Amendment submitted to the people and adopted.....
Amendments proposed but not submitted to the people
2. Auditing county claims-paying claims over auditor's objection 77 3. Enactment of forest, fish and game regulations by state officers. 77
Amendments proposed but not submitted to the people
1. Employment of prisoners....
2. Allowing wages to prisoners - payment to dependents...
3. Restricting legislation as to cities municipal control of public utilities
5. Contracts of employment -workmen's compensation..
6. Forbidding sex discrimination...
7. Public service franchises...
Amendments proposed but not submitted to the people
1. Term of governor and lieutenant-governor...
2. Terms and salaries of members of legislature, governor and lieutenant-governor-short ballot
Amendments proposed but not submitted to the people
1. Biennial sessions of legislature - terms and apportionment of legislators..
2. Biennial sessions of legislature - United States deposit fund..
3. Biennial sessions of legislature - terms and salaries of legislators appropriations-apportionment.
Amendment submitted to the people but rejected
1. Salary of governor....
Amendments proposed but not submitted to the people
3. Terms and salaries of members of legislature, governor and lieutenant-governor-short ballot