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curacy of Santa Maria del Valle; situate on the confines of the Panataguas Indians.

[PANAPA Island of the Orinoco. See Vol. III. p.491. of this Dictionary.]

PANAQUIRE, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela and Nuevo Reyno de Granada, founded in the seventeenth century for the greater convenience of commerce, after the establishment of the Guipuzcoanan com


PANATAGUAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the kingdom of Peru, inhabiting the country bounded n. and e. by the province of Guanuco. From them are descended many other nations of different names, some of them having been reduced to the faith by the missionaries of the order of San Francisco in 1631; and although they once rebelled, putting to death their priests and flying to the mountains, they again returned to their obedience, since they are of a pacific and docile disposition; and the first settlements which were made of them, have been ever since rapidly enlarging.

PANCHES, a province and corregimiento of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. Its length is 15 leagues from e. to w. and its width 12 from n. to s. of an hot temperature and rough and craggy territory, full of mountains and ravines. It is watered by several rivers, the largest and principal of which is the Bogatá. It is fertile in maize and vines, of which there are two gatherings yearly, although commercial regulations have prohibited the making of wine here. Here are, however, many sugar engines for the manufactory of sugar from the abundance of the canes.

Its natives, and from whom it takes its name, are the most strong, robust, and valorous of any in the kingdom; ferocious, of warlike appearance, and cannibals. They are at continual war with the Muzos, and did not marry the womeu of the same settlement, looking upon such as sisters: they adored the sun and moon, and although their number, with regard to other nations, was not large, they were so much feared by all, that the Zipas of Bogotá had a garrison of them in the settlements on the boundary of their jurisdiction. Their arms were bows and arrows and wooden clubs. The greater part of them, at the present day, live in the woods and mountains. This province was conquered by Captain Venegas Carrillo, after that it had been attempted in vain by other Spaniards; but they have frequently risen in their different settlements and committed shocking murders. The capital is Tocaima. PANCHIMILCO, SAN JUAN DE, a settle

ment of the head settlement of the district of Mazatepec, and alcaldía mayor of Cuernavaca, in Nueva España, on the shore of a river. It produces much maize, fruit, and cotton. Is five leagues from its head settlement, very close to the settlement of Tetelpa; and contains only 26 Indian families.

PANCICHA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Porco in Peru, on the shore of the river Pilcomayo.

PANCITARA, a settlement of the province and government of Popayan, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.

PANCRACE, S. a port of the n. coast of the river S. Lawrence in Canada, between the rivers S. Nicholas and English.

PANDABEQUES, a barbarous nation of Indians inhabiting the country of Las Amazonas, to the s. of the river Marañon or Amazons, and bounded by the Chingacuchuscas: reduced to the faith in 1652 by the missionaries of the Jesuits, who formed of them a settlement dependent upon that of Xiaweos, in the province of Muinas.

PANDIYACU, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Pasto in the kingdom of Quito.

[PANDO, a parish of the province and government of Buenos Ayres, situate on the small river of this name, near the sea-coast about 20 miles n. e. of Monte Video, in lat. 34° 41′ 18′′, lon. 55' 49′ 4′′.]

PANDO, a river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres in Peru, which runs s. and enters the Plata at its mouth, betwen the rivers Solis Chico and Monte Video.

PANDOMINE, a chain of mountains of the province and corregimiento of Loxa, in the kingdom of Quito, between the mountains ColaySacapy to the n. e. and Sosoranga to the s. w. It runs from n. w. to s. e. and unites itself with the chain of Pichinche.

PANDIERO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Sicasica, in Peru, eight leagues from its capital.

PANECILLO, a small mountain in the llanura of Callo, in the province and corregimiento of Latacunga, and kingdom of Quito to the n. It is thought to have been made by the Indians, and stands near the antient palace of the princes of this kingdom, to serve as a place of look-out, from whence the whole of the surrounding country may be viewed. It is 85 fathoms high, measured perpendicularly; is the figure of a very regular truncated cone'; and on the s. side it is washed by the river Callo; and may be well discovered by the height of Tio-pullu, and from the

llanura of Mula-haló, as you proceed along the river Alajes, in lat. 44 32 s.

