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Article III, § 3

65 Fourth street, the Bowery and Third avenue, Fourteenth 66 street, Sixth avenue, West Fifteenth street, Seventh avenue, 67 West Nineteenth street, Eighth avenue, West Twentieth 68 street, and the Hudson river, to the place of beginning. 69 District number fourteen (14) shall consist of that part of 70 the county of New York lying north of districts numbers 71 twelve and thirteen, and within and bounded by a line begin72 ning at East Fourteenth street and the East river, and run73 ning thence along East Fourteenth street, Irving place, East 74 Nineteenth street, Third avenue, East Twenty-third street, 75 Lexington avenue, East Fifty-third street, Third avenue, 76 East Fifty-second street, and the East river, to the place 77 of beginning.


District number fifteen (15) shall consist of that part of 79 the county of New York lying north of district number 80 thirteen, and within and bounded by a line beginning at 81 the junction of West Fourteenth street and Sixth avenue, 82 and running thence along Sixth avenue, West Fifteenth 83 street, Seventh avenue, West Fortieth street, Eighth avenue, 84 and the transverse road across Central park at Ninety85 seventh street, Fifth avenue, East Ninety-sixth street, Lex86 ington avenue, East Twenty-third street, Third avenue, East 87 Nineteenth street, Irving place and Fourteenth street, to 88 the place of beginning.


District number sixteen (16) shall consist of that part of 90 the county of New York lying north of district number thir91 teen, and within and bounded by a line beginning at Seventh 92 avenue and West Nineteenth street, and running thence 93 along West Nineteenth street, Eighth avenue, West Twen94 tieth street, the Hudson river, West Forty-sixth street, Tenth 95 avenue, West Forty-third street, Eighth avenue, West For96 tieth street and Seventh avenue, to the place of beginning. 97 District number seventeen (17) shall consist of that part 98 of the county of New York lying north of district number 99 sixteen, and within and bounded by a line beginning at the 100 junction of Eighth avenue and West Forty-third street, and 101 running thence along West Forty-third street, Tenth avenue, 102 West Forty-sixth street, the Hudson river, West Eighty103 ninth street, Tenth or Amsterdam avenue, West Eighty104 sixth street, Ninth or Columbus avenue, West Eighty-first 105 street and Eighth avenue, to the place of beginning.

Article III, § 3

106 District number eighteen (18) shall consist of that part of 107 the county of New York lying north of district number four108 teen, and within and bounded by a line beginning at the 109 junction of East Fifty-second street and the East river, and 110 running thence along East Fifty-second street, Third avenue, 111 East Fifty third street, Lexington avenue, East Eighty 112 fourth street, Second avenue, East Eighty third street and 113 the East river, to the place of beginning; and also Black114 well's island.

115 District number nineteen (19) shall consist of that part 116 of the county of New York lying north of district number 117 seventeen, and within and bounded by a line beginning at 118 West Eighty-ninth street and the Hudson river, and running 119 thence along the Hudson river and Spuyten Duyvil creek 120 around the northern end of Manhattan island; thence south121 erly along the Harlem river to the north end of Fifth ave122 nue; thence along Fifth avenue, East One Hundred and 123 Twenty-ninth street, Fourth or Park avenue, East One 124 Hundred and Tenth street, Fifth avenue, the transverse road 125 across Central park at Ninety-seventh street, Eighth avenue, 126 West Eighty-first street, Ninth or Columbus avenue, West 127 Eighty sixth street, Tenth or Amsterdam avenue and West 128 Eighty-ninth street, to the place of beginning.

129 District number twenty (20) shall consist of that part of 130 the county of New York lying north of districts numbers 131 eighteen and fifteen, and within and bounded by a line be132 ginning at East Eighty-third street and the East river, run133 ning thence through East Eighty-third street, Second ave134 nue, East Eighty-fourth street, Lexington avenue, East 135 Ninety-sixth street, Fifth avenue, East One Hundred and 136 Tenth street, Fourth or Park avenue, East One Hundred 137 and Nineteenth street to the Harlem river, and along the 138 Harlem and East rivers to the place of *begining; and also 139 Randall's island and Ward's island.

140 All of the above districts in the county of New York 141 bounded upon or along the boundary waters of the county, 142 shall be deemed to extend to the county line.


District number twenty one (21) shall consist of that part 144 of the county of New York lying north of districts numbers

So in original.

Article III, § 3

145 nineteen and twenty, within and bounded by a line begin146 ning at East One Hundred and Nineteenth street and the 147 Harlem river, and running thence along East One Hundred 148 and Nineteenth street, Fourth or Park avenue, One Hundred 149 and Twenty-ninth street, Fifth avenue and the Harlem 150 river, to the place of beginning; and all that part of the 151 county of New York not hereinbefore described.



District number twenty-two (22) shall consist of the county of Westchester.

154 District number twenty-three (23) shall consist of the 155 counties of Orange and Rockland.

156 District number twenty-four (24) shall consist of the counties of Dutchess, Columbia and Putnam.











District number twenty-five (25) shall consist of the counties of Ulster and Greene.

District number twenty-six (26) shall consist of the counties of Delaware, Chenango and Sullivan.

