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Mass. Grand
Lodge of
Knights of St.
Crispin incor-

Powers and duties.

Investment of funds.

Real and personal estate.

First meeting


Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

SECTION 1. Galen E. Pratt, N. W. Stoddard, W. A. Snow, and their associates, the officers and members of the voluntary association known as the Massachusetts Grand Lodge of the Knights of Saint Crispin, and their successors, are hereby incorporated under the name of the Massachusetts Grand Lodge of the Knights of Saint Crispin, to be located in the city of Boston, for the purpose of managing and administering the funds belonging to said voluntary association.

SECTION 2. Said corporation shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all duties, liabilities and restrictions set forth in all general laws relating to corporations which now are, or hereafter may be in force in this Commonwealth, so far as the same are applicable to corporations for charitable purposes.

SECTION 3. Said corporation may invest any of the funds belonging thereto in the stock of any coöperative association duly organized under the provisions of chapter two hundred and ninety of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, or of chapter two hundred and twenty-four of the acts of the present year, and such subscription may be to the extent of five thousand dollars in any one association.

SECTION 4. Said corporation may take and hold by gift, grant or purchase, real and personal estate, not exceeding in value the sum of one hundred thousand dollars.

SECTION 5. Said Galen E. Pratt is hereby authorized to of corporation. call the first meeting of said corporation, by advertisement in two newspapers printed in Boston, one week previous thereto, and appoint the time and place thereof, at which meeting the mode of calling future meetings shall be regulated.

SECTION 6. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved May 26, 1870.


Commissioners of Hampden


Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

SECTION 1. The county commissioners of the counties of and Hampshire Hampden and Hampshire are hereby authorized to negotiate with any corpo- and contract in behalf of their respective counties, with the ration for use of Connecticut River Railroad Company, or any other railroad

may contract


corporation or corporations, for the use of a portion of the bridge authorized by the act of the present legislature, to which this act is in addition, to be laid out and constructed

over the Connecticut River, between the towns of Holyoke
and South Hadley, upon such terms and conditions as may
be deemed just and equitable, and may adapt the bridge to
such use: provided, that in any such contract there shall be Proviso.
reserved to the county commissioners of said counties the
power to alter or annul the same, upon reasonable notice,
whenever in their judgment the public good shall require it;
and provided, further, that no contract shall be made with Proviso.
any one corporation under the provisions of this section to
the exclusion of others who may need or desire a joint occu-

pancy or use of said bridge.

authorized to

SECTION 2. The Connecticut River Railroad Company or Corporations any other railroad corporation or corporations, are hereby contract with authorized to negotiate and contract with said counties of Hampshire and Hampden and Hampshire for the purposes mentioned in the Counties. preceding section.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved May 27, 1870.


Be it enacted, &c., as follows :

Chap. 283

sioners to be

four others by


SECTION 1. The governor, with the advice and consent of Four commisthe council, shall as soon as may be after the passage of this appointed by act, appoint four competent commissioners, who shall hold governor, and their offices until the expiration of terms of two, three, four city council of and five years, respectively, from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy. The governor shall, in like manner, before the first day of January in each year after the year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, appoint a commissioner to continue in office for the term of four years from said day. The city council of the city of Boston shall also without delay, by concurrent vote of both branches thereof, appoint four other commissioners, who shall hold their offices for the same terms as the four commissioners first to be appointed by the governor as aforesaid; and the said city council shall in like manner, in each year after the present, appoint one commissioner to continue in office for the term of four years from the first day of January then next ensuing.

with mayor of

park commis

SECTION 2. Said commissioners, so appointed as afore- Commissioners said, shall, with the mayor of the city of Boston for the time Boston to conbeing, constitute a board of park commissioners, and shall stitute board of be and remain a corporation for the purposes set forth in sioners. this act, and any vacancy occurring in said board shall be vacancies. filled, for the residue of the term of the commissioner whose

Approval of majority required when

place is to be filled, in the same manner and by the same authority in and by which such commissioner was originally appointed.

SECTION 3. No action of said board involving an expenditure of over five hundred dollars shall be final and binding

expendituren of unless it shall have received the approval of a majority

dred dollars is involved.

Board may lo

thereof, and no member of said board shall receive any compensation for his services, but each commissioner shall be entitled to receive, for his personal expenses incurred in the performance of his duties under this act, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars per annum, to be paid from the treasury of said city.

SECTION 4. Said board shall have power to locate, in or more parks, ap- near the city of Boston, for the recreation, health and benefit

cate one or

point officers, &c.


