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than ten years shall nevertheless include in its annual statement, a schedule as hereinbefore required for the years in which it shall have issued such policies, and shall be charged with an indebtedness determined in the same manner, but in determining the in-. debtedness for policies written in the five years immediately preceding the date as of which the statement is made, the minimum ratio hereinbefore prescribed shall be used subject to the same deductions and provisions as in the case of corporations that have been issuing such policies for ten years or more.

§ 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed.

§ 3. This act shall take effect on the first day of July, nine- In effect teen hundred and eleven.

July 1, 1911.

Chap. 184.

AN ACT to revise the charter of the city of Watervliet.
Became a law May 24, 1911, with the approval of the Governor. Passed,
three-fifths being present.
Accepted by the City.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:



I. General provisions. (§§ 1-4.)

II. Officers and elections. (§§ 5-18.)

III. Common council. (§§ 25-40.)

IV. Mayor. (§§ 50-56.)

V. General provisions regarding officers and employees.

(§§ 60-68.)

VI. Department of finance. (§§ 80-97.)

VII. Department of contract and supply. (§§ 100-104.)

VIII. Department of public works. (§§ 110-121.)
IX. Department of public safety. (§§ 125-137.)
X. Department of charities. (§§ 145-149.)

XI. Department of law. (§§ 155-163.)

XII. Department of education. (§§ 165-184.)

XIII. Department of health. (§§ 185-192.)

XIV. Department of judiciary - The city court. (§§ 200

XV. Department of water. (§§ 250-261.)
XVI. Assessments and taxes. (§§ 270-286.)
XVII. Local assessments. (§§ 290-318.)
XVIII. Miscellaneous provisions. (§§ 325-331.)



Section 1. Corporate powers. 2. City boundaries. 3. Ward boundaries. 4. Definitions.

Section 1. Corporate powers. The citizens of the state of New York, from time to time inhabitants of the territory comprised within the boundaries of the city of Watervliet, shall continue to be a municipal corporation in perpetuity under the corporate name of "The City of Watervliet," and the same shall in that name be a body politic and corporate in fact and in law, with power of perpetual succession. The city shall have power:

1. To take, purchase, hold, lease, sell and convey such real and personal property as the purpose of the corporation may require.

2. To take by gift, grant, bequest and devise and hold real and personal estate absolutely or in trust for any public use including that of education, art, ornament, health, charity or amusement, for parks or gardens, or for the use or erection of statues, monuments, buildings or structures, upon such terms or conditions as may be prescribed by the grantor or donor and aecepted by said corporation and to provide for the proper administration of the same.

3. To make, have and use, and from time to time alter, a common seal.

4. To contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to complain and defend and to institute, prosecute, maintain and defend any action or proceeding in any court.

5. To have and exercise all of the rights, privileges and jurisdiction essential to a proper exercise of its corporate functions, including all that may be necessarily incident to, or may be fairly implied from, the powers specifically conferred upon such corporation.

6. To have and exercise all the rights, privileges, functions and powers now prescribed and exercised by it under existing or subsequent laws and not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter.

§ 2. City boundaries. The city boundaries shall be those of the present city of Watervliet, in the county of Albany and state of New York, as follows: Commencing at a point in the Hudson river in the center line of the four hundred-foot channel as constructed by the United States government, at the intersection of the most southerly line of the former village of West Troy produced; thence along said southerly line of the said village produced, north fifty-nine degrees, thirty minutes west, about twelve hundred and thirty-two feet to the southeast corner of said village twenty-two hundred and ninety-two feet to the intersection of the present inner angle of the Erie canal; thence along the said inner angle of said canal, south forty-two degrees fifteen minutes west, one hundred and sixteen feet to the point of intersection with the southerly line of the John C. Schuyler farm produced; thence along said southerly line of said Schuyler farm north fifty-two degrees fifty minutes west, eight hundred and seventy and five-tenths feet, to a stake at the intersection of the center line of Quedar street produced; thence along said center line of said Quedar street, north twenty-nine degrees fifty-five minutes east, thirty-five hundred and fifteen feet, to a point on the southerly line of the United States arsenal wall; thence along the said United States arsenal wall north, forty-two degrees forty-five minutes west, nine hundred and sixty-one feet, to angle in wall; thence along said United States arsenal wall north, thirty-seven degrees forty-five minutes west, three hundred and seventy-four feet, to a point fiftysix feet westerly of the southwest corner of said wall; thence along the westerly bounds of the former village of West Troy, north forty-three degrees thirty-five minutes east, two hundred and forty-three feet to a field stone monument; thence north forty-one degrees thirty-five minutes east, four hundred and ninety-seven feet to a sand stone monument; thence north forty degrees ten minutes east, five hundred and forty-three feet to a sand stone monument; thence north thirty-four degrees fifty-five minutes east, sixty and seven-tenths feet to a sand stone monument; thence north thirty-two degrees forty-five minutes east, five hundred and seventy-five feet to angle; thence north twenty-seven degrees twenty minutes east, two hundred and seventy-eight and five-tenths feet

