Article VII, § 7 erty of the state used and the services of the state rendered, which shall be fixed for terms of not exceeding ten years and be readjustable at the end of any term. Unsanitary conditions shall not be created or continued by any such public works. A violation of any of the provisions of this section may be restrained at the suit of the people or, with consent of the supreme court in appellate division, on notice to the attorney-general at the suit of any citizen. 1911. S. No. 1930 (Int. 1068). To Sec. of State. AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE BUT REJECTED 1. Lease, exchange and sale of state land in forest preserve § 7. The lands of the State, now owned or hereafter acquired, constituting the Forest Preserve as now fixed by law, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. Except as authorized by this section, they [They] shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, [or] to be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed. The Legislature may authorize the leasing for such term as it may by law fix of a parcel of not more than five acres of land in the Forest Preserve to any one person, for camp and cottage purposes. The Legislature may also authorize the exchange of lands owned by the State, situate outside the Forest Preserve, for lands not owned by the State, situate within the Forest Preserve. The Legislature may also authorize the sale of lands belonging to the State, situate outside the Forest Preserve, but the money so obtained shall not be used except for the purchase of lands situate within the Forest Preserve, and which, when so purchased, shall become a part of the Forest Preserve. 1895. S. No. 628 (Int. 320). To Sec. of State. S. J. 207, 335, 357, 423, 475, 600, 642, 1032. 1896. S. No. 970 (Int. 788). To Sec. of State. A. J. 3499, 3741. Rejected Nov. 3, 1896. Vote: for, 321,486; against, 710,505. Article VII, § 7 AMENDMENTS PROPOSED BUT NOT SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE 1. Use of forest preserve for water storage § 7. The lands of the state now owned or hereafter acquired constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law excepting such lands as the legislature shall provide by law shall necessarily be used for the storage of water for public purposes and the construction of dams therefor, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. They shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, or be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed. 1906. S. No. 1287 (Int. 942). (Same as A. No. 2255.) To Sec. of State. S. J. 1148, 1533, 1595, 1670, 1931. § 7. (Proposal to add the following:) except that the legislature may authorize by law the use of such lands situated outside of the limits of the Adirondack park and of the Catskill park, as such parks are now fixed and established by law, for building dams, reservoirs and appurtenances, for the storage of water outside of said parks, for public purposes, after causing the removal of all timber embraced thereby; and such dams, reservoirs and appurtenances, with the power developed therefrom, shall be owned and controlled by the state, and the waters and the use of the waters, and the power, developed therefrom, may be sold or leased for value, by the state, for the benefit of the people of the state. A violation of this section may be restrained at the suit of the people, or with the consent of the supreme court on notice to the attorney-general, at the suit of any citizen of the state. 1908. S. No. 1070 (Int. 818). (Same as A. No. 2069.) To A. S. J. 685, 813, 880, 993. A. J. 2125. A. No. 2069 (Int. 1474). (Same as S. No. 1070.) A. J. 1619. § 7. (Proposal to add the following:) The provisions of this section may be modified as provided in chapter of the laws Article VII, § 7 of nineteen hundred and ten as to the use of state lands for water storage, but in no other respect whatever. 1910. S. No. 919 (Int. 826). (Same as A. No. 1745.) S. J. 520. A. No. 1745 (Int. 1330). (Same as S. No. 919.) § 7. (Proposal to add the following:) But the legislature may provide by general laws for the construction and maintenance of reservoirs under state control on such lands whenever the storage of water is necessary for municipal water supply, for the canals of the state or to regulate the flow of streams. No reservoir shall be erected under any such law until after the ap pellate division of the supreme court for the department in which it is to be located shall after a hearing adjudge the use of state land therefor necessary for the public welfare. The people and, with the consent of the court, private persons may come in as parties to the proceeding and the court may impose such condi tions as in its judgment the public interest requires. The judgment may be reviewed by the court of appeals. If rights or property of the state be taken or used for any such improvement other than for the canals, the value thereof or of their use shall be a charge upon the property or municipality directly benefited · and must be paid into the state treasury in gross or by annual fixed charge as shall be provided by law. The expense of any such improvement to regulate the flow of streams shall so far as it improves private property be borne by such property to the extent of the benefits received. Unsanitary conditions shall not be created or continued by any such reservoir. A violation of this section may be restrained at the suit of the people or with the consent of the supreme court in appellate division on notice to the attorney-general at the suit of a citizen. 