For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Barnstable, nine hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Nantucket, six hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Dukes county, six hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register of probate and insolvency for the county of Suffolk, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register of probate and insolvency for the county of Middlesex, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register of probate and insolvency for the county of Worcester, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register of probate and insolvency for the county of Essex, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register of probate and insolvency for the county of Norfolk, eight hundred dollars. For certain expenses of courts of insolvency authorized by the General Statutes, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. DISTRICT-ATTORNEYS. For the salary of the attorney for the county of Suffolk, three thousand five hundred dollars; and for the salary of his clerk, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the assistant-attorney for the county of Suffolk, two thousand one hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the eastern district, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the northern district, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the southern district, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the middle district, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the south-eastern district, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the western district, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the north-western district, one thousand dollars. POLICE COURTS. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Adams, Police courts. Justices. eight hundred dollars. Adams. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Cam- Cambridge. bridge, one thousand eight hundred dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Charles- Charlestown. town, one thousand two hundred dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Chel- Chelsea. sea, one thousand six hundred dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Chico- Chicopee. pee, one thousand six hundred dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Fall Fall River. River, one thousand two hundred dollars. 1869, 359. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Glou- Gloucester. cester, one thousand six hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Haver- Haverhill. hill, one thousand two hundred dollars. 1867, 316. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Law- Lawrence. rence, one thousand eight hundred dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Lee, Lee. five hundred dollars. 1861, 141. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Lynn, Lynn. one thousand two hundred dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Lowell, Lowell. two thousand two hundred dollars. G. S. 116. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Fitch- Fitchburg. burg, one thousand three hundred dollars. 1868, 124. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Milford, Milford. one thousand six hundred dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in New New Bedford. Bedford, one thousand five hundred dollars. G. S. 116. For the salary of the justice of the police court in New- Newburyport. buryport, one thousand dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Salem, Salem. one thousand eight hundred dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Spring- Springfield. field, two thousand dollars. 1868, 330. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Wil- Williamstown. liamstown, three hundred dollars. G. S. 116. Clerks. For the salaries of the clerks of the police courts, exclu- Police courts. sive of clerks elected under chapter one hundred and sixteen of the General Statutes, to wit: For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Cam- Cambridge. bridge, one thousand dollars. 1869, 359. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Charlestown, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Fall River, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Haverhill, six hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Lawrence, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Lowell, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Lynn, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in New Bedford, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Newburyport, six hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Salem, one thousand dollars. MUNICIPAL COURTS. For the salaries of the justices of the municipal court in Boston, nine thousand dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the municipal court in Boston, for criminal business, two thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the municipal court for the southern district of Boston, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the municipal court for the southern district of Boston, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the justice of the municipal court in Taunton, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the municipal court in Taunton, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the municipal court in Worcester, two thousand dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the municipal court in Worcester, one thousand two hundred dollars. DISTRICT COURT FOR CENTRAL BERKSHIRE. For the salary of the standing justice of the district court for Central Berkshire, one thousand six hundred dollars for the present year; and four hundred dollars for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. For the salary of the clerk of the district court for Central Berkshire, six hundred dollars for the present year; and one hundred and fifty dollars for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 4, 1870. AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE ESSEX STREET CONGREGA- Be it enacted, &c., as follows : Chap. 8. SECTION 1. The Essex Street Congregational Society shall Name changed. hereafter be known as the Columbus Avenue Congregational Society. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOSTON AND LOWELL RAILROAD COR- Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Chap. 9. branch road from Milk Row tic River Rail station to Mys road. SECTION 1. The Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation May build is hereby authorized to construct and maintain a branch railroad, beginning at a point in the present track of their railroad within two hundred feet of Milk Row station, so called, in Somerville, and southerly of the bridge near said station, thence running easterly, by as direct a line as is reasonably practicable, to the Mystic River Railroad, at a point near the present crossing of the Boston and Maine and Eastern Railroads and within three hundred feet of the Ball signal station, as the same now stands, near said crossing. May cross Boston and Maine, Eastern and indanet Grand Junction SECTION 2. Said branch railroad may cross the Boston and Maine Railroad and the Eastern Railroad and the Grand Junction Branch of the Boston and Albany Railroad, at grade: provided, said crossings shall be made and maintained grade. at the expense of said Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation; and the construction of each of said crossings shall be done in such manner as may be agreed upon in writing by said Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation, with each of said other corporations respectively, and in case of disagreement in either case the whole matter relating to the construction of such crossing shall be done under the direction of the railroad commissioners; and provided, further, that when- Proviso. ever trains shall approach the said crossing on the said Boston and Maine Railroad or on the said Eastern Railroad at the same time with the trains on the branch railroad hereby authorized to be constructed, the prior right to move forward shall be allowed the said Boston and Maine and Eastern Railroads. May enter upon and use other roads. May purchase land, &c., for SECTION 3. The Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation, by means of the branch railroad hereby authorized to be constructed, is further authorized to connect with, enter upon and use each of the railroads herein before mentioned, according to law, with the reciprocal right on the part of each of said railroads to enter upon, connect with and use said Boston and Lowell Railroad. And said Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation is also authorized to lease or purchase said Mystic River Railroad, upon such terms as said corporations may mutually agree. SECTION 4. The Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation depot near deep may purchase and improve such lands, wharves or buildings water of Boston Harbor. When to take effect. upon the line of said Mystic River Railroad, or near the terminus thereof, as may from time to time be deemed requisite to establish a freight and shipping depot near the deep waters of Boston harbor. SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and shall be void unless the location of the branch railroad hereby authorized to be constructed shall be filed within one year, and said branch shall be constructed within two years. from the passage of this act. Approved February 7, 1870. Chap. 10. AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EXPENSES OF THE STATE ALMSHOUSES; THE STATE PRISON; THE REFORM SCHOOL AT WEST- Be it enacted, &c., as follows : SECTION 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated to be paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, from the ordinary revenue, unless otherwise specified, for the purpose of meeting the current expenses of the institutions hereinafter named, and for other purposes, during the year ending December thirty-first, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy, to wit: CHARITABLE. For the current expenses of the state almshouse at Tewksbury, a sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars. For the current expenses of the state almshouse and state primary school at Monson, a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars. For the current expenses of the state almshouse and state workhouse at Bridgewater, a sum not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars. For expenses of the hospital property at Rainsford Island, a sum not exceeding one thousand and two hundred dollars. |