COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WAYNE N. ASPINALL, Colorado, Chairman JAMES A. HALEY, Florida ROBERT W. KASTENMEIER, Wisconsin JAMES KEE, West Virginia TENO RONCALIO, Wyoming NICK BEGICH, Alaska JAMES ABOUREZK, South Dakota JOHN P. SAYLOR, Pennsylvania, JOE SKUBITZ, Kansas SAM STEIGER, Arizona SIDNEY L. MCFARLAND, Staff Director and Chief Clerk LEWIS A. SIGLER, Counsel CHARLES LEPPERT, Jr., Minority Counsel JAMES A. HALEY ROY A. TAYLOR THOMAS S. FOLEY WILLIAM F. RYAN PATSY T. MINK LLOYD MEEDS BILL D. BURLISON TERRITORIAL AND INSULAR AFFAIRS ROBERT G. STEPHENS, JR. JOSEPH P. VIGORITO TENO RONCALIO NICK BEGICH NOTE. PHILLIP BURTON, Chairman DON H. CLAUSEN JAMES D. McKEVITT WILLIAM G. THOMAS, Consultant on Territorial and Insular Affairs The chairman, Hon. Wayne N. Aspinall, and the ranking minority member, Hon. John P. Saylor, are ex officio members of this subcommittee. (II) KF27 CONTENTS Erb, Richard L., president, Virgin Islands Hotel Association. Farrington Mrs. Elizabeth P., Director, Office of Territories, Depart- Department of State statement on Marianas secession.. Third Mariana Islands District Legislature, Resolution No. 12-1970_ Third Mariana Islands District Legislature, Resolution No. 30-1971_ Report of the Drafting Committee, United Nations Trusteeship Greenwald, Jon, attorney, to Hon. Hugh L. Carey, dated April 16, Halsted, David C., LO/UNP, Department of State, to Thomas_L. Whittington, staff assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary, De- partment of the Interior, dated May 26, 1971 (memorandum) Loesch, Hon. Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to Hon. Phillip Burton, dated May 11, 1971, response to inquiry of April 28. Loesch, Hon. Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to Hon. Phillip Burton, dated May 11, 1971, information on tax benefits and requirements for local hire of American Samoa Bulova Watch Loesch, Hon. Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to Hon. Phillip Burton, dated May 11, 1971, containing information regard- ing agreement between Harvey Alumina and the Virgin Islands Van Cleve, Mrs. Ruth G., Director, Office of Territories, Department of the Interior, to Hess Oil & Chemical Corp., Perth Amboy, N.J., Additional information: Agreement between the government of the Virgin Islands and the Harvey Alumina Virgin Islands, Inc., dated January 1, 1962____ Government of the Virgin Islands-Summary of selected data on grants of tax exemption and subsidy and subsidies paid by fiscal years (table)___ Hess Oil Co., Submerged Lands permit No. 3_. Amendment No. 1 to Submerged Lands Permit No. 3.. U.S. Department of the Interior, Öffice of Territories, major areas of BRIEFING SESSION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR ON TERRITORIAL PROBLEMS TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1971 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBCOMMITTEE ON TERRITORIAL AND INSULAR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS, Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:57 a.m., in room 1324, Longworth House Office Building, Hon. Phillip Burton (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Mr. BURTON. We will call the Subcommittee on Territorial and Insular Affairs meeting to order. We would like to welcome the Department of Interior representatives who are here today to brief the members of the subcommittee. We would like to welcome our distinguished chairman, Mr. Aspinall, and congratulate our distinguished colleague from Puerto Rico, Jorge Córdova, on his birthday. Thank you. Commissioner, would you care to brief us on some of the highlights of your personal career? It's been so long and you still look so young. Mr. CÓRDOVA. I note that we are considering among other things, the variety of types of status of different territories. My political career has been devoted almost entirely to the problem of status in Puerto Rico, and it is the reason I am here as the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, that I am in politics. It is a real issue in Puerto Rico, in spite of the fact that we have obtained, after a number of years, a considerable degree of autonomy, self-government, greater, certainly than any territory achieved on its way to statehood. I have been, before entering politics, a lawyer and, for a few years, a judge in Puerto Rico. I also dabbled in teaching law. It is a difficult thing to try to teach law and also practice it at the same time. Well, that about sums it up briefly and brings me up to date. Mr. BURTON. We are delighted to share this occasion with you. Mr. ASPINALL. May the record show that our colleague from Puerto Rico has never been content with the status quo. He has always been one to march forward. Mr. CÓRDOVA. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. You are quite correct. Mr. BURTON. Mr. Harrison Loesch, the Assistant Secretary of the Department of Interior. Mr. Loesch, would you and Mrs. Farrington come forward. Please proceed. (1) |