Слике страница

Counties, local laws affecting - Continued.
county detectives, appointment..
elections commissioner's office abolished, election law, art. 11,
§§ 270 to 281, repealed.

humane societies, number and jurisdiction, membership corpora-

tions law amended, § 121

metropolitan elections district abolished, election law, § 470, re-

police districts, establishment.

sewer commissioners, new to supersede old, investigation.........
trunk sewer, disposal plant and bond increase...

teachers' pensions

[blocks in formation]

transfer tax appraisers, salaries, tax law amended, § 229........ 803 2124

clerk, appointment and salary, tax law amended, § 229......

[blocks in formation]

County clerks:


appropriation for hunters' licenses, reimbursements....
commissioner of education, data destroyed by fire to be resupplied to,

785 2090

189 427

810 2215

159 252

education law, § 99, added.
Delaware county, office organization and duties, compensation... 110 169
elections boards, official seals, filing of descriptions, election law,

$203, added

transfer of records to, devolution of powers, election law, § 206,


highways, land acquisition by counties, filing of papers, highway law
amended, §§ 150, 152, 153..

649 1688

649 1689

503 1157

industrial farm colony for tramps and vagrants, state, readiness to
receive inmates, notices to courts

812 2307

judgments, deposits to pay, code of civil procedure, § 1260, subd. 4,

[blocks in formation]

lenders on salaries or wages, certificates, filing and indexing, personal

property law amended, § 42.

626 1421

names changed by court, reports



New York city counties, real property conveyances, authentication,

real property law amended, § 310...



election papers, destruction, judiciary law amended, § 87 275
preservation, election law amended, § 378..


274 670

New York county, docket books, code of civil procedure, § 1245,
amended, § 1245a, added

290 689

naturalization assistants or clerks may be special deputies, county

[blocks in formation]

Orange county, payment of moneys into county treasury.



papers deposited or on file, destruction, judiciary law amended, § 87.. 275


special deputies, county law amended, § 162..

727 1950

Ulster county, deputies and assistants, number and salaries....

[blocks in formation]

Washington county, supplies, expenses and fees.

723 1945

Wyoming county, office salaries

163 259

County courts: See also Code headings; Courts; Judiciary law amended;

Surrogate headings.

corporations, jurisdiction relative to, code of civil procedure amended,

[blocks in formation]

County courts - Continued:

justices of the peace, modification of judgments upon appeals, code of
civil procedure amended, § 3063...

Kings county, chief clerk and assistants, appointment, duties, salaries,

Chap. Page.

364 835

640 1449

judiciary law amended, §§ 195, 282 to 284..
second amendment, judiciary law amended, §§ 195, 284...... 826 2334

increase of judges from two to four, proposed constitutional amend-


Queens county, attendants, fixing of salaries, judiciary law amended,
§ 351

water course improvement district, inclusion of infant or incompetent's
land, authorization of consent, state boards and commissions law
amended, § 12a...


566 1277

repealed by conservation law......

142 231
647 1550

County judges:

party enrollment corrections, review, election law, § 44, amended and
renumbered, § 24...

891 2073

§ 125

party names or emblems, decision of conflicting claims, election law,
Richmond county, salary, county law, § 232, subd. 41, amended, subd.
63, added

[blocks in formation]

County law amended: (See Table of amendments preceding index, p. 6.)
county clerks, special deputies, § 162..
county officers and employees, supervisors' power to fix salaries,

727 1950

number and appointment, § 12, subd. 5...

359 827

humane societies, county aid, § 12, subd. 27, added.

663 1747

for children, county aid, § 12, subd. 27, added..
Kings county, surrogate, salary, § 232, subd. 23, amended, subd. 62,

545 1225


413 941

New York county, county clerk, naturalization assistants or clerks
may be special deputies, § 162..

727 1950

Niagara county, district attorney, police court duties and compensation,
§ 203


Oneida county, surrogate's salary, § 232, subd. 31..

203 476

Richmond county, county judge, salary, § 232, subd. 41, amended, subd.

63, added.

413 941

Rockland county, supervisors, compensation and expenses, § 23.

554 1255

supervisors' chairman, choice at special meeting. § 10....
tax conferences, assessors and supervisors attending, per diem and

[blocks in formation]

commissioner of education, data destroyed by fire to be resupplied to,
education law, § 99, added..

[blocks in formation]

safe deposit companies to transfer proceeds of unclaimed property to,
disposition, banking law amended, § 304..

371 8

taxable transfers, contingent remainders, duties relative to tax, tax
law amended, §§ 230, 240, 241..

800 2113

teachers' retirement fund, state, deductions for, education law, § 1108a,
subd. 9, added..

449 1019


New York county, site, selection and easements.

Court of appeals: See also Code headings; Judiciary law amended.
admission to bar, rules

880 2505


appropriation for clerk's office, express, freight and mailing........

810 2151

[blocks in formation]

salaries and expenses.

associations not to practice law, penal law amended, § 280...

judges retired, service as referees, salaries....