to angle; thence north forty-three degrees east, ninety-eight feet to angle; thence north forty degrees east, three hundred and eighty feet to angle; thence north thirty-five degrees forty minutes east, fifty-five feet to corner post; thence north sixty-seven degrees fortyfive minutes west, three hundred and two feet to corner post; thence north sixteen degrees east, one hundred and forty-seven and five-tenths feet to corner post; thence north sixty-eight degrees fifty minutes west, ten hundred and ninety-two and five-tenths feet to post at angle; thence north fifty-eight degrees ten minutes west, thirteen hundred and fifteen feet to corner post; thence north ten degrees forty-five minutes east, one hundred and one feet to angle; thence north fourteen degrees east, seventeen hundred and eightyfour feet to angle; thence north three degrees forty-five minutes east, two hundred and fifty-nine feet to the original northwest corner of the former village of West Troy, eight hundred and three feet to corner post; thence south seventy-one degrees thirty minutes east, two hundred and thirty-eight feet to post at angle; thence south sixty-one degrees five minutes east, eight hundred and seventy-two feet to a point about fifty feet southerly of the center line of Dry River brook; thence along a line parallel to and distant fifty feet measured at right angles to the center line of said Dry River brook south three degrees fifteen minutes west, forty-eight feet to angle; thence along a line parallel to and distant fifty feet from the center line of said brook south twenty degrees thirty minutes east, two hundred and forty-four feet to angle; thence south sixty-two degrees fifty minutes east, one hundred and thirtyeight feet to a stone monument at the northeast corner of lands. now or formerly owned by Doctor Walter Mott; thence south forty degrees east, one hundred and fifty-eight feet to a stone monument; thence south seventy-two degrees ten minutes east, two hundred and thirty-three feet to a point at the intersection of a line drawn parallel to and twenty-five feet distant from the easterly line of what is known as Lansing's lane; thence along said line in said. lane north twenty-four degrees five minutes east, seven hundred and twenty-eight feet to angle at intersection of rear line of lots fronting on Twenty-fifth street; thence along said line of said lane north twenty-two degrees ten minutes east, six hundred and fortyfive feet to a point opposite a marked post in lane fence; thence south sixty-six degrees fifty minutes east, ten hundred and fourteen feet to a stone monument on the west side of the Rensselaer and Saratoga railroad, twelve hundred and ten feet to a marked post at

angle; thence south sixty-six degrees forty-five minutes east, ten hundred and sixty-two feet to angle; thence south sixty-two de grees forty-five minutes east, four hundred and sixty-six feet to a stone monument on the west line of Third avenue; thence south forty-nine degrees thirty minutes east, two hundred and fifty-six feet to angle; thence south seventy-five degrees thirty minutes east, seventy-eight feet to a stone monument on the west side of Second avenue, five hundred and sixty-four feet to the center line of the Mohawk basin; thence along the said center line of said basin south, five degrees east, three hundred and fifty feet to angle; thence south seven degrees thirty minutes east, five hundred and twenty-four feet to angle; thence south three degrees thirty minutes east, three hundred and fifteen feet to angle; thence south sixty-eight degrees east, about six hundred and thirty-nine feet to the center line of the four hundred-foot channel in the Hudson river as heretofore constructed; thence down the said center line of the said four hundred-foot channel about ten thousand two hundred feet to the place of beginning.

§3. Ward boundaries. The city shall be divided into nine wards, bounded respectively as follows:

First ward. All that part of said city lying southerly of the center line of Sixth street and Sixth street produced.

Second ward. All that part of said city bounded on the south by the center line of Sixth street and Sixth street produced, and bounded on the north by the northerly line of the United States arsenal grounds.

Third ward. All that part of said city lying between the northerly line of the United States arsenal grounds and the center line of Fifteenth street, and bounded on the west by the center line of Third avenue.

Fourth ward. All that part of said city lying between the northerly line of the United States arsenal grounds and the center line of Fifteenth street, and bounded on the east by the center line of Third avenue.

Fifth ward. All that part of said city lying between the center lines of Fifteenth street and Nineteenth street, and bounded on the west by the center line of Fifth avenue.

Sixth ward. All that part of said city lying west of the center line of Fifth avenue, bounded on the south by the center line of Fifteenth street and the corporation line of said city, and on the north by the center line of Nineteenth street.

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