been actually paid into its treasury, and a certificate thereof subscribed and sworn to by the president and a majority of the directors shall have been filed in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth. Millbury may road not ex towns SECTION 5. The towns of Grafton and Millbury may sev- Grafton and erally subscribe for and hold shares of the capital stock or take stock in the securities of said corporation, to an amount not exceed-reeding five per ing five per centum of the valuation of said towns, respec- cent of t tively, for the year in which the subscription shall be made: provided, that two-thirds of the legal voters of said towns, Proviso. respectively, present and voting by ballot, and using the check-list, at a legal meeting duly called for the purpose, shall vote to subscribe for such shares or securities; and provided, also, that the total amount of all subscriptions of Proviso. said towns, respectively, which have been or may be made to the stock or securities of any railroad corporation or corporations under authority of this or any previous act, shall not exceed five per centum of the assessed valuation of said towns respectively. Said towns may pay for such shares or securities, so voted to be paid out of their respective treasuries, and may raise by loan upon bonds, or tax, or otherwise, any and all sums of money which may be necessary to pay for the same, and may hold and dispose of the same like other town property; and the selectmen of said towns, respectively, or any agent specially chosen for the purpose, shall have authority to represent said towns respectively, at any and all meetings of said corporation, and may vote on the whole amount of the stock so held, anything in chapter sixty-three of the General Statutes notwithstanding. lease road to SECTION 6. Said corporation is hereby authorized to sell May sell or or lease its railroad, franchise and other property to the Boston and AlBoston and Albany Railroad Company, and said last named bany Railroad. company is hereby authorized to purchase or hire the same. SECTION 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage, To be located and shall be void unless said railroad shall be located within years and con within two two years and constructed within three years from the structed within passage hereof. Approved May 20, 1870. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE WEIR BRANCH Be it enacted, &c., as follows : three years. Chap. 270 SECTION 1. The Weir Branch Railroad Corporation may May use such use any motive power in the operation of its railroad, that motyw may be authorized by the board of mayor and aldermen of aldermen of the city of Taunton, and said board may at all times regu- authorize. late and control the rate of speed to be run thereon. as and Taunton may Repeal. SECTION 2. Section five of chapter one hundred and eighty-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and forty-seven is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 20, 1870. Chap. 271 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE VERMONT AND MASSACHUSETTS RAIL May build railroad from Turners Falls ROAD COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT A RAILROAD FROM THE TURNERS Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company is hereby authorized to locate, construct, maintain Branch in Mon and operate a railroad, with one or more tracks, commenc tague to Grout's Corner. $300,000 additional capital stock. Powers and duties. To be located within four ing at a convenient point in the Turners Falls Branch Railroad of said company, easterly of the Connecticut River Bridge, in the town of Montague, and thence running to some convenient point in the railroad of said company, at or near Grout's Corner, so called, and for said purpose is hereby authorized to increase its capital stock to an amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. SECTION 2. Said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company shall have, with respect to the railroad hereby authorized to be constructed, all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the general laws which now are, or hereafter may be in force, relating to railroad corporations, so far as the same may be applicable thereto. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage, years and con- and shall be void unless the railroad hereby authorized to structed within be constructed shall be located within four years, and constructed within six years, from the passage thereof. six years. Approved May 20, 1870. Chap. 272 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE CONGREGATIONAL SABBATH Name changed to "Congrega SCHOOL AND PUBLISHING SOCIETY OF BOSTON, TO THE CONGRE- Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The Congregational Sabbath School and Pubtional Publish- lishing Society of Boston, shall take the name of the Congre ing Society." Gifts, devises, &c., to be held under new name. gational Publishing Society of Boston, and shall thereafter be known by said name, and by said name shall have, hold and enjoy all its rights and privileges, and be subject to all its liabilities and obligations, to the same extent as if its name had not been changed. SECTION 2. Any gift, devise, bequest or legacy, which has been, or may hereafter be given or made to said society, under any name it has heretofore had, shall be held, enjoyed and appropriated by said society under its new name, in like SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. AN ACT RELATING TO THE PRINTING OF CERTAIN PUBLIC REPORTS Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Chap. 273 Island hospital. SECTION 1. The provisions of section two of chapter four Reports of liquor commisof the General Statutes are hereby so amended, as to exclude sioner and the reports of the state liquor commissioner and of the Rains- Rainsford ford Island hospital from the printed series of public documents, and also from the series of annual reports of public officers, boards, and institutions, which the secretary of the Commonwealth is now required to lay before the legislature in a printed form. al limited to two SECTION 2. The edition of the annual report of the adju- Report of the tant-general shall hereafter be limited to two thousand five admeder hundred copies, of which one thousand five hundred copies we thousand shall be delivered to the department of the adjutant-general copies. for such distribution as he may direct. