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interval from 20° to 40°, 3% for the interval 40° to 60°, and 2% from 60° to 80°. The order of accuracy to be expected in these thermal measurements is not so great as that in the compressibility determinations, therefore, but perhaps the accuracy is as great as could be expected when one considers the smallness of the quantities involved, and the difficulty of making such measurements at high pressures. At any rate the absolute value of the coefficient cannot be very much in error. This is made probable by the agreement with the known values at atmospheric pressure. The accuracy is at least high enough to enable us to expect a fairly good quantitative description of the various thermodynamic quantities under high pressure, even those most sensitive to error. The calculation seems to be worth while carrying through in some detail, because such calculations seem never to have been undertaken for any substance, even for the low pressure range up to 3000 kgm., which is the range over which compressibility determinations have been previously made.


The first necessity for a calculation of the various thermodynamic quantities is as accurate as possible a knowledge of the relation between pressure, temperature and volume over the entire pressuretemperature plane. It may be shown that this is sufficient to completely determine the thermodynamic behavior of the substance if in addition the behavior of the specific heat at constant pressure, for example, is known in its dependence on temperature at atmospheric pressure. This may be assumed to be known well enough for the present purpose. The first and the most important outcome of the present data is, therefore, the construction of a table giving pressure, volume, and temperature at sufficiently close intervals. In constructing this table the basis of computation was the compressibility as determined at 40°. This, together with the known value of the volume at 40° and atmospheric pressure, gave the volume as a function of the pressure down a line through the middle of the table at 40°. The values of the volume were tabulated for intervals of the pressure of 500 kgm., the values found graphically from smooth curves through the experimental points being so smoothed as to give smooth second differences. The values of the change of volume for intervals of 20° now were combined directly with these values to give the volume as a function of the pressure at 0°, 20°, 60°, and 80°. To find the intermediate values of the volume, smooth curves were drawn through

these five points at every constant pressure, and the intermediate values so chosen as to given smooth values for the second differences over the entire temperature range. The values for the points below zero, which are also given in the table, were taken directly from the previous work, the values for the dilatation found there being kept without modification, but the present value for the compressibility at 0° being used. The differences so introduced may be seen by comparison of the two tables to be only slight.

The table gives the volume to only four significant figures, since this is as many as the variations in the values of the compressibility would entitle one to, but in making the calculations of the thermal expansion it was necessary to keep three significant figures for the expansion, which would mean five figures in the table.

The thermal dilatation per degree rise of temperature was determined from the values used in the construction of the table for the differences of volume at 5° intervals by dividing by 5, and using the result as the thermal expansion at the mean temperature. The values of the total change of volume for five degree intervals had been smoothed so as to give smooth second differences, so that the dilatation as found in this way was smooth also with respect to the second differences, and could be used directly to give the second temperature derivative of the volume at constant pressure.

The difference of thermal dilatation at different temperatures can evidently be combined with the known compressibility at 40° to give the compressibility as a function of the temperature.

These several quantities so determined; the compressibility, the thermal expansion, and the second temperature derivative of the volume, in their dependence on temperature and pressure, are the basis of most of the calculations of the quantities of thermodynamic interest to be given presently. The accuracy of most of these quantites is not so high but that they can be shown as well in figures as in tables, and this manner of presenting them has been chosen as giving the most ready general survey of the facts.

The tables and figures follow. The results are given simply for themselves, without much comment, except to call attention to the unexpected features, or those properties which seem to be peculiarly characteristic of high pressures. It would not be safe to generalize from the behavior of this one liquid, abnormal at low pressures, to the general behavior to be expected for any liquid for high pressures and the bearing on a possible theory of liquids. Such a general treatment must be reserved for another paper, when the data for more liquids are in hand.




kgm. -20°, -15°, -10°, -5°,

5o, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, 35°, 40°, 45°, 50°, 55°, 60°, 65°, 70°, 75°, 80°.

[blocks in formation]

.8963 .8972

[blocks in formation]

.8766 .8774



[blocks in formation]