District number twenty-seven (27) shall consist of the counties of Montgomery, Fulton, Hamilton and Schoharie. District number twenty-eight (28) shall consist of the counties of Saratoga, Schenectady and Washington.

District number twenty-nine (29) shall consist of the 167 county of Albany.


District number thirty (30) shall consist of the county of 169 Rensselaer.






District number thirty-one (31) shall consist of the counties of Clinton, Essex and Warren.

District number thirty-two (32) shall consist of the counties of St. Lawrence and Franklin.

District number thirty-three (33) shall consist of the 175 counties of Otsego and Herkimer.


District number thirty-four (34) shall consist of the 177 county of Oneida.




District number thirty-five (35) shall consist of the counties of Jefferson and Lewis.

District number thirty-six (36) shall consist of the county 181 of Onondaga.


District number thirty-seven (37) shall consist of the 183 counties of Oswego and Madison.






Article III, § 3

District number thirty-eight (38) shall consist of the counties of Broome, Cortland and Tioga.

District number thirty-nine (39) shall consist of the counties of Cayuga and Seneca.

District number forty (40) shall consist of the counties of 189 Chemung, Tompkins and Schuyler.






District number forty-one (41) shall consist of the counties of Steuben and Yates.

District number forty-two (42) shall consist of the counties of Ontario and Wayne.

District number forty three (43) shall consist of that part 195 of the county of Monroe comprising the towns of Brighton, 196 Henrietta, Irondequoit, Mendon, Penfield, Perinton, Pitts197 ford, Rush and Webster, and the fourth, sixth, seventh, 198 eighth, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, sixteenth, seven199 teenth and eighteenth wards of the city of Rochester, as at 200 present constituted.


District number forty-four (44) shall consist of that part 202 of the county of Monroe comprising the towns of Chili, 203 Clarkson, Gates, Greece, Hamlin, Ogden, Parma, Riga, 204 Sweden and Wheatland, and the first, second, third, fifth, 205 ninth, tenth, eleventh, fifteenth, nineteenth and twentieth 206 wards of the city of Rochester, as at present constituted. 207

District number forty-five (45) shall consist of the 208 counties of Niagara, Genesee and Orleans.

209 District number forty-six (46) shall consist of the 210 counties of Allegany, Livingston and Wyoming.

211 District number forty-seven (47) shall consist of that 212 part of the county of Erie comprising the first, second, 213 third, sixth, fifteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, 214 twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards of 215 the city of Buffalo, as at present constituted.

216 District number forty-eight (48) shall consist of that part 217 of the county of Erie comprising the fourth, fifth, seventh, 218 eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, four219 teenth and sixteenth wards of the city of Buffalo, as at 220 present constituted.

221 District number forty-nine (49) shall consist of that part 222 of the county of Erie comprising the seventeenth, eigh223 teenth and twenty-fifth wards of the city of Buffalo, as at



Article III, § 4

224 present constituted; and all the remainder of the said 225 county of Erie not hereinbefore described.

226 District number fifty (50) shall consist of the counties of 227 Chautauqua and Cattaraugus.


Const. 1777, Art. XII; amended in 1801, Art. III; amended, Const. 1821, Art. I, § 5; amended, Const. 1846, Art. III, § 3; amended, Const 1894, Art. III, § 3.

Lincoln's Constitutional History

For an exhaustive historical and statistical statement (including
tables of population and apportionments) of the senate appor-
tionments in this state from 1777 to 1905, consult the following

Under the first Constitution, 1777, III:168-175; IV:341–342.
Under the second Constitution, 1821, III:175–181; IV :342.
Under the third Constitution, 1846, III:181-192; IV :342.
The apportionment of 1892, III:192–204.

The apportionment of 1894, III:204-230; IV :342–344.

References to constitutional conventions.

1777. I:517–522. 1821. I:638–639. 1846. II:127. 1867. II: 317-319. 1894. III:206-229; IV:342–345.

Debates of constitutional conventions

1821. 418-419 (Oct. 13), 428-430 (Oct. 15), 466-478 (Oct. 18), 559-560 (Oct. 29).

1846. 419-422 (July 24), 430-431 (July 27), 458-461 (July 29), 465-468 (July 30).

1867. I:675-699, 702-716, 748-749, 758-789; II:819-848, 869-873: V:3586-3588, 3678-3682, 3866-3867.

1894. III:343–348 (III:1467-1471); III:987-1215 (IV:1830-1964); III:1223-1242 (IV:1969-1979); IV:6-37 (IV:1982–1999); IV: 48-56 (IV:2004–2009); IV:78-96 ( (V :2021–2030); IV:644-694 (V:2325-2354).

Texts of proposed amendments



In the constitutional convention of 1894: see Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Overtures Nos. 132, 219 (Int. 217), 229 (Int. 227), 292 (Int. 288), 359 (Int. 350), 404-454 (Int. 376).4a

In the legislature, 1894-1914: see Part II, post, p. 54.

§ 4. An enumeration of the inhabitants of the State shall be taken under the direction of the Secretary of State, dur3 ing the months of May and June, in the year one thousand

4 For the text of the constitutional amendment of 1801, see Lincoln's Constitutional History, I:190.

4a This overture was adopted by the convention and accordingly became a part of the Constitution.

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