To file descrip

of land

try of deeds.

of the people, one or more public parks, and for that purpose from time to time to take and hold by purchase or otherwise any and all such lands as they may deem desirable therefor, to lay out, improve, govern and regulate any such park or parks, and the use thereof, to pass ordinances for the regulation, use and government thereof; and for breaches of such ordinances to affix penalties not exceeding twenty dollars for one offence, which penalties may be recovered by said board to its own use on complaint before the municipal court of the city of Boston; to appoint all necessary engineers, surveyors, clerks and other officers, including a police force to act in such parks; to define the powers and duties of such officers and fix the amount of their compensation; to take and hold any gifts, bequests or devises that may be made to them for the purpose of improving or ornamenting any of said parks, and generally to do all needful acts for the proper execution of the powers and duties granted to or imposed upon them by this act: provided, however, that said board shall not incur an expenditure of more than fifty thousand dollars during any one year in the care, improvement and ornamentation of any lands taken by them under this act; and provided, further, that in case any land outside of the limits of the city of Boston shall be located under this act, such land shall not be taken or laid out as aforesaid until such action shall have been approved within sixty days thereafter, by a vote of two-thirds of the city council of such city within which such land lies, or a majority of the voters of such town within which such land lies, present and voting thereon, at a legal meeting duly called for that purpose.

SECTION 5. Said board shall, within sixty days after the

taken in regis- taking of any land under this act, file in the registry of deeds for the county where such land is situated, a description thereof, sufficiently accurate for identifying the same.

SECTION 6. Said board shall estimate and determine all To estimate damages for damages sustained by any persons by the taking of land or land taken. other acts of said board in the execution of the powers vested in them by this act; but any party aggrieved by any such determination of said board may have his damages assessed by a jury of the superior court, in the county where the land lies, in the same manner as is provided by law with respect to damages sustained by reason of the laying out of ways in the city of Boston.

damages as

SECTION 7. The city of Boston shall in the first instance Boston to pay be liable to pay all damages assessed or determined as pro- sessed by comvided in the preceding section, and all other costs and missioners. expenses incurred by said board in the execution of the

powers vested in them by this act.



tion damages


SECTION 8. The supreme judicial court, or any justice Commissioners thereof, shall, from time to time, not oftener than in appointed by S. two years, upon application of the city of Boston, appoint between Bos three commissioners, who after having been sworn to the ton and other faithful and impartial discharge of their duties, and after due notice to and fully hearing all parties interested, shall determine and decree what proportion, if any, of moneys previously paid by the city of Boston under the preceding section, shall be refunded to said city by any other cities and towns which may have been benefited by the expenditure of such moneys, apportioning the amount to be paid by each city or town according to the benefit accruing to each.

of commission



SECTION 9. The determination and decree of such com- Determination missioners, or of the majority of them, shall be made in ers to be bindwriting and reported to the supreme judicial court and to teddy cepted by S. the clerks and treasurers of each of the cities and towns which shall be decreed by them to pay any sums of money as aforesaid, and such determination and decree, when accepted and after judgment entered thereon by the supreme judicial court, shall be final and binding upon all parties. The just fees and expenses of said commissioners shall be paid by such of said cities and towns as the said commissioners shall decree.

benefited may

SECTION 10. Any real estate which, in the opinion of the Real estate board of park commissioners, shall receive any benefit and be assessed. advantage from the locating and laying out of a park under the provisions of this act, may, after like notice to all parties interested as is provided by law to be given by the board of aldermen of the city of Boston in cases of laying out of streets in said city, be assessed by said board of commissioners for a proportional share of the expense of such location and laying out: provided, that the entire amount so assessed

Assessments to be made within two years;

-to be lien upon estates and collected like taxes.

Parties aggrieved may have jury.

Bonds may be

upon any estate, shall not exceed one-half of the amount which said board shall adjudge to be the whole benefit received by it.

SECTION 11. No assessment shall be made as provided in the preceding section except within two years after the passage of the order, the execution of which causes the benefit for which the assessment is made.

SECTION 12. All assessments made under this act shall constitute a lien upon the real estate so assessed, to be enforced and collected by the city of Boston, in the same manner and with like charges for costs and interest as is provided by law for the collection of taxes; and such assessments may be apportioned by said board in like manner as assessments for benefits caused by the laying out of ways may now be apportioned by the board of aldermen of a city.

SECTION 13. Any party aggrieved by any assessment made by said board as aforesaid, may have the amount of the benefit received by his estate assessed by a jury of the superior court of the county where the land lies, in the same manner as is provided by law with respect to damages sustained by reason of the laying out of ways in the city of Boston.

SECTION 14. For the purpose of defraying the expenses issued by towns incurred by any city or town under the provisions of this

to penses.

act, the city council of any such city, or the selectmen of any such town, shall have authority to issue from time to time, and to an amount not exceeding the amount of such expenses, bonds or certificates of debt, to be denominated on the face thereof the Public Park Loan of such city or town, and to bear interest at such rate and to be payable at such periods as such council or seleotmen may determine.

SECTION 15. No military encampment, parade, drill, allowed in park review or other military evolution or exercise shall be held

Military parades not without consent of board,

Board to report annually to governor and

or performed on any park laid out as aforesaid, except with the prior consent of said board; nor shall any military body, without such consent, enter or move in military order within the same, except in case of riot, insurrection, rebellion or


SECTION 16. Said board shall annually, in the month of January, make to the governor and council and to the city

council and city council of Boston, a full report of the doings of said board

council of


for the preceding year, including a detailed statement of all their receipts and expenditures and of all gifts, bequests and devises received by them.

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