, the people collect in the different towns and villages at nigh, and when the-fcomes, the conjurer takes some of the grains of seven ears of corn and feeds the fire with them, i. e. burns them. After this each family is allowed to cook and eat their roasting ears, but not before they drink a tea of wild horehound. In like manner they observe the same custom before eating the bean when it fills

in the bull.

"The geen corn dance, so called, has been highly esteemed formerly. This is held when the corn is getting hard and lasts four days, and when the national council sits-a quantity of venison being procured to supply the dance. It is said that a person was formerly chosen to speak to the peo ple on each day in a language that is partly lostat least there is very little of it known now. such times as the above, a piece of ground is laid off and persons appointed to occupy it-no others being allowed to use it while the feast continues.


"There is a custom, which still prevails, of mak ing a new fire every year, generally in the month of March. The fire is made by drilling in a dried grape vine, which begins in the morning after an all night dance. Seven persons are appointed to perform this with the conjurer. After the fire is made, each family in the town comes and procures the new fire, putting out all the old fires in their houses.

"The physic dance was very much in use formerly, but partly neglected now. This belongs to the women in particular, except seven men who are chosen, one out of each clan, to carry the water

*The Powhatan nation of Indians in Virginia, according to Mr. Jefferson, was divided into seven, tribes or clans. This Hebrew cabalistic number appears to have been in common use among the Indians.

†This word not understood in Mr. Hick's original.



to boil the physic, and when boiled, to carry it t the people, for old and young to drink. But the never drink of it until the singer has proclaimed, with his song, on the top of the Town House, "Hayan wah, Yauth-caunu" (repeating the same several times) and painted all the posts of the house white with clay, and danced two of the nights in seven, and in the morning after the last night bathed them. selves in the water.

"They have a similar plan of choosing one or two men to represent the clans in what is called, making rain.

"In making rain, seven men or women are chosen to represent the clan, who keeps a fast during the time the conjurer is about to obtain rain, and when the rain comes he sacrifices the tongue of a deer that is procured for that purpose. The conjurer' himself observes a strict fast with frequent bathings during the time he is making rain. On such oc casions the conjurer speaks a language different from the present language of the nation, and which, few understand. They who design to follow the practices are taught by those who understand it. "The Eagle-tail dance is still in use among the Cherokees. The design of this dance is to stimulate in the minds of the young growing people the spirit of war. The old warriors rehearsing in the dance the dangers they have passed through in attacking their enemies, the distance they have travelled, the time they have been out, &c. &c. Some victuals are usually set apart for the boys to eat at day break, and when the boys have eaten they go out of the town house and are met in the entry by the young nen, who have a battle with mud collected for the purpose.

"It is also customary to give Eagle feathers as pledges of friendship in making peace among red people.

"The doctors among the Cherokees suppose that Cures are to be made in 7 nights of the different disorders which the human body is subject to. During these cures the doctors are remarkably strict to keep out of the liouse where the patient lies such persons as have handled a dead body, women, &c. for it is held among the Cherokees that these persons are impure until bathing in the water of the seventh night in the morning. Some changes have of late taken place-instead of seven, four nights are now deemed sufficient."


From the Franklin Gazette.

The extracts from the journal written in the Creek nation of Indians, convey information at once important and agreeable. Though we every day hear of our southern and western savages, we have never had a sufficiently ample and minute delineation of their habits, their traditions, their laws and their sentiments; and we receive with pleasure every additional effort to enlighten our ignorance upon the subject. Recent events have rendered the Creek and Seminole Indians, in particular, objects of great curiosity and interest. Extract from a journal written in the Creek nation of Indians.

"The government of the Creeks is in form republican; each town or village elect a chief or king, whose authority is never disputed so long as he remains in office, and who represents his town in the great council at which the business of the nation is transacted, and where a speaker or head man of the whole is elected. The military authority is distinct and subordinate to the civil. McIntosh,

the celebrated warrior, reports to and receives ance; that they were gradually yielding to the orders from the civil head of the government. But whites, who were acquiring an imposing influence although their chiefs are thus elected they are over them. Instigated by these considerations, invested with more power than any legitimate and, perhaps, by his natural ferocity and attach sovereign in Europe, and the submission the peo-ment to war, he became a decided enemy to the ple pay to their superiors is so remarkable, that whites, and imbibed an invincible determination they freely submit to the most arbitrary acts of the chiefs.