Court of claims: See also Claims, board of; Judgments against state.

appropriation for canal cases, surveys and maps.

clerks and employees, salaries.

traveling expenses.

[blocks in formation]

employee in fifth grade, salary deficiency

811 2249

incidental expenses.

811 2249

judges, expenses.

810 2159

expenses outside Albany.

811 2249

[blocks in formation]

officers and employees, expenses outside Albany.

811 2249

board of claims, superseded by, code of civil procedure amended,

§§ 263, 266, 268..

856 2396

plants afflicted with fungus growths, owner's claims for destruction,

adjustment, agricultural law amended, § 304..
village water course improvements taken over by state, jurisdiction... 647 1534

798 2106

Court of general sessions, New York city:

clerks to judges, appointment and salaries...
deputy clerks, number, code of criminal procedure amended, § 55...... 800 2134
interpreters, salaries, judiciary law amended, § 380...

288 688


396 909

judges, primary candidates for, designation by party committees,

election law, § 46, added

891 2682


526 1200

warden to additional grand jury, code of criminal procedure amended,
§ 55

606 1372

Court reports:

appropriation for exchange with other states.

810 2158

Courts: See also Code headings; Judiciary law amended; Names of par-

ticular courts.

appropriation for miscellaneous reporter......

810 2159

depositories of funds, undertaking and security, banking law amended,

§ 44..

709 1910

industrial farm colony for tramps and vagrants, commitments.

812 2307

motions or applications, mode of making, cure of defects, code of civil

procedure amended, § 768..

763 2027

names changed by, county clerks' reports.

Appendix 23

Courts - Continued:

New York county, jurors interchangeable between parts, judiciary law
amended, § 610..

orders in determining motions, form, code of civil procedure amended,
§ 767..

support of wives, children and relatives, judicial awards......

Courts of special sessions:

New York city, child taken in custody, officer to notify parent, guardian,

Chap. Page.

29 40

368 843

814 2311

[ocr errors]

or custodian, inferior criminal courts act amended, § 36 721 1944
clerks, appointment or removal, inferior criminal courts act
amended, §§ 17, 103.

720 1942

indictments upon judge's certificate, notice to district attorney,
inferior criminal courts act amended, § 31, subd. 1, clause (c)...
non-supporter of family or relatives, discharge, inferior criminal

576 1332

courts act amended, $ 100....

757 2021

reformatories, justices' annual visits, inferior criminal courts act

amended, § 107........

722 1944

shellfish industries, jurisdiction of offenses..

647 1517


Craig Colony for Epileptics, Sonyea: See also State charitable institutions.
appropriation for cottages for married employees.

822 2325

equipment and repairs.

822 2325

filter material..

811 2283

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

inmates, detention, discharge and parole, state charities law, § 114,


588 1348


Cattaraugus county, no open season, forest, fish and game law amended,

[blocks in formation]

Crimes: See Code of criminal procedure amended; Penal law amended.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

preservation and protection.......

811 2295

Cruelty: See Animals; Children.

Dairies: See Milk and milk products.

Dams: See also Dams, state.

erection, repair and removal, conservation commission's functions.
Susquehanna river, privilege extended to Clinton Mills Power Company.
village construction under conservation commission..

647 1504
514 1173
647 1533

[blocks in formation]

Danger signs or signals:

highway, injury, removal, affixing of advertisements, penal law amended,


316 737

Dannemora state hospital for insane convicts: See also Prisons, state;

State hospitals.

appropriation for books for libraries.

818 2319


810 2200

[blocks in formation]

Dansville village: See also Village law amended; Villages, general laws


charter amended generally.

[blocks in formation]

Daughters of the American Revolution:

appropriation for Clinton house, care and maintenance...

Davis-Colby Ore Roaster Company:

appropriation for taxes erroneously paid, refundment.

811 2293

811 2303

Day nurseries:

New York city, establishment, charter, § 691a, added..........

69 93

Deaf and dumb: See also State charitable institution headings.
Albany Home School for the Deaf:

appropriation for pupils, support and instruction....

810 2189

Central New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, Rome:

appropriation for heating plant, completion.

811 2262

laundry, steel ceilings and painting

811 2262

main buildings, painting and repairs.

811 2262

manual training building, finishing and painting..

811 2262

pupils, support and instruction.

810 2189

vegetable cooker and accessories

811 2262

Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, New York city:

appropriation for pupils, support and instruction.

810 2189

Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, New York city:

appropriation for support and instruction.

810 2189


811 2262

Le Couteulx Saint Mary's Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-

Mutes, Buffalo:

appropriation for pupils, support and instruction...

810 2189

Northern New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, Malone:

appropriation for buildings destroyed by fire, replacement...... 331 769

pupils, support and instruction.

810 2189

Saint Joseph's Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes,

West Chester:

appropriation for pupils, support and instruction

810 2189

schools, per capita allowances, how paid...

810 2190

Western New York Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes,


appropriation for pupils, support and instruction.

810 2189

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