1910. A. No. 829 (Int. 730). To S. Amended, S. No. 1529. To Sec. of State. A. J. 404, 1271, 1473, 1507, 1627, 1780, 1857, 3250. S. J. 903, 1127, 1227, 1383, 1535, 1642, 1709, 1755, 1756. 1911. S. No. 796 (Int. 723). (Same as A. No. 2323.) S. J. 406. A. No. 2323 (Int. 1039). 2. Sale of lands in forest preserve (Same as S. No. 796.) § 7. The lands of the state, now owned or hereafter acquired, constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law, shall be for Article VII, § 7 ever kept as wild forest lands, except as hereinafter provided. They shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, or be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed. The legislature may authorize the sale of lands outside of the limits of the Adirondack park and the Catskill park as such parks are now established by law. The proceeds of such sales shall be set apart in a separate fund and used only for the purchase of lands in such parks. 1907. S. No. 1035 (Int. 834). To A. Amended, A. No. 2758. S. J. 654, 1093, 1136, 1165. A. J. 2421, 2566, 2570, 3019, 3069, 3288, 3331. § 7. (Proposal to add the following:) But the state conservation commission may, with the approval of the governor, sell and convey isolated parcels of land now owned or hereafter acquired by the state which may be required for any other state purpose or by any municipality of the state for public use, provided that such isolated parcels are situated wholly outside the boundaries of the Adirondack and Catskill parks as now defined by law, and the proceeds from lands so sold and conveyed shall only be used by the state in acquiring lands situated wholly within the boundaries of said Adirondack and Catskill parks. 3. Use of forest preserve lands for water storage, hydro-electric development and state highways— sale and lease of lands—removal of dead and down timber 87. [The] Except as in this section hereinafter provided, the lands of the state, now owned or hereafter acquired [] constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law[] shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. They shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, or be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed. The foregoing provisions of this section shall not prevent the use of lands in the forest preserve, or the timber thereon, for the following purposes: 1. Lands in the forest preserve may be used for the storage of water and the development of water power and the transmission of electric current under state control, and for that purpose the legis Article VII, §7 lature may authorize the use of land for the erection and maintenance of dams, the impounding of water and all other improvements thereon necessary and incidental to such purposes, provided, however, that the quantity of land so used shall never exceed three per centum of the total area of the forest preserve. 2. Lands in the forest preserve may be used for the construction of highways by and at the expense of the state. 3. The forest, fish and game commissioner, with the approval of the governor, may lease for periods not longer than ten years sites of not more than five acres each for camps within the forest preserve. 4. The forest, fish and game commissioner may remove and dispose of dead and down timber in the forest preserve. 5. The forest, fish and game commissioner may, with the approval of the governor, sell and convey lands now owned or hereafter acquired by the state, which are situated wholly outside the boundaries of the Adirondack and Catskill parks, as now defined by law, and the proceeds from lands so sold and conveyed shall only be used by the state in acquiring lands situated wholly within the boundaries of said parks. 1910. S. No. 439 (Int. 423). S. J. 192. 4. Cutting of timber, construction of highways and lease and sale of lands within forest preserve 87. The lands of the state now owned or hereafter acquired, constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. Except as authorized by this article, they [They] shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, or be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed. The foregoing provisions shall not be construed to forbid the cutting of timber, according to a system of scientific forestry and under such rules and regulations as the commission having charge of the forest preserve may adopt, nor to forbid the laying out of roads along such routes as may be approved by said commission, or the control of the use of such roads by it. But no steam railroads shall be constructed or operated upon state lands in said forest preserve. The prohibition to lease herein contained shall not apply to camp sites, but no camp site shall exceed two acres in extent. Not |