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The Secretary - Mr. Mandeville.

Mr. Mandeville - No.

The Secretary Mr. Mann.

Mr. Mann - No.

The Secretary - Mr. F. Martin.

Mr. F. Martin - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. L. M. Martin.

Mr. L. M. Martin - No.

The Secretary - Mr. Marshall.

Mr. Marshall No.

The Secretary - Mr. Mathewson.

Mr. Mathewson - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Mealey.

(No response.)

The Secretary - Mr. Meigs.

Mr. Meigs - No.

The Secretary- Mr. Mereness.

Mr. Mereness - No.

The Secretary - Mr. Mulry.

Mr. Mulry - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Newburger.

Mr. Newburger - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. C. Nicoll.

Mr. C. Nicoll Aye.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The Secretary - Mr. O'Connor.

Mr. O'Connor - Aye.

The Secretary- Mr. Olcott.

Mr. Olcott - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Ostrander.

Mr. Ostrander No.

The Secretary - Mr. Owen.

Mr. Owen - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Parker.

Mr. Parker Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Parmenter.

Mr. Parmenter - No.

The Secretary - Mr. Parsons.

Mr. Parsons Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Pelletreau.

Mr. Pelletreau No.

The Secretary - Mr. J. S. Phillips.

Mr. J. S. Phillips - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. S. K. Phillips.

Mr. S. K. Phillips - No.

The Secretary - Mr. Potter.

(No response.)

The Secretary - Mr. Quigg.

Mr. Quigg - No.

The Secretary - Mr. Reeves.

Mr. Reeves - Aye.

The Secretary Mr. Rhees.

Mr. Rhees No.

The Secretary - Mr. Richards.

Mr. Richards - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Rodenbeck.

Mr. Rodenbeck Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Rosch.

Mr. Rosch Aye.

The Secretary- Mr. Ryan.

Mr. Ryan - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Sanders.

Mr. Sanders - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Sargent.

Mr. Sargent - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. J. G. Saxe.

Mr. J. G. Saxe - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. M. Saxe.

Mr. M. Saxe - Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. Schoonhut.

Mr. Schoonhut - Aye.


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Mr. Angell - I desire to make a little explanation. I was called out of the Chamber just before the roll was called, and came in just as it begun, and I was under a misapprehension as to the proposition we were voting on. I desire to change my vote, and vote no, for the reason stated by Judge Heaton.

Mr. J. G. Saxe - Mr. President, I ask for the call of absentees.

The President - The call of absentees is asked for.

The Secretary - Mr. V. M. Allen, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Betts.

Mr. Betts - No.

The Secretary - Mr. Burkan.

Mr. Burkan - No.

The Secretary - Mr. Curran, Mr. Eggleston, Mr. Foley, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Harawitz, Mr. Heyman, Mr. Leitner, Mr. McLean, Mr. Mealy, Mr. Potter, Mr. Shipman.

Mr. Shipman -Aye.

The Secretary - Mr. T. F. Smith, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Wagner, Mr. R. E. Weber, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. J. J. White.

Mr. Burkan - Mr. President, I voted inadvertently, under a misapprehension, and I should have voted yes instead of no. I should like to change my vote to yes.

The President - It will so be recorded.

The Secretary - Those supposed to have voted in the affirmative are:

Mr. Adams, Mr. Ahearn, Mr. Aiken, Mr. Austin, Mr. Bannister, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Baumes, Mr. Bayes, Mr. Beach, Mr. Bell, Mr. Bernstein, Mr. Blauvelt, Mr. Bockes, Mr. Brenner, Mr. Bunce, Mr. Burkan, Mr. Buxbaum, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Clearwater, Mr. Clinton, Mr. Cobb, Mr. Coles, Mr. Dahm, Mr. Daly, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Dick, Mr. Donnelly, Mr. Donovan, Mr. Dooling, Mr. Doughty, Mr. Dow, Mr. Drummond, Mr. Dykman, Mr. Eisner, Mr. Endres, Mr. Eppig, Mr. Fobes, Mr. Fogarty, Mr. Franchot, Mr. Frank, Mr. Gladding, Mr. Green, Mr. Greff, Mr. Haffen, Mr. Hinman, Mr. Kirk, Mr. Landreth, Mr. Latson, Mr. Law, Mr. Leary, Mr. Leggett, Mr. Lennox, Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Linde, Mr. Lindsay, Mr. Low, Mr. McKinney, Mr. F. Martin, Mr. Mathewson, Mr. Mulry, Mr. Newberger, Mr. C. Nicoll, Mr. D. Nicoll, Mr. Nye, Mr. J. L. O'Brian, Mr. M. J. O'Brien, Mr. O'Connor, Mr. Olcott, Mr. Owen, Mr. Parker, Mr. Parsons, Mr. J. S. Phillips, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Richards, Mr. Rodenbeck, Mr. Rosch, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Sargent, Mr. J. G. Saxe, Mr. M. Saxe, Mr. Schoonhut, Mr. Sears, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Shipman, Mr. Slevin, Mr. A. E. Smith, Mr. R. B. Smith, Mr. Stanchfield, Mr. Standart, Mr. Stimson, Mr. Stowell, Mr. Tierney, Mr. Tuck, Mr. Unger, Mr. Vanderlyn, Mr. Van Ness, Mr. Wafer, Mr. Ward, Mr. Waterman, Mr. C. A. Webber, Mr. Weed, Mr. Westwood, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. C. J. White, Mr. Wickersham, Mr. Wiggins, Mr. Williams, Mr. Winslow.

Those supposed to have voted in the negative:

Mr. F. C. Allen, Mr. Angell, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Berri, Mr. Betts, Mr. Brackett, Mr. Cullinan, Mr. Deyo, Mr. Dunlap, Mr. Dunmore, Mr. Fancher, Mr. Ford, Mr. Hale, Mr. Heaton, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kirby, Mr. McKean, Mr. Mandeville, Mr. Mann, Mr. L. M. Martin, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Meigs, Mr. Mereness, Mr. Nixon, Mr. Ostrander, Mr. Parmenter, Mr. Pelletreau, Mr. S. K. Phillips, Mr. Quigg, Mr. Rhees, Mr. Ryder, Mr. Schurman, Mr. E. N. Smith, Mr. Steinbrink, Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Wood, Mr. C. H. Young, and Mr.


Mr. Fancher - Mr. President, may I ask if the vote shows I voted no? The Secretary Yes.

Mr. Fancher - That is right.

The President - The Secretary reports the vote upon the adoption of this amendment: Affirmative 110, negative 39; so as the amendment has received the affirmative vote of the majority of all the members elected to this Convention it is adopted.

Gentlemen, the Chairman of the Committee on Revision called the attention of the Chair to the existence of some surplus matter in the amendments which we have already adopted this morning, No. 819, relating to the Legislature's convening on its own motion, the first amendment adopted this morning. That amendment contains a new section, and then proceeds: "Section 4 of Article IV of the Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows: " The Convention the other day struck out from that amended Section 4 all the amendments, so that it is left in exactly the words of the present Section 4 of the Constitution, and the words "Section 4 of Article IV of the

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