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effect, go into the U.N. and give them hell, and if they try to gang up on us, gang right back. Finally, there are those who say, the world has changed, the United States is no longer "an island entire of itself;" it is now part of a global community, whether we Americans like it or not, dependent and interdependent. Our responsibility, therefore, is to help fashion a new civilized society from new conditions.

It is to be hoped that the would-be resigners and the shouters back are in the minority. There were too many of them, to no avail, during the cold war to anticipate a repetition with equanimity. Since the United States has decided that the better part of international wisdom is détente with the Soviet Union, it could be valuable also to reach a détente with the third world. If we were to lower our voices to a dialog it ought to be possible to adjust the new economic order espoused. by the developing nations so that the United States could participate in a constructive consensus, rather than developing a reputation as an isolated nay sayer to the world's poor.


If you gentlemen in Washington reach the conclusion that understanding adjustment is more conducive to international harmony than rhetorical confrontation in the interest of the United States, it would seem to follow that American representatives in international parleys. should be selected for their status and ability to confirm this image, Men and women-I say hopefully-who are chosen for the United Nations should be of rank at least comparable to that of their peers. from other nations. For instance, the Soviet Union's U.N. permanent representative at the United Nations, Yakov Malik, is a Deputy Foreign Minister and the delegate Moscow sent to the UNESCO executive meeting to engineer the decisions that caused so much anger in this. country was none other than the widely experienced Ambassador Valerian Zorin.

Furthermore, at least the head of the American delegation should beassured some tenure in the interest of self-confidence and standing among other delegates. Although the American ambassador is supposed to serve at the pleasure of the President, the sudden firing of this person, sometimes without prior notice, scarcely enhances the prestige or influence of the delegation as well as the United States. Furthermore, since there are 137 other ambassadors at the United Nations. whose cultivation is essentail to good international relations, Congress should increase the American representative's entertainment allowance so that a highly qualified person does not have to weigh personal resources as a condition for taking the post.

Of course, the United Nations is not perfect. Nor is the U.S. Government, or the Members of Congress would have little to do. Both are subject to human frailties. Since there is no thought of discarding. democracy for another system because it is flawed, why should a United Nations be judged by harsher standards when it is designed in a democratic pattern which may not be understood by some of its mem-bers? The best American talent and most dedicated persons should be enlisted to help improve the U.N., if our aim is really peace.


Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, in summary, my vision of the United States and the United Nations prompts these suggestions.

That the United States accept its role as a regular member of the family of nations instead of its domineering parent.

That the United States join in building an effective international peacekeeping force to reduce the use of national war power as an instrument of national policy, inasmuch as the security of one nation now requires the security of all.

That the United States recognize that the causes of international violence are found in economic decay, social injustice, and political unrest, and offer its full cooperation to work with other nations to eradicate these conditions.

That the United States select only its most qualified and outstanding citizens to represent it in international gatherings and organizations. That the United States spend more money and resources in the search for peace for the human race while reducing its commitment to the arms race.

An American statesman, Adlai Stevenson, once said:

The United Nations is not and must never be a weapon for the United States. It is a genuine international organization which can only really be effective if it is not dominated by us. The danger exists that those who are afraid and lack assurance would like to avoid the free exchange of conflicting ideas, of concepts and of terminology, particularly if from time to time matters do not go just as we might wish. However, it is we who evolve best in this free forum because it is our natural habitat, and if we have the courage to go ahead and the boldness to stand the test of an open society, if we have the courage to build, even something which is not perfect from our point of view, I can foresee only a more significant dialogue, a progressive lessening of tension and, finally the predominance of a better set of ideas.

It has been said that some Americans fear the inability of their country to make peace more than its ability to make war. I dare to hope that there is no less talent in this Nation for dealing with the human problems confronting us all than there is in any other nation. I only suggest that we summon up the courage to try it.

Senator SPARKMAN. Thank you very much, Miss Frederick. That is, I think, a very fine statement. We are delighted to have it.

Now we will open questioning to the panel, with the 10-minute rule to be observed.

I am sorry, I am going to have to leave. I have a commitment I have to keep, and for that reason I will not be able to stay here for the questioning. But I know that it will be good and helpful to all of us. Senator Humphrey, would you take over and preside?

Senator HUMPHREY [presiding]. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, I will. Let me join in the commendation which has been given to Miss Frederick by Senator Sparkman. It is a powerful statement, and one that is much needed. And I hope that it is listened to and read in other places than just here.


The five recommendations that you made in the summation, are recommendations that I fully subscribe to as an individual, personally, and as a Senator. I think they are very sound and desperately needed part of the policy of our Government. Let me quickly say that during the time that I had the privilege of serving in the Cabinet, we had two Ambassadors to the United Nations; Adlai Stevenson and Arthur Goldberg. I thought that both of them were gifted and talented men and represented the best in American quality and talent. The real problem is that the Ambassador to the United Nations is sort of set off up there by himself, and that the State Department and, indeed, the President look upon that office as an appendage, rather than an integral part of the total foreign policy and national security policy of our country. I watched two distinguished Ambassadors trying to get the attention of the more powerful figures within the Government.


I did go to the United Nations as the Vice President to ask U Thant to remain on behalf of the Government of the United States at a time when he was uncertain as to whether he wanted to. There were, later on, differences that grew out of the war. I have a feeling that as our difficulties in the war increased, our onus from the United Nations became even more obvious. The unwillingness to work through the U.N. at that time was always perplexing to me. The excuse was that if you did it, you would precipitate confrontation with the Soviet Union. I never felt there was a great deal of validity to that particular proposition.