1.0017 1.0006 1.0000 0.9999 1.0001 1.0007 1.0016 1.0028 0.0041 1.0057 1.0076 1.0096 1.0118 1.0143 1.0168 1.0195 1.0224 1.0255 1.0287
.9795 .9778 .9771 .9778 .9786 .9796 .9808 .9821 .9837 .9854 .9873 .9894 .9916 .9940 .9965 .9992 1.0020 1.0049 1.0075
.9598 .9584 .9578 .9589 .9602 .9616 .9630 .9646 .9663 .9681 .9700 .9721 .9743 .9766 .9791 .9816 .9842 .9869 .9896
.9416 .9407 .9410 .9424
.9439 .9454 .9471 .9488 .9506 .9525 .9544 .9564 .9586 .9599
.9632 .9657
.9707 .9732
.9235 .9243 .9252 .9260 .9276
.9310 .9327 .9345 .9364 .9383 .9403 .9423 .9445 .9467 .9489 .9513 .9537 .9561 .9585
.9104 .9117 .9133 .9150 .9167 .9185 .9203
.9221 .9220 .9259 .9279 .9299 .9320 .9341 .9363 .9386
.9409 .9433
.8984 .8997 .9015 .9032 .9050 .9068 .9087 .9106 .9105 .9144 .9164 .9184
.9269 .9292 .9314
.9226 .9247
.8864 .8876 .8888 .8907 .8924 .8943 .8961 .8979 .8998
.8997 .9036 .9056 .9076 .9096 .9117 .9138 .9160 .9182
.8786 .8807 .8825 .8843 .8861 .8880 .8889 .8897 .8936 .8956 .8976 .8996 .9016 .9037 .9058 .9080
.8695 .8717 .8734 .8751 .8770 .8788 .8807 .8805 .8844 .8864 .8884 .8904 .8924 .8945 .8965 .8966
.8610 .8632 .8649 .8666 .8684 .8702 .8721 .8719 .8758 .8778 8798 .8818
.8838 .8858 .8879 .8899
.8537 .8554 .8569 .8585 .8603 .8621 .8640 .8639 .8678 .8698 .8718 .8737 .8757 .8777 .8798 .8818 .8838
.8464 .8480 .8494 .8509 .8527 .8545 .8564 .8654 .8603 .8623 .8643 .8662 .8682 .8702 .8722 .8742 .8762 .8781
.8409 .8423 .8438 .8454 .8473 .8492 .8493 .8532 .8552 .8572 .8591 .8611 .8631 .8650 .8670 .8689 .8709
.8370 .8386 .8404 .8424 .8425 .8465 .8485 .8505 8524 .8544 .8564 .8583 .8602 .8621 .8640
.8305 .8321 .8338
.8360 .8361 .8401 .8421 .8441 .8460 .8480 .8499
.8538 .8557 .8575
.8259 .8275 .8298 .8300 .8340 .8360 .8380 .8399 .8419 .8438 .8457 .8477 .8495 .8513
.8200 .8216 .8240 .8262 .8283 .8303 .8323 .8342 .8361
.8381 .8400 .8419 .8437 .8455
.8160 .8185 .8208 .8229 .8249 .8269 .8288 .8308 .8327 .8346 .8364 .8383 .8401
.8133 .8156 .8178 .8198 .8218 .8237
.8256 .8275
.8313 .8331
.8083 .8107 .8129 .8149 .8169 .3188 .8207 .8226 .8245 .8264 .8282 .8300
.8060 .8082 .8102 .8122 .8141 .8160 .8179 .8198 .8216 .8235 .8252
8036 .8056 .8076 .8095 .8114 .8133 .8152 .8170 .8188 .8206
.7991 .8011 8031 .8050 .8069 .8088 .8107
.8125 .8143
.7966 .7986 .8005 .8024
8043 8062 .8080 .8098
.7922 .7942 .7961 .7980 .7999 .8017 .8036






.9008 .9028







[blocks in formation]

In presenting the results, the quantities have been arranged in order of simplicity of the thermodynamic formulae, which is also the order of directness with which they are derived from the experimental data.

Volume, cm.3 per gm.




[blocks in formation]

FIGURE 3. Isothermal lines for water, showing volume against pressure.

In Table IV are given the values of the volume for intervals of pressure of 500 kgm., and intervals of temperature of 5°. The table does not require comment. It was computed in the way already described. The values of the volume at intervals of temperature of 20° are shown as a function of the pressure in Fig. 3. The figure does not show the results as accurately as the table, but enables one to form a clearer mental picture of the nature of the results. The curves, on the scale of the figure, do not show any abnormalities to the eye, except in the neighborhood of the origin, where the well known negative expansion at 0° results in the curves drawing together.

There are various abnormalities besides those in the neighborhood of 0°, however, as will be shown by the other figures.

With regard to the compressibility there seems to be some variance of usage, so that it will be well to call attention to the fact that the quantity used throughout this paper in the sense of compressibility is

[graphic][subsumed][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pressure, kgm. / cm.' x 10'

FIGURE 4 The isothermal compressibility of water, (3), against

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


Sometimes the expression expression ! (30),


is used in the

same sense. Figure 4 shows the compressibility, that is, the analytic as a function of the pressure at 0°, 20°, and 80°.

expression (ap);

It would have made the figure too crowded to have tried to show the values for 40° and 60° also. The complete values for the five standard temperatures are shown in Table V separately, however. The figure shows the well known abnormality in the compressibility at the low pressures, namely a higher compressibility at the lower than at the higher temperatures. This abnormality disappears above 50°, and from here on the compressibility increases with rising temperature. The figure shows that at 80° the initial compressibility is higher than

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