PANECILLO, another, a small mountain of the same figure, and 100 Parisian toises high, near the city of Quito, and having at its skirts some houses of the suburbs. From its top may be

seen the llanuras of Turu-bamba to the s. and of Iñaquito Oñaquito to the n. The skirts of this mountain are cultivated and sown with wheat, and in it is a quarry, from whence stone is extracted in large pieces for the works of the city. It had formerly a subterraneous rout cut through it by order of the prince, the symptoms of which are still observable on the part by Chimba-calle. In this mount spring various streams of delicious water, towards the Dominican convent, the best of which is drank at Quito.

PANERIA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Pasto, in the kingdom of Quito, which runs e. and enters the Guames.

PANGOA, a river of the province and corre▾ gimiento of Caxamarquilla, in Peru.

PANGORA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Guanta in Peru. It rises in the province of Castro-Virreyna, runs e. then turns n. and returning to e. unites itself in a large stream with the river La Sal, and these together run into the Angoyaco.

PANGUE, a small river of the province and corregimiento of Maule, in the kingdom of Chile, which runs n. n. w, and enters the river Maule.

PANHANONS, a river of the province and colony of Pensylvania, in N. America, which runs n, then turns w. and enters the Ohio.

PANIAS, a tribe of Indians of the province and government of Louisiana, where the French have a fort. They live in a settlement, situate on the shore of the river Arkansas.

With these Indians, the idea of the possession of soil is similar to that of the Ottoes. They hunt on the s. side of the river Plate, higher up and on the head of the Kanzas. A great proportion of this country consists of open plains, interspersed however with groves of timber, which are most generally found in the vicinity of the water-courses. It is generally fertile and well watered; lies level, and free of stone. They have resided in the country which they now inhabit since they were known to the whites. Their trade is a valuable one, from the large proportion of beaver and otter which they furnish; and it may be expected yet to increase, as those animals are still abundant in their country. The periods of their residence at their village and hunting are similar to the Kanzas and Ösages,

Their population is increasing. They are friendly and hospitable to all white persons; pay great respect and deference to their traders, with whom they are punctual in the payment of their debts. They are, in all respects, a friendly, well-disposed people. They cultivate corn, beans, melons, &c.]

[PANIAS LOUPS, or WOLVES. These Indians are a branch of the Panias Proper, who separated themselves from that nation many years since, and established themselves on a n. branch of the river Plate, to which their name was given. These people have no idea of an exclusive right to any portion of country. They hunt on the Wolf river, above their village, and on the river Plate, above the mouth of that river. This country is very similar to that of the Panias Proper, though there is an extensive body of fertile well-timbered land between the Wolf river, below their village, and the river Corn de Cerf, or Elkhorn river They cultivate corn, beans, &c. The particulars related of the other Panias are also applicable to them. They are seldom visited by any trader, and therefore usually bring their furs and peltry to the village of the Panias Proper, where they traffic with the whites.]

[PANIAS PIQUE. These Indians have no intercourse with the inhabitants of the Illinois; the information, therefore, which we have been enabled to obtain, with respect to them, is very imperfect. They were formerly known by the name of the White Panias, and are of the same family with the Panias of the river Plate. They are said to be a well-disposed people, and inhabit a very fertile country; certain it is that they enjoy a delightful climate.]

[PANIAS REPUBLICANS, are a branch of Pania Proper, or, as they are frequently termed, the Big Paunch Indians. About ten years since they withdrew themselves from the mother-nation, and established a village on a large northwardly branch of the Kanzas, to which they have given name; they afterwards subdivided and lived in different parts of the country, on the waters of Kanzas river; but being harassed by their turbulent neighbours, the Kanzas, they have lately rejoined the Panias Proper What has been said with respect to the Panias Proper is applicable to these people, except that they hunt principally on the Republican river, which is better stocked with timber than that hunted by the Panias.]

PANICO, a settlement and alcaldía of the Portuguese, in the kingdom of Brazil, between the rivers Corixes and Tocantines, nearer the shore of the former than the second.

PANIMA, a settlement of the province and government of Louisiana on the shore of the river Arkansas, with a fort built by the French.