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 25, 1870. AN ACT RELATING TO THE PUBLICATION OF CRIMINAL STATISTICS. Chap. 274 Section fourteen of chapter fourteen of the General Stat- Amendment to utes is hereby amended by striking out the following words G. S. 14, § 14. at the close of the section: "and append the same to the annual report of the attorney-general." Approved May 25, 1870. AN ACT TO FACILITATE THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS IN PROBATE Be it enacted, &c., as follows:; COURTS. Chap. 275 bate may trans all parties as SECTION 1. Judges of the probate courts may transact Judges of probusiness out of court at any time and place, when all parties act business out entitled to notice therein assent thereto in writing, or volun- of courte when tarily appear; entering their decrees in such cases as of sent in writing. such sessions of the court as the convenience of the parties requires. SECTION 2. Chapter four hundred and twenty-four of the Repeal. acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine is hereby repealed. Approved May 25, 1870. Chap. 276 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT CONCERNING RAILROAD BRIDGES AND Amendment to 1869, 308, § 1. Be it enacted, &c., as follows : BRIDGE GUARDS. SECTION 1. Section one of chapter three hundred and eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, is hereby amended, by striking out the words "county commissioners of the county within which such bridge shall be located," and inserting in place thereof the words "board of railroad commissioners; " and section two of said act is hereby amended, by striking out the words "county commissioners of the county within which such bridge is located," and inserting in place thereof the words "board of railroad commissioners." SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 25, 1870. Chap. 277 AN ACT CONCERNING THE OATHS OF EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS Oath of executor, &c., asking AND GUARDIANS ASKING LEAVE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Be it enacted, &c., as follows : SECTION 1. The oath required by law to be taken by an leave to sell real executor, administrator, or guardian, before fixing on the estate, may be time and place of sale of real estate under a license of the filed any time before license issues. probate court, may be filed in the probate office at any time before the license is issued. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 25, 1870. Chap. 278 AN ACT TO CONFIRM THE DOINGS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN Doings of aldermen of Spring OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IN LOCATING AND CHANGING THE Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The doings of the board of aldermen of the field in locating city of Springfield, since the seventeenth day of June, in the and widening streets, con firmed. Party aggrieved may have a jury to determine damages. year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, in locating, widening, changing the grade of, or otherwise altering the following streets in said city, to wit: Townsley Avenue, Grant Street, King Street, Dwight Street, Willow Street, Morris Street, Linden Street, Loring Street, Congress Street, Maple Street and Osgood Street, and the award and payment of damages therefor, are hereby ratified and confirmed, so far that every such location, widening, change of grade, or other alteration, award and payment of damages shall be deemed valid and legal. SECTION 2. Any party aggrieved by any such award of damages, may have a jury to determine the same, upon application therefor, as now provided by law, within one year after this act shall take effect. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 25, 1870. AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR THE LOCATION AND CONSTRUC- Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Chap. 279 tion and con SECTION 1. The time for the location and construction of Time for locathe railroad of the West Amesbury Branch Railroad Com- struction pany is hereby extended two years. extended. lease franchise SECTION 2. Said railroad company is hereby authorized to May sell or sell or lease its railroad, franchise and other property to any or other propother railroad company, or to contract with any other railroad erty. company for the use and operation of said railroad; and any railroad company is hereby authorized to purchase or hire said railroad, franchise and other property, or to contract with said railroad company for the use and operation of said railroad. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 25, 1870. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING ASSOCIA TION, IN GEORGETOWN. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Chap. 280 SECTION 1. Alfred B. Noyes, George H. Carleton, William Corporators. K. Lambert, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Odd Fellows' Building As- Name and pursociation, in the town of Georgetown, for the purpose of Pose. erecting a building in the town of Georgetown, and maintaining the same for the accommodation and purposes of an Odd Fellows' hall, lectures and any other lawful purpose; with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the Powers and duduties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws of this Commonwealth, which now are or may hereafter be in force, so far as applicable to such corporations. ties. SECTION 2. Said corporation shall have a capital stock Capital stock not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of and shares. one hundred dollars each, and may hold, for the purposes aforesaid, real and personal estate not exceeding the amount of the capital stock: provided, that said corporation shall Not to incur liaincur no liability until ten thousand dollars of its capital $10,000 cash bility until stock has been actually paid in in cash. has been paid in. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 26, 1870. |