(he surrendered it but with his life) to regain for his country the proud independence he supposed The chiefs of towns execute the laws in the he had lost. For a number of years he was foremost summary manner. Murder is punished among most in every act of hostility committed against them by putting the murderer to death, if he can those he conceived were the oppressors of his counbe found, if he abscond they put to death his nearest trymen, and was equally remarkable for intrepidity male relation; which exonerates the original ag- and skill in many combats that took place under gressor, who then may safely return. If a man kills his banner. Aware, at length, of the extent, num. a woman he himself is not executed for the crime, ber and power, of the United States, he became but they put to death his sister, or some other fully convinced of the futility of any single nation near female relation. In many instances their laws of red men attempting to cope with them. make relations responsible for each other; this has formed, therefore, the grand scheme of uniting all created among them a great attention to family; the tribes east of the Mississippi into hostility there is little social intercourse, except among against the United States. This was a field those united by the ties of blood. The knowledge worthy his great and enterprising genius.-He they have of the ramifications and branches, not commenced in the year 1809, and in the execution only of their own family, but of those of the whole of his project he displayed unequalled adroitness, tribe, is surprising. No heraldry office could be eloquence and courage. He insinuated himself more correct and minute than the heads of some of into every tribe from Michilimachinack to Georgia, their old men. I was once asked by an Indian who and was invariably successful in his attempts to spoke a little English, "You know me?" I answer-bring them over to his views. He played upon all ed "No," "No!" he exclaimed, "why my father their feelings, but principally upon their superkilled six men in one battle;" and was astonished stition, and sometimes assumed the character of ■ that any person should not know a man who was prophet, and carried with him a red stick, to which thus distinguished by his ancestors. In one of the he attached certain mystical properties, and the villages I passed, there had been a few days be-acceptance of which was considered as the joining fore a fracas, at which a man was killed. The of his party; from hence the same red stick applied murderer was immediately secured, and the chief to all Indians hostile to the United States. Unordered him to dig a grave for the man he had fortunately for Tecumseh, but fortunately for the killed, and put him into it. After he had done this he told him to put a cow hide over the man; while doing this the chief knocked him in the head, and buried them both together, acting himself as judge, jury, executioner and sexton.

United States was it, that before his plan had become matured, before his arrangements for general hostility were perfected, before, in fact, he had properly organized or brought into the field any of his forces, his brother made a premature attack Nothing marks so much the barbarous unciviliz. Jupon the troops of the United States, under the ed state of these savages, as the manner in which command of col. Boyd, in the summer of 1811, at their women are treated. Polygamy is allowed Tippecanoe, in which he suffered a signal defeat. among them-they are permitted to have as many This disaster marred the prospect of the gallant wives as they are able to support. The consent Tecumseh; his own soul was unshaken, but it of the woman to marriage is never asked; she damped the ardor of his associates; and although must be bought from her father. To him applica- many continued firm in their warlike attitude and tion is made, which, if accompanied with presents, hostile intentions towards the whites, yet numis rarely refused, and the marriage takes place bers shrunk from a contest that had commenced without the parties having previously exchanged with defeat, and all the efforts of Tecumseh were a word with each other. An assemblage of rela- unavailing, to supply the links thus broken in his tions to drink or to dance, is all the ceremonial chain of operations.-The war against England, used on the occasion. From this contract either declared soon after this event, by the United States, party may be divorced, by notifying, three months opened new views to the talents of Tecumseh. His before hand, that when the corn is ripened it is merits were duly appreciated by the British gotheir intention to part. The women are employed in the most servile, menial drudgery; working in the field, cooking, pounding or grinding of corn, and drying fish are their principal occupations. A widow is compelled to remain single for four years after the death of her husband.

Attachment to ardent spirits is a general vice among the people. Tecumseh endeavored in vain to eradicate this inveterate passion.

vernment, and they made him a brigadier general in their service-At the head of his formidable warriors, he more than once turned the scale of victory against the Americans, and Detroit, River Raisin, and fort Meigs were witnesses of his conduct and valor.-In 1813, when general Harrison entered Canada, Tecumseh advised col. Proctor to attack him.-The British colonel preferred retreating; an attack was, however, sustained near the river Thames, in which Tecumseh displayed his usual ability, and laid down his life for the cause he had espoused.

Tecumseh was the most extraordinary Indian that has ever appeared in their history. He was by birth a Shawanese; and would have been a great man in any age or nation. Independent of the An Indian is at home in any part of the forest, most consummate courage and skill as a warrior, he carries with him parched corn pulverized, and and all the characteristic acuteness of his race, he at night, if he has shot nothing, he cooks his parchwas endowed by nature with the attributes of mind ed corn with water alone, which, although insipid necessary for great political combinations. His to the taste, is exceedingly nutritious, and sleeps acute understanding very early in life informed in the open air. If he intends encamping for se him, that his countrymen had lost their impor-veral days, or the weather is bad, he strips the bark