PANIMAHA, a settlement of the nation of the Bread Indians, in N. America, on the shore and at the source of the river Panis. In its vicinity are other settlements.

PANIMALIAS, a settlement of Indians of the same nation as the former, situate also on the shore of the river by the other small settlements. PANINDIQUARO, SAN ANDRES DE, a settlement of the head settlement of Puruandíro, and alcaldía mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacán; situate in a flat bottom, of a hot and moist temperature, and containing 32 families of Indians, who cultivate some wheat in its district; 18 leagues s. w. of Pasquaro.

PANIOVASAS, a settlement of Indians of the province and government of Louisiana, oh the shore of a small river which enters the Padoukas. PANIS, a settlement of Indians of the nation of this name, in the province and government of Louisiana in N. America, where the French had an establishment defended by a fort. It is surrounded with two small settlements on the shore of the river of its name.

PANIS, another settlement, in the same province, on the shore of the river Missouri, where also the French had a fort and establishment; and round about it are upwards of 40 small settlements of Indians.

[The Indian tribe mentioned in the two above settlements, are called by the French Panis, and by the Spaniards Towiaches; the latter is the proper Indian name. They live on the s. side of Red river, by the course of the river, upwards of 800 miles above Natchitoches; and by land, by the nearest path, it is estimated at about 340. They have, at present, two towns near together; the lower town, where their chief lives, is called Niteheta, the other is called Towaahach. They call their present chief the Great Bear. They are at war with the Spaniards, but friendly to those French and American hunters who have lately been among them. They are likewise at war with the Osages, as are every other nation. For many hundreds of miles round them the country is rich prairie, covered with luxuriant grass, which is green summer and winter, with skirts of wood on the river bank, by the springs and creeks.

They have many horses and mules. They raise more corn, pumpkins, beans, and tobacco, than they want for their own consumption; the


surplus they exchange with the Hietans for buffalo, rugs, horses, and mules. The pumpkin they cut round in its shreads, and when it is in a state of dryness, that it is so tough it will not break but bend, they plait and work it into large mats, in which state they sell it to the Hietans; who, as they travel, cut off and eat it as they want it. Their tobacco they manufacture and cut as fine as tea, which is put in leather bags of a certain size, and is likewise an article of trade. They have but few guns, and very little ammunition; what they have they keep for war, and hunt with the bow. Their meat is principally buffalo; seldom kill a deer, though they are so plentiful as to come into their villages, and about their houses, like a domestic animal. Elks, bears, wolves, antelopes, and wild hogs, are likewise plentiful in their country, and white rabbits, or hares, as well as the common rabbit: white bears sometimes come down amongst them, and wolves of various colours. The men generally go entirely naked, and the women nearly so, only wearing a small flap of a piece of a skin. They have a number of Spaniards among them, of fair complexion, taken from the settlement of Santa Fé, when they were children, who live as they do, and have no knowledge of the place from whence they came. Their language differs from that of any other nation, the Tawakenoes excepted. Their present number of men is estimated at about 400. A great number of them, about six years ago, were swept off by the smallpox.]

PANIS, a river of the territory in which the Indians of this name reside. It runs e. and enters the Missouri, in lat. 39° 44' n.

PANO, a river of the province and government of Quixos and Macas, in the kingdom of Quito, which runs e. and uniting itself with the Tena enters the Hollin, in lat. 58′s.

PANOJORIS, a barbarous nation of Indians, little known, who inhabit the country of Las Amazonas, between the rivers Tigre and Curaray; from these are descended the Semigals.

PANONKE, a lake of the province and colony of Sagadahook, formed from the river Penobscot, at its mid-course; on the confines of Nova Scotia, or Acadia.

PAÑOS, a barbarous and numerous nation of Indians of the province of Las Amazonas, dwelling in the woods near the river Ucayale to the e. bounded n. by the nation of the Cocamas, and s. by those of the Piros and Cunivos. They are ferocious, treacherous, and cruel: some were


reduced to a settlement in 1608; but they rose in 1723, and again retired to their native woods. [PANSE, DE LA, a branch of Wabash river, in the N. W. territory.]