Now more specifically, let me say that I have handled the foreign assistance bill on the floor of the Senate for 3 years running, in which the authorizations for the United Nations are included. Our foreign assistance bill includes not only the bilateral assistance, but also multilateral assistance. I want to say to this panel that you have a lot of work to do out in the public. I have to work at it. My political life depends on it. To handle foreign assistance in the U.S. Senate is just about as popular as handling a Zionist organization in Saudi Arabia. I want to tell you that it is an almost impossible task. If you only knew how we have to work to get those votes.

I see my distinguished colleague, Senator Javits, here, who is a stalwart in these battles. We have to plead and beg to get these votes. We won by one vote the last time. One other time we lost it, and had to use what we call a continuing resolution.

What I am getting at is, there are those of you who come here so knowledgeable about the importance of some of these programs, such as the U.N. and its many related agencies-the United Nations Development Fund, the UNESCO, the UNICEF, the Special Fund and the U.N. Assembly and all that goes with it, and our American contributions to them. But the Members of Congress, who are supposed to represent the public and have to go home and get elected, are about as interested in supporting the money for these programs as they are

in falling off a cliff in the Grand Canyon. It is an incredible ordeal. Now I am going to have to do this again this year because I chair the Foreign Assistance Subcommittee here. I happen to be a strong proponent of the U.N. Senator McGee has been a tower of strength here in this effort, but we have unbelievable difficulties trying to get our appropriations.

Miss Frederick, you know, $500 million was our total, sum aggregate total, of U.S. assistance to all activities of the United Nations last year. That, in terms of national security, is hardly worth mentioning now. And yet, this is not what is projected to the American public.



We have to get the message across. We have to get the message over of what the U.N. has done in peacekeeping, and how our country has not supported actively the creation of a truly international peace force. We have supported these ad hoc temporary arrangements, and I think it is to our credit that we have.

I remember the situation in Cyprus and the pleas of President Johnson to the Canadians to be of help; the Congo, and the Middle East, all of which have received our support.

What do you suggest that we do by way of crystalizing public support for the creation of a truly international peace force?

Should it include U.S. forces, or Soviet forces, or are you of the opinion-and I speak to you, Miss Frederick, primarily that it should be of other nations?

Could you give us your views on that?

Miss FREDERICK. Senator, as you, I'm sure know, up until this most recent force now in the Middle East, it has been felt to be the better part of wisdom to use only units from the small, more or less neutral, nations, so that the cold war would not become involved by the big power rivalry.

Now I believe the United States and the Soviet Union are acting as kind of advisers, or in an advisory capacity and as observers. Änd there are, for the first time, representatives of Eastern Europe involved.

I would suppose that as long as the big powers are in such a state of rivalry, it might be well to keep their military forces out, utilizing policing units from the smaller nations only. But they should offer whatever logistical, financial and other support is necessary. And if the time comes when the United States and the Soviet Union are really in a brotherhood, rather than in their present power competition, then I would think they could take part also. As of now, however, they should stay out of some of these conflicts and give the U.N. peacekeepers a chance, backing the international force instead of involving their own unilateral policies in the areas involved.

Senator HUMPHREY. But as of the present, you feel that it is possibly wise not to have the United States and the Soviet Union directly involved?

Miss FREDERICK. Yes, I should think so, Senator.

Senator HUMPHREY. Well, I would surely concur in that.



May I ask Mr. Scammon, whom I did not have the privilege of listening to, but who, I gather, pointed out that this was not a parliament of man-speaking of the U.N.-but rather, a parliament of governments.

Is that correct?


Senator HUMPHREY. That was part of the thrust of your testimony? Mr. SCAMMON. And, as such, Senator Humphrey, it is too important for us to lose in the rhetoric of, for example, the General Assembly sessions.

I think it is a difficult problem, because the General Assembly is important, but the more importance you give it, the less, I think, you can accomplish in the very kind of negotiations that lead to the setting up of this sort of peacekeeping machinery. This kind of machinery is not really negotiated in the U.N.-in the General Assembly. It is negotiated between the powers that are in New York, using the U.N. as a useful device for securing on a bilateral or multilateral basis, the maximum areas of cooperation. And we all know there are areas where the peacekeeping machinery has not been particularly effective, where it has been suspended, where the troops have been withdrawn quickly because they have been threatened.

But, then, one of the purposes of diplomacy is to avoid, as much as possible, confrontation in vital areas in which international interests are involved. Because if you can keep the area of confrontation— conflict-in those areas which are relatively unimportant, you can get much less commitment to involve other kinds of forces that are available to you.

Miss FREDERICK. I would just sav, in connection with what Mr. Scammon has said, that where the U.N. peacekeeping force has not been as effective as it might have been, or has been hastily withdrawn, are instances in which the U.N., as such, and the Secretary General specifically, have not had the support of the big powers, because the latter were too much concerned with their own rival interests.


Senator HUMPHREY. Last evening I had the privilege of visiting with the Prime Minister from the Netherlands, and in his brief remarks over dinner, he said that this coming year, the Netherlands will contribute 111⁄2 percent of their gross national product to developmental assistance; 112 percent.

Miss FREDERICK. Did he say the United States should go and do likewise?

Senator HUMPHREY. Yes, he indicated that by indirection.

I just want to go back to the real problem that we wrestle with— those of us that are prodevelopmental assistance. I think our present rate of assistance is less than one-half of 1 percent, and yet, it is an almost impossible task to get even that much.

Many of us believe that more and more of this assistance ought to go through the multilateral and multinational organizations. I have noticed, in what testimony I have heard, and quickly read, that there

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