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195 What is the use of existence?

196 What is a syllogism, and what an argument ? 197 What are the three rules of delivery?

198 What is the chief rule for writing well?

199 Transcribe the rules for thinking ably and correctly. 200 Who invented the letters, and what is their use?

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201 How many genera and classes of plants are there? 202 What vegetables are of the greatest use to man, and what do they produce?

203 What are the classes which have the stamens and pistils on different flowers or plants, and how are they fructified?

204 What sort of air or gas do vegetables generate? and transcribe what relates to this subject.

205 What portion of nature has the sense of feeling, and what is feeling?

206 What insects create islands adapted for the habitation of


207 Describe the combs of a bee-hive.

208 How many cavities are there in the heart, what are they called, and how many times do they act in a minute? 209 How many senses have perfect animals, and describe them in prose and verse?

210 What are the use of bones, and how many are there in the human body?

211 What parts of the body can be traced to grass or ve getables?

212 What is the essential use of the different parts of the ani

mal fraine ?

213 Repeat the rhymes on animalcule.

214 How do insects respire?

215 What insect is supposed to occasion whitlows?

216 What are the principal distinctions of shells?

217 Do not some plants exhibit signs of irritability ?

218 What are the elementary parts or substances of vege Tables?

219 What are the means used by nature to scatter the seeds of vegetables?

220 Repeat Blackmore's and Thomson's lines on the preeess of vegetation.

921 What are the nerver, and what are their user ↑

222 What are the qualities that secure health, and why? 223 What is the peculiar contrivance of the Creator for tut tairing loco metive beings, or animals A

274 What is the use of the leaves of vegetables ?

225 What is a perennial, what a deciduous, what a tuberose, and what an indigenous plant P

220 What is the distinctive use of arteries and veina ? 227 How many teeth and ribs has a man of a woman ? 998 In the circulation, when does the blood pass through the lungs, and for what purpose?

#29 What are the receiving, and what the expelling Cavities of the heart?

230 What becomes of the blood after it has been received in its appropriate cavity of the heart ?

231 Explain the process of respiration

232 How is the venous blood restored by nutriment ? 233 What weight of blood is there in a human hody, ant how many strekes does the pulse give in a minute? 234 Describe what is contained in the entire skin of a humar body?

215 How inch does a human body perspire in 24 hours ? 230 How often has the left ventricle of the heart contrastal in a man of sixty-fire?

237 What is the food converted into before it is mixed with the blood P

£38 After the reins bring back the blood to the right auricle of the heart, what becomes of it?

239 What are the lungs P

240 What is the use of the wax in the ear?

241 Repeat a description of the seven orders of animals of cha first class or mamalia.

942 Repeat Hurlie's description of a bird's nest

943 What fills the bottom of the ocean?

244 Describe a wasp's nest.

240 How smell were the insects seen by Lewenhovek

248 What are the properties of a polypa?

247 What was Hunter's division of animated nature, ?

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248 Rerite Pope's lines descriptive of the ascending scale of

40 What are the orders of birds and fishes ?

290 What are the respective effects of animals and vege

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281 When are the terminations our and ite used?

'952 What is the power of ascension of a spherical balloon 40 feet in diameter, the silk, netting, and car weigh

1ying 500.pquanda ?.

gay What is nitrogen

204 What to lightning?

Mad What is the exact bearing and dip at this time of the
magnetic needle at London?

250 What is supposed to be the cause of earthquakes..
257 Which are the chief volcanoes in Europe?

258 What is meant by a salt in chemistry P

289 What are the elements of all bodies, according to the moderns?

200 What is the choke-damp, and what the fire-damp of


201 What is that neid which dissolves silver?

202 What is the acidifying principle, and how much is there of it, in 100 parts of atmospheric alir?

263 How are mineral waters formed?

264 What is the name of the acid used in etching on glass? 265 How many different kinds of rocks are there? 268 What are the scientifle names of clay and flint 9 207 What is the peculiar property of phosphorus P 968 What is it that rendere solids fluid, and fluida solid ? 269 By what terminations are the strongest acids indicate) 270 What is that gas which is essential to animal life, and in what proportion is it necessary?

971 What is the use of the large glass cylinder which is made ta turn round during electrical experiments?

272 What is meant by distilled water?

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273 What does water become when it has been deprived of

ite caloric

274 What is combined with those waters called chalybeate?

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object of chemical science

286 What is effected by burning or combustion 287 What is the substance called pyrites

4W ote 288 How are Epsom salts formed paw ob woFT NE 289 Why does mortar become hard aya ham wo H RIE 290 How is the electric fluid accumulated, so as to give the 9717 70 electric shock ?

291 What are the uses of alkalies los is to sealy

293 How is the magnetic ere brought into the shape of hee

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301 How many sides are there in a aquare, a hexagon, and A octagon pas de mort to bear on A GRE


303 What is the hypothenuse and right angle of a triangle? 304 What is the proportion between the diameter and the cir cumference of a circle, and what part is the French itsalsmetre of the distance from the equator to the north pole?

305 What are the uses of trigonometry?

306 What is the logarithm of 8, and what is the natural num

307 of the logarithm 5?

a large drawing of the trigonometrical projection yd bsou of sines, co-sines, tangents, &c. &c. writing against

308 What is the difference in calculation between superficial,

309 What is the purpose of perspective ? would ads at wolf ASS Questions on Chap. XXV. XXVI. and XXVII.

310 What is the meaning of a, b, c, d, in algebra ? 311 How do we ascertain the existence of light? 312 How many rays must proceed from every object in a cond to render it visible?

313 What is the purpose effected by the arrangement of the glasses of a telescope?

316 Which rays of light are turned the most out of their What is a refracting telescope? 2.0 course by refraction?

318 How many shutters are there in a telegraph, and how many changes of signal will they effect ?

317 In what do representations of phantasmagoria differ from those of the magic lanthorn?


318 What is the use of an air-pipe to a diving-bell ?

319 What are those large massy clouds called that appear in the day, time?

320 What occasions noise in empty houses?

321 What occasions, snow 3

322 What is the primary cause of wind?

323 Whence come the clouds?

324 In vacuo, which falls quickest, a piece of wood or a mar bae,noble a psa sre.

325 As the rays of light from objects cross each other in the

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