from a pine tree and makes a shelter that secures Scott and bring him assistance and an escort.bim from rain. After waiting with an anxiety that may be readily I passed where a little girl had been shot through imagined, a sufficient time for the Indian to have the arm, and scalped, notwithstanding which she returned, he began to apprehend that either fort is in a fair way to recover. Scalping is a custom Scott had been abandoned, or that the Indian had among these people, when they have killed or been destroyed in attempting to reach it. He dewounded an enemy, by making a circle round the termined therefore to endeavor to reach an Indian top of the head with a knife, and stripping off the settlement, distant about 50 miles, although doubtskin; this is generally followed by a coup-de-graceful whether it was a friendly or hostile one. with the tomahawk. Scalps are trophies held in wrote on the sand a statement of the rout he had great esteem among them, and he who can pro- taken, intending, if the Indian should return, that duce the largest number is entitled to the high he might be able to find him, and in his weak exhonors awarded a great warrior, a title of much hausted state proceeded. He had no guide but distinction among them. Frequent instances have the river, and his path intersected by creeks that occurred of recovery of persons who have been he had to swim, and swamps to wade through.scalped when the other wounds they have receiv. He was compelled to travel very cautiously, the ed were slight. During the war of the revolution, woods being filled with hostile Indians, and unable and in the last war, the Indians employed by the to make a fire, and without clothes, he suffered British government received their compensation much from the cold; he was without any arms in a stipulated price for each scalp they produced. but a pen knife, with which he cut clubs for him. I am sorry to say that the practice of scalping is self and the soldier, and he had determined, should sometimes adopted by our frontier militia. he meet with two or three Indians in a body, he

The facility with which an Indian can discover would attack and endeavor to take their arms. the track or trail of man or beast, is really sur. He frequently saw tracks of the savage enemy, and prising: where an inexperienced observer is un-more than once warmed himself at fires they had able to discover that either have passed, an In-just quitted. At length, after being four days dian will trace the marks with unerring accuracy, without tasting a mouthful of food, he reached an and be able to tell how many there were, and how Indian village: he found the warriors had all left long it has been since they passed. On all sub-it, and was received with great coolness by an old jects that it is indispensably necessary for them squaw, to whose hut he first went, and from whom to have an acquaintance with, in the prosecution with much difficulty he procured a breakfast. It of their wars, or in the pursuit of game, they dis-is remarkable that although the general and his cover an acuteness and sagacity very surprising soldier had been four days without food, yet, when considering their ignorance on abstract subjects. some cooked venison was placed before them, they General Gaines has had a narrow escape-when felt little disposition to eat, and experienced no general Jackson arrived at Hariford, gen. Gaines, inconvenience from long abstinence. The general anxious to prepare his brigade for movement, and proceeded, and soon after joined the army." fearful that the officer commanding at fort Scott The Indians have but few ideas on the subject should, unware of the approach of supplies, of religion; some of them have a vague indistinct abandon his post, resolved on making the hazard. notion of a future state; they however give themous attempt to reach the fort. The Flint river, on selves little trouble or concern on that head. If which fort Scott is situated, was at this time very you ask the generality of Indians about their relimuch swoin, and its current exceedingly rapid and gion, they will tell you it is a thing we know nothwide. He embarked on board a boat with two offing about. An intelligent one will inform you that cers and twelve men. He had proceeded down the he believes there is a great spirit above who rules river but 70 miles, when his boat struck upon a the sun and moon, &c. and that to those who stump on an island then overflowed by water, the behave in this world like good warriors, he will, boat filled, but luckily did not sink. It was night; after death, give a country abounding with game; major Wright and two soldiers immediately at but if they behave like old women, they will go to tempted to swim ashore, but they perished in the one where there is no game or land to plant corn. attempt. The general remained on the boat abou This is the whole of their theology; there is no one hour, he then prepared himself to swim and such thing as prayer or worship among them.started with five soldiers and a strong active In. There is no prospect of their ever becoming dian, named Billy. The current was extremely Christians. Christianity is too learned a religion rapid and they had half a mile to swim. The In for their comprehension, and the example of the dian had torn a piece of board from the boat to whites is not calculated to make a favorable imwhich he attached a string, that he carried in his pression. And it is a melancholy fact that all the teeth, and by that means rendered the general efforts of the missionaries have merely implanted great assistance.-They reached the shore, with among them superstitious feelings about what they loss of three out of the seven that started. Gene do not comprehend, of which wicked men among ral Gaines hailed the boat and informed major them have availed themselves, and, under the name Nicks of the loss he had sustained, in consequence of prophets, occasioned all the wars that have of which, those who survived remained on the desolated their land. wreck until day, when they all, except one, reached the shore, opposite to that on which the general had landed.

There are white men to be found with the Indian tribes, exhibiting the disgusting spectacle of a retrograde from civilization, men who have abandonGeneral Gaines now found himself naked, with ed their country and society, naturalized themout food, in a wilderness surrounded by hostile selves among the savages, adopted their manners Indians, who would immediately put him to death and habits, and become generally more vicious and if they discovered him. He decided on endeavor. degraded than the Indians themselves. But I was ing to reach fort Scort, distant as he imagined happy to remark that this base degeneracy, al35 miles, but he soon became weak, sick, ex- though sometimes the effect of choice, was more hausted, and unable to proceed. He despatched frequently the offspring of crime or necessity. the Indian and a soldier, to endeavor to reach fort There is no greater reproach, and nothing they

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