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suggests more planning than I think is the case-a sustained effort to discredit American business enterprise, and by people who speak for the interests of the very same nations who will do almost anything to get themselves.

They keep American business out of the democratic socialist societies in the world. What kind of bargain is that for us and what is happening there? Why do they not want India, and Sri Lanka and Tanzania and so forth to do what they themselves want to do? I will tell you the Communist Party of India felt the contrast between the Soviet Union behavior with these companies in its own country and its posture about them elsewhere. It became so conspicuous they felt called upon in India to make a statement. They explained Soviet socialism is more mature and able to deal with the encounters with these virus-bearing institutions. Indian socialism was not mature enough. I swear to you it is the only statement that the Indian intellectuals have found patronizing in the whole time I was there. What kind of talk is that? You are not mature enough to deal with General Motors. But observe that and if you want testimony as to the creative powers of these institutions, Russia will tell you. I am saying it is one thing to let bureaucrats and Western educated ideologists in those countries deny their people things they need such as saying that the Dupont Co. cannot work within democratic India which is an opportunity which never came to anything. It is not a question of American profits. It is a question of economic development of those countries. It does not have to involve American firms. The Japanese are increasingly kept out for the same way, and I ask you why do the totalitarian powers try to prevent international business operating in the democratic socialists part of the world while they do a lot to get it operating in their own part. That is not consistent.


Senator CLARK. In your judgment was the expulsion of South Africa from the 29th, this session of the General Assembly, a violation of the U.N. Charter?

Mr. MOYNIHAN. As far as I have heard it stated, I believe that is the position of our Government. The argument on the other side is that the representatives were not in fact representatives, as they represented 20 percent of the population and not the other 80. I guess it is my view that this is exactly the time to keep countries like that in the General Assembly under the spotlight of world opinion, forced to recognize what other people think about abominable practices such as apartheid. Sir, Ambassador Scali said this, I do not need to repeat, there is an effort afoot to expel Israel. The nonalined meeting in Havana, which is a great nonalined capital, as you may know, in March, signed a declaration of Havana in which they wrote that the expulsion of Israel from the U.N. is a measure they must consider, denouncing the United States in the same process.

Now, they cannot do that. They must not do it. First, they cannot do it. It is a Security Council measure. But even an effort to expel Israel from the General Assembly will bring a disastrous reaction from public opinion in this country. It is exactly what we should not do at just that moment the U.N. is playing a constructive role in the Middle East.

We have UNDOF agreements that have just been renewed with Syria and Israel. I think the others, will be extended too. To try to expel Israel is madness and it is contrary to the spirit of the Charter, it is contrary to the letter of the Charter. Whatever you may think of Israel its U.N. representatives are representatives of the government and the people there. It is just this kind of mindless giving in to totalitarian, authoritarian streaks in those other countries which we should not encourage. If they do it with themselves they do it with the U.N.; pretty soon what could have started out to be a pretty attractive political tradition has deteriorated. They must not do that. The U.N. forces people you want to influence to come before it to be have them there. Senator CLARK. I certainly agree with you and I would like to pursue that a little further. The principle you are laying down-which I certainly agree with-is that the U.N. ought to be a universal body. Would you be willing to extend that same universality to the new governments of Cambodia and South Vietnam?

Mr. MOYNIHAN. I know that I would. I would today. Whether I will tomorrow if I am confirmed, I will have to find out. But Cambodia is a member of the U.N., sir, and there would not be any question.

Senator CLARK. Just a question of recognizing the new government, apparently.

Mr. MOYNIHAN. I mean surely there is no question that there is a new government and if there is, it has the right to be represented in the General Assembly.


Senator CLARK. What do you think of Ambassador Goldberg's suggestion made here that if-in spite of our strong feelings and position to the contrary-Israel actually is expelled from the next General Assembly of the United Nations, we should take the position now that we will ourselves walk out of the General Assembly and freeze our contributions; and that we ought to make that position clear so that the nonalined members of the General Assembly would be well aware of the consequences.

