AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled, "An act to consolidate into one act and to declare the special and local laws affecting public interests in the city of New York," relating to the selection... Laws of the State of New York - Страница 125написао/ла New York (State) - 1911Пуни преглед - О овој књизи
 | City Reform Club - 1856 - 484 страница
...THE CITY REFORM CLUB lM - J r~NOTE.— The "Consolidation Act," Chapter 410 of the laws of 1882, is entitled, "An act to consolidate " into one act and...affecting public interests in the "City of New York," and contains the greater part of the laws relating to the government of the city. CONTENTS. STATISTICAL... | |
 | 1915 - 1352 страница
...code of criminal procedure, or under subdivision two of section fourteen hundred and fifty-eight of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two as amended, known as the consolidation act, or under section one hundred and fifty of chapter ninety-nine... | |
 | 1894 - 924 страница
...montjrs in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. $ 2. Section fifteen hundred and ninety-two of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen...local laws affecting public interests in the city or New York," is hereby repealed. This title is amended by chap. 733 of 1894, and is substituted for... | |
 | 1881 - 572 страница
...ЛГеяятя. Bliss, Olney and Whitney, commissioners appointed by the Legislature in 1880 to revise the special and local laws affecting public interests in the city of New York, have made and printed their report, forming a volume of over eleven hundred pages. They have sent us... | |
 | 1880 - 554 страница
...Legislature also passed an act, which the Governor approved, as follows: "SECTION 1. The volumes entitled 'The Special and Local Laws Affecting Public Interests in the City of New York,' and printed by order of the Legislature of 1880, may be read in evidence and cited in any court or... | |
 | State Charities Aid Association (N.Y.) - 1895 - 632 страница
...consolidated stock or bonds of the city of New York, to be issued in acordance with the provisions of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen...affecting public interests in the city of New York ' in such amount as may be necessary for the payment of the said state taxes." Before the bill was... | |
 | United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - 1892 - 1064 страница
...the general provisions of law contained in section six hundred and seventy-six, chapter thirteen, of chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, regulating the construction of bridges over the Harlem Biver and Spuyten Duyvil Creek. Said bridge... | |
 | New York (State). Legislature. Assembly - 1877 - 1188 страница
...An act in relation to the keeping open of the office of clerk of the county of Schenectady. 320. An act to amend chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, entitled "An act to authorize towns and villages to provide a sinking fund for the payment... | |
 | New York (State) - 1877 - 666 страница
...treasurer to report annually to the legislature the details of these several expenditures. CHAP. 129. AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, entitled "An act to authorize towns and villages to provide a sinking fund for the payment... | |
 | 1877 - 1022 страница
...Whereas, Chapter 397 of the Laws of 1893, entitled " An act to amend chapter 410 of -ii Laws of 1882, entitled ' An act to consolidate into one act and to declare the special and loo laws affecting public interests in the City of New York, ' " relating to the Department of Dodo,... | |
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