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Woe wel Bije schie hef, "m'hoor neêr!"
Ei! sie Heyd dij doove.

Voer Hye meê hooren; voer meê leeuw. End ei hel Bije schie hef, "m'hoor neêr !" Whenever the industrious man is abruptly huffed with "You must be submissive to me" [you must honour me]. Eh! Rustic, mind that you turn a deaf ear. Let the doer of the work come forwards with what is due to him; let him come forward like the Lion. And, Eh! this curse to the industrious man does abruptly come imperiously out with— "You must be submissive to me!"

Who will bear the pall?

We, said the Wren,

Both the cock and the hen;
And we'll bear the pall!

Woe wel bere de Pye al,

Wie hij sie Heyd de Wreê 'n;
Boos dije Ka oock aen de henne;
End wie hel bere de Pye al!

When the cowl [monkhood] comports itself towards you in a bearish manner [addresses you in a rough authoritative tone], put on the same face to the savage as he does to you [return him his fierce looks]; the Jackdaw increases in brutality whenever he finds any one to be a coward [afraid of him]. And the cowl does bear down all before him like Hell itself.

Beren, to roar out, to act the bear, to behave with savageness of the bear. Al, all, every one. Wie, as, in like manner. Hij, he. Wee, wreede, savage, cruel, fierce, ferocious. 'N, in, in; insien, sien in, to look into or at. Boos, malicious. Henne, a timid pusillanimous person.

Who will toll the bell?

I, said the Bull,
Because I can pull ;
So Cock Robin, farewell.



Woe wel toele de Bije hel;
Ei! sie Heyd de Bulle,

Bij Ka aes, eye, kanne, pulle.

So Ka oock 'r hobb' in. Vaê 'r u hel.

Wherever agriculture proves to be a hell to the industrious cultivator; Eh! Rustic, behold the bull [the Pope's bull, bill of extortion]; to the Jackdaw [Monk] meat, eggs, jug, bottle. So the Jackdaw hops in among you. Hell takes hold

of you.

Toele, as the participle present of toelen, tuylen, to toil, to till, to labour the land. Bulle, a Pope's brief, mandate, bull, licence to act. Aes, food, meat. Eye, egg. Kanne, pitcher, cann, jug [thus as beer]. Pulle, bottle, ampulla [thus as wine]. Vae, the third person potential mood of vaen, vangen, to take hold of, to secure, to take into custody.




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