Do you subscribe to the Goldberg idea?

Mr. MOYNIHAN. May I be just marginally indirect? Let me first say I am not familiar with any views of Justice Goldberg that I do not share. I worked for him, sir, and I edited his papers, and I have the deepest respect for that man. Second, I spoke to the Women's National Democratic Club in March, late March, just after this thing came out. I was asked what would happen if-what I would think we should do if in fact this expulsion took place, and I said that we should do what Justice Goldberg said we should do.

Senator CLARK. Do you take an advanced position we should not participate in the next General Assembly?

Mr. MOYNIHAN. I have a personal tactical view on that. It is personal. Spend some time, as Senator Javits has done, at the U.N. Try to turn your own Government around on an issue. If you succeed it is a 7-month affair. Did you ever see the number of people who have to sign a State Department cable before it can go out? It takes a week if they line up to sign it. Most of these countries, since they began the bloc process with the nonalined and now the UNCTAD group, start

forming their positions in March, they get a fully written out document in March, the Bureau of nonalined does, they circulate it. They will be meeting in Lima, Peru, in August, where they will put the final agreement on it. All the foreign ministers will sign and so forth. Then in September their ambassadors will show up in New York with these instructions. If at that point we start trying to chase 120 fellows around the east side of New York saying would you mind changing your government's view, they cannot change the government's view. Most of them are career officers. They are not in the business of calling back to their government asking to have their instructions changed. It is hard to turn a government around. We should be telling them now before they have frozen their ideas, before they reached an agreement, as to what they were all going to do. This is when we should be acting.

Could I say this is a little bit of a problem of adaptation. These blocs really have not existed that long in this forum. They are recent. We are beginning to learn if you want to influence opinion in October in New York you first of all notice what they do in Havana in March and get out to the capitals and try to turn them around.


Senator CLARK. What do vou feel about the current level of the U.S. financial support for the U.N.? Do you think it is sufficient, particularly the voluntary contributions? Have you had a chance to look at that yet?

Mr. MOYNIHAN. I have read Ambassador Buffum's testimony in the other places. We put up about $277 million, it is not, sir. I am sorry, I do not want to be vague.

Senator CLARK. We actually appropriated somewhat less than the administration asked for in most of the areas.

Mr. MOYNIHAN. I guess we are asking for 245. Excuse me.
Well, I think I had better not speak to that, Senator.

Senator CLARK. My last question-really, in some ways, I think it is the most central question. Do you believe that our Government in the past has used the United Nations as an international forum to the degree that it should have, and, if not, what can our Government do to better utilize this facility or international organization, to make it more effective. Or do you think we are doing the best we can do in that regard?

How can we make the U.N. a more central forum for the conduct of American foreign policy?

Mr. MOYNIHAN. May I simply say that there is a history, although it is a brief one, it has got lots in it. There was a time when we proposed to turn over to the United Nations our atomic monopoly in the world. It is not as if we have not given the outfit a chance. When we were the only atomic power in the world we proposed to turn that power over to the U.N. There was a long period when I do not think there was any question we abused our majority, got saying the General Assembly could do things which the Charter does not say it can do. Then we were a little bit shaken by the onset of a majority clearly that was not with us.

I have been a student of the League of Nations. I wrote my doctoral dissertation about the "United States and International Labor Organization," which was only one of the three branches of the League we joined. I think I have some feel for what do you get, what comes of trying to make large formulations about what the relationship of this international organization will be. Not much, sir. You shape, you evolve a relationship in terms of specifics, you do this and then you do that. I think in all truth that relationship tends to be denser and to go further faster to the degree that you speak in more specific and confined terms.

Senator Baker was speaking about the International Atomic Energy Agency. That is an important organization. You do not have to know five things about it before you want to know five more. You do not have to know anything it does to believe probably it ought to be doing more. That leads you into a relationship which is a large question of how much sovereignty you want to turn over. That happens to be what I think I learned from what I have studied. If I have changed my mind in time I will tell you.