PANTALEON, S. a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in N. America, of the country and territory of the Apaches Indians; on the shore of a river, between the settlements of Rosario and San Eugenio.

PANTALEON, another settlement, of the province and government of Buenos Ayres in Peru; situate on the shore and at the source of the river Las Conchas, and s. of the capital.

PANTALEON, a lake of the same province and government as the former settlement, near the shore of the river Saladillo.

PANTEPEC, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldía mayor of Guauchinango in Nueva España. It contains 470 families of Otomies and Totonacos Indians, and its territory is the most fertile of the whole jurisdiction; producing in abundance, cotton, chile, tobacco, sugar, wax, maize, French beans, and various fruits. In its district are five wards, and it is 22 leagues n. of its capital.

PANTEPEC, another settlement, of the province and alcaldía mayor of Los Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

PANTIPATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Abancay in Peru.

[PANTON, a township in Addison county, Vermont; situate on the e. side of lake Champlain, between Addison and Ferrisburg, and about 87 miles n. of Bennington. It contains 200 inhabitants.]

PANUAYA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Mexico in Nueva España, which rises in the mountains of the sierra Nevada, and runs to empty itself in the lake of Chalco.

PANUCO, a province and alcaldía mayor of Nueva España; bounded n. by the Nuevo Reyno de Leon, and by one part of the audience of Guadalaxara, e. by the gulf of Mexico, s. by the province of Tlaxcala and that of Mexico, and w. by the kingdom of Mechoacán. The tropic of Cancer traverses this province, so that it lies partly in the torrid, partly in the temperate zone; 55 leagues long, and nearly the same wide. The part bordering upon the province of Mexico is the best and most fertile, and abounding in provisions, and having some gold mines and several salt earths; but the other part, which is bounded by Leon, is miserable and barren. This country was one of the first discovered by

Hernan Cortés, but its conquest and settlement caused him infinite labours. It is rather fertile and pleasant than rich, and by no means populous.

PANUCO, the capital, situate on the shore of a river, from whence it takes its name: 39 miles from the sea, and 143 n. with a slight inclination to the e. of Mexico: founded by order of Hernan Cortés in 1520, with the title of San Estevan del Puerto. It contains about 500 families, and consists of some very neat houses of stone with roofs of palm leaves. The river is navigable for large vessels much above the city; but the port has at its entrance a bar, so as to impede the passage of the vessels from coming up a great disadvantage to its commerce. It is in lat. 22°48′ n. and long. 98° 52′ w.

PANUCO, a settlement and real of silver mines, of the alcaldía mayor of Fresnillo in Nueva España: of a small population, as being near to the city of Zacatecas, about three leagues distant.

PANUCO, another settlement, of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru; situate n. n. w. of the town of San Fernando.

PANUELO, QUADRADO, a large square sand-bank, having in the midst several small isles, some of which are called Los Abrojos, and on which many vessels have been lost. This bank is n. of cape Rojo of S. Domingo, and e. of Los Caicos.

PANUN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chancay in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Canchas.

PANZACOLA, a city and garrison of Florida, in the province of its name; situate in the bay of Santa Maria de Galve: founded by D. Andres de Aveiola, by order of the viceroy of Nueva España, the Count de Galve, in 1596.

It was formerly small, and is of a moderate temperature, the heat or cold never being excessive at the different seasons. The territory although sandy is fertile, and yields abundantly of whatsoever is sowed. It produces many wild fruits, such as bitter acorns, two kinds of walnuts, the one of which is very delicate, medlars and chesnuts, which have the appearance of nuts, and are of the same taste as the Spanish nuts, and vines which yield large grapes of a purple colour and somewhat sour.

In the forests are various sorts of wood, pine, sassafras, savines, and oaks; of animals, as deer, cebolos, bears, and also of fowl as large as the turkies of Europe.

In 1719 this city was taken by the French, but restored in the same year by Alfonso Carrascosa de la Torre, who constructed at the point of Sigüenza, one of those which form the entrance of the bay, a fort with the name of Principe de Asturias; but the French, commanded by Count de Chamelin, returned again to attack it with a naval force, against which Don Afonso Carrascosa, with very limited means, in vain made an intrepid defence, and it was eventually burnt and destroyed. In 1762 it was ceded to the English by the peace of Versailles, and in 1781 it was conquered and regained by the Spaniards under Count de Galves. Forty-five miles e. s. e. of Mobile, in lat. 30 33' n. and long. 78' 22 v.

