Bonds validated. of proceeds any lawful requirement or authority in any such acts or proceed ings and said acts and proceedings are made of the same force and effect as if they had been fully authorized by statute, and as if the statutes and laws applicable thereto had been fully and strictly complied with, and bonds of the said village to an amount not exceeding one hundred and twelve thousand dollars for the purpose of constructing the disposal works and the portion of its sewer system proposed to be constructed in the said proposition submitted to the voters of the said village and to an amount not exceeding seven thousand dollars for the purpose of constructing the said six-inch lateral sewers, when executed and attested and sold on sealed proposals or at public auction at not less than par to the person who will take them at the lowest rate of interest, in the manner prescribed by section one hundred and twenty-nine of the village law of the state of New York, shall be valid and binding obligations of the said village and incontestable negotiable instruments under the law merchant in the hands of any person acquiring the same for value before maturity thereof, and the said Expenditure village is hereby authorized to expend and apply the proceeds of authorized. the said bonds in the construction of the said disposal works and sewer system and in the construction of the said lateral sewers respectively. Tax for payment. Pending actions. § 2. The proper officers shall raise annually by tax upon all the taxable property in the said village, in the manner provided by law, such sums as may be necessary to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the same shall respectively become due. § 3. This act shall not affect any action or proceeding pending in any court at the time that the same takes effect. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 347. AN ACT to provide for the reappropriation of funds appropriated by chapter one hundred and eighty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine for the acquisition and equipment of a field rifle range at Blauvelt, New York. Became a law June 15, 1911, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:. Section 1. The sum of seventy thousand seven hundred and ten dollars and ninety-two cents ($70,710.92), being the unexpended balance of the sum of two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars appropriated by chapter one hundred and eighty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, providing for the acquisition and equipment of a field rifle range at Blauvelt, New York, is hereby reappropriated for the same purposes, and the comptroller is directed to pay the same for the aforesaid purposes out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated on the written requisition of the armory commission. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 348. AN ACT making an appropriation for highway improvement in expediting the building of a portion of state route tour. Became a law June 15, 1911, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. The sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), to be available immediately, is hereby appropriated payable out of the money realized from the funds issued in accordance with the provisions of chapter four hundred and sixty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and six, as amended by chapter seven hundred and eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and seven. The money hereby appropriated shall be expended according to the provisions of article six of the highway law for the construc tion of that part of state route four, as defined by section one hundred and twenty of the highway law, which extends from the city of Hornell in the county of Steuben to the city of Olean in the county of Cattaraugus. No county in which roads are improved under this chapter shall participate in the future annual appropriations of funds for the improvement of state roads until such time as the counties not participating in the funds provided by this chapter shall have received such amount of improvement as will equalize the mileage. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Ordinance for salaries Chap. 349. AN ACT relating to the salaries of the members of the board of school examiners of the city of Buffalo. Became a law June 15, 1911, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. Accepted by the City. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section. 1. The common council of the city of Buffalo is hereby authorized. authorized to enact an ordinance fixing the salaries of or the compensation to be paid to the members of the board of school examiners of said city, and any ordinance so enacted, unless otherwise provided therein, shall take effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Other acts not to apply. Proceedings heretofore taken, legalized. § 2. All acts or parts of acts, and especially any provisions of chapter one hundred and five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Buffalo," and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, which are contrary to this act, shall not be deemed to apply to the powers hereby authorized to be exercised. § 3. All acts and proceedings of the common council and of officers and employees of said city paying salaries to the members of said board of school examiners, heretofore had or taken, are hereby ratified and legalized. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 350. AN ACT giving the consent of the state of New York to the improvement, use and occupation of Bird Island pier and the lands and lands under water adjacent thereto, in the city of Buffalo, for the purposes of a public park and landing facilities subject to the permission and control of the United States. Became a law June 15, 1911, with the approval of the Governor. Passed by a two-thirds vote. Accepted by the City. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. The consent of the State of New York is hereby given to the city of Buffalo to use, improve and occupy, for the purposes of a public park and landing facilities, that part of the structure in said city known as Bird Island pier, on Niagara river, lying north of Albany street extended, and forming a part of the Black Rock harbor improvement, and the lands and lands under water adjacent to said Bird Island pier on both sides thereof to the established harbor lines; provided, however, that prior to such use, improvement or occupation, said city of Buffalo shall by due proceeding procure the permission of the United States therefor, and that the enjoyment of the privileges granted by this act shall endure for such length of time and be subject to such conditions, restrictions and regulations as shall be prescribed for said city by the United States. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 351. AN ACT authorizing the board of trustees of The Clifton Springs Sanitarium Company to issue bonds, and mortgage the trust property, to raise money to pay the cost of retiring bonds now outstanding and secured by mortgage upon property of the company, of repairing, extending, enlarging and improving the sanitarium building and property. Became a law June 15, 1911, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate. and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. The board of trustees of the Clifton Springs Sanitarium Company, a corporation created under and by virtue of the laws of the state of New York, is hereby authorized to execute and issue the bonds of said corporation to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of one hundred and forty thousand dollars, bearing a rate of interest not to exceed five per centum per annum, and not to be issued at less than par, payable at such time or times and upon such terms and conditions as may be determined and prescribed by said board of trustees, for the purpose of borrowing money thereon, to be applied to the payment of the cost of retiring bonds now outstanding and secured by mortgage upon the property of the said corporation, of repairing, extending, enlarging and improving the sanitarium building and property at Clifton Springs, in the county of Ontario; and, to secure the payment of the said bonds according to their terms, the said board is also authorized to execute, and cause to be recorded in the office of the clerk of said county, a mortgage upon all, or a part, of the property of said corporation. But no mortgage nor bonds shall be issued without the written consent of Mary E. Foster, individually, and as executrix of the will of Henry Foster, deceased, who were the creators of the trust vested in the said board of trustees. appended to, or indorsed upon, said mortgage and recorded there with. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. |