Senator CLARK. Thank you. Are there further questions?
Senator BIDEN. I have a couple of questions.


As an Irish-Catholic, like yourself, and as a Senator from Delaware where the DuPont Corp. is located, I am compelled to speak.

No. 1, I happen to have read your article, which you are having trouble recalling parts of, in which you describe the multinational corporation, combining modern management with liberal trade policy, et cetera, as "the most creative international institution of the 20th century." Maybe you could expand on that concept a little bit for me. Mr. MOYNIHAN. Well, the first thing to say, Senator, is that in 1945, after that war and the long recession and trade wars that preceded the recession, international trade was depressed. More certainly than it should have been. The United States made one of its principal commitments from the time of Cordell Hull, the expansion of international trade. Mind you, for a long time after the war we probably had an over valued dollar and it was in our advantage to do so. But still Presidents made this a major issue. As I remember, in 1962, President Kennedy's principle legislative measure was the Trade Expansion Act. I was involved in negotiating a cotton-textile agreement that we needed to get some Southern votes in this building here. This was not marginal, it was central to our foreign policy. And why? Because it had the potential to create an international community of reality, rather than simply of principle, which things like the League Charter and the U.N. Charter do. In the 25 years since, 27 since World War II, international trade has consistently expanded twice as fast as national economies.

It has been the dynamic and it is clearly responded to opportunities and these particular institutions have been very good at putting together the components. Some of them made too much money, I do not doubt. Some misbehaved in other ways. That is part of the record, I believe. But did they expand welfare or did they not? By God they did. Go to a country like Singapore and see what they can do for an

Asian economy. I wish the standard of living in Washington, D.C. were as high for our residents as it is in Singapore. And look up and see what you see working there. You see American, British, German, Japanese companies. What free trade meant basically was that you created a world market which had all the enormous advantages of scale, just as American firms grew in the 19th century to enormous size because suddenly had the whole continent to work with. The same phenomena occurred in the 20th century. If you are talking about the production of goods and services these are very productive organizations.

Senator BIDEN. Thank you. One last question, if I may, let's go back to Justice Goldberg's statement to the effect that if Israel is unlawfully denied a seat in the General Assembly the United States not only should vote against such a proposal in the Assembly, and that the United States should not participate in the Assembly's


You concur with that, I understand.

Mr. MOYNIHAN. Yes. Just before I answer may I say something about the other matter I have talked about, the multinational corporation. The fact that these have been economically creative does not mean they should not be subject to social control of the kind that this Congress has legislated with respect to American corporations for three generations. But the question is do you desire productivity? Where do American trade unions have their closest relationship? Really, with the great corporations. They are the ones who are organized and they are the ones who pay the best, and so forth.

To your question just now, I do not think it is for me to expand on much of what Justice Goldberg said.

Senator BIDEN. I am not suggesting you do. I am asking if you agree.

Mr. MOYNIHAN. I agree as an individual.


Senator BIDEN. Now, as an individual, do you find that at all inconsistent with your earlier statement saying that one of the primary purposes of the U.N. as stated by the chairman, is to have a world forum where people with whom you agree or disagree on matters have a chance to exchange and focus ideas? Do you see anything inconsistent by this?

Mr. MOYNIHAN. It certainly could end up coming out all wrong. But that is a risk you take to maintain the first principle, which is we should all be in, and I think that the risk is great, I have not counted the votes at all, but I think that any message now from us as to how serious we would take this is the best approach to assuring that it does not happen. I think that, Senator. I could be wrong counting votes, but I cannot imagine, for example, that any of the parties directly involved in the Middle East conflict, Egypt, for example, would want this to happen. Consider Security Council Resolutions 242 and 336. Think of the obligations which they impose on Israel. How possibly could the Egyptians wish to see Israel leave the U.N. and I suppose leave behind any commitments that that membership entailed? How could they? And why would they want other countries around the world deciding Egypt's future.

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