PAO, CONCEPCION DE, a town of the province of Barcelona and government of Cumaná : founded in 1744 by some islanders of La Margarita and Trinidad, and other inhabitants of the Caracas who had their cattle and estates in this province; situate at the source of the river of its name, and in its district its inhabitants, who (of all classes, should amount to 636 souls) have 30 estates, consisting of some narrow glens planted with maize and yucas, also 19 farms of the larger cattle.

The soil is the richest and most fertile of the province, and the natives being very laborious, it is extremely well furnished with provisions; and its population, though small, instrumental to the guarding against invasion from the Ca, ribes Indians in the settlements of the missions of the Orinoco and llanos of San Juan. The geographer, Don Juan de la Cruz, places this city, in his map of S. America, in the province of Venezuela, to the s. of the city of Valencia: [but this is very erroneous, as it is situated 92 miles s. by w. of Barcelona, 82 n. w. of St. Tome, and 152 s.e. of Caracas, in lat. 8 43 n. and long, 65° 10 to.]

PAO, SAN JUAN BAUTISTA DEL, a city of the province and government of Venezuela. Its population is 5400 souls. It has a large trade in horses, mules, and horned cattle, and a vast quantity of cheese is made here. The air is wholesome. The river Pao runs to the e. of the city, its course is n. and s. It discharged itself formerly into the lake of Valencia, but by a revolution of nature it is now made to fall into the Apure, and thus contribute to swell the Orinoco. A canal might easily be cut from about the source of the Pao to join the Orinoco, which would be of vast benefit to commerce, inasmuch as the trade from Venezuela to Guayana would

not be liable to the interruption of enemies cruizers, and, in the event of an invasion of the latter province, it might receive early succour from the former. The city of Pao is in lat. 9 22 n. and long. 68 21' w. and lies 105 miles s. w. of Caracas.

PAO, a river of the former province and government of Barcelona, and known also by the name of Macuros. It is large and abundant, rises at the back of the serrania, to the s. of the table-land of Guanipa, runs s. e. and collects some streams by the s. w. Near its source dwell some barbarian Indians of the Ivarecipes and Peritos Indians. It abounds in small fish, and on its shores grows excellent cacao. The geographer Cruz is also wrong respecting the course of this river, when he gives its source in the province of Venezuela, and makes it enter the Portuguesa; the fact being that it runs into the Orinoco, 48 miles w. of St. Tome, and from whence it is navigable as far as the town of its name. Its mouth is on the n. shore of the Orinoco, in lat. 85 n.

PAO, another, a small river in this province, which rises in the country and territory of the Pandacotos Indians, between the rivers Paragua and Arvi, runs n. and turning at mid-course to w. enters the latter of those two rivers.

PAO, another, with the surname of Amarillo, in the province and captainship of Itamaraca in Brazil. It rises near the coast, runs e. and enters the sea between the Doce, or Dulce, and the town of La Concepcion and fort of Orange.

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PAOBONCA, an island of the river Paraná pane, in the province and captainship of Rio Janeiro in Brazil.

PAOS, a barbarous nation of Indians who dwell n. of the river Orinoco, and s. of the Apure. These barbarians are bounded w. by the Otomacos, and n. w. by the Iraruros. Their conversion was begun by the Jesuits in 1722.

[PAPAGAYO, a gulf on the n. Pacific ocean, and on the w. side of the isthmus of Nicaragua, a small distance from the w. parts of the lake of Nicaragua, and in about lat. 11 10 n.]

PAPAGAYOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile, n. of the town of Corocoto.

PAPAGAYOS, a bay, called also Puerto Silvestra, on the e. coast of the strait of Magellan, between cape Verde and cape S. Valentin.

PAPAGAYOSO, a settlement of the province and captainship of S. Vicente in Brazil, at the source of a small river which enters the Uruguay.

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