and hospital. For expenses of the Rainsford Island Hospital property, a Rainsford Islsum not exceeding one hundred and twenty dollars. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 16, 1870. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT INCORPORATING THE WORCESTER SAFE Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Chap. 22. SECTION 1. It shall be lawful for the Worcester Safe De- What investments may be posit and Trust Company to invest its capital stock and all made. the moneys intrusted to it, or in any way received by it, in the authorized loans of the United States, or any of the New England states, or cities or towns of said states, and in the stock of national banks, or other banks organized in this Commonwealth; in the first mortgage bonds of any railroad company incorporated in the New England states, which has earned and paid regular dividends for two years next preceding such investment, or in the bonds of any such railroad company as is unincumbered by mortgage, or in the stock of any such railroad companies; and the said corporation may what loans make loans upon mortgages on real estate within this Com- may be made. monwealth, or upon the notes of corporations created under the laws of any of the New England states, and the notes of individuals, with a sufficient pledge as collateral of any of the aforesaid securities; but all real estate acquired by fore- Real estate to closure of mortgage, or by levy of execution, shall be sold lic auction. by public auction within two years after such foreclosure or levy. be sold by pub er of savings SECTION 2. Said corporation shall semi-annually make a To make return return to the commissioner of savings banks in this Common-tor commissionwealth on or before the second Mondays of May and Novem- banks. ber, which shall be signed and sworn to by a majority of its board of directors; and said return shall specify the following, namely: capital stock; amount of all moneys and property in detail in the possession or charge of said company as deposits; trust funds or for purposes of investment; number of depositors; investments in authorized loans of the United States or any of the New England states, or cities or towns, stating amount in each; invested in bank stock, stating amount in each; invested in railroad stock, stating amount in each; invested in railroad bonds, stating amount in each ; loans on the notes of corporations; loans on notes of individuals; loans on mortgage of real estate; cash on hand; rate, amount and date of dividends since last return; and the commissioner of savings banks shall have access to the vaults, books and papers of the company, and it shall be his Repeal. duty to inspect, examine and inquire into its affairs, and to take proceedings in regard to them in the same manner, and to the same extent, as if this corporation were a savings bank, subject to all the general laws which now are, or hereafter may be in force, relating to such institutions in this regard. SECTION 3. Sections four and five of chapter two hundred and ninety-six of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, incorporating the Worcester Safe Deposit and Trust Company are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 16, 1870. Chap. 23. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE PROPRIETORS OF CERTAIN TIDE MEADOWS Corporators. a dike in Salisbury. IN SALISBURY TO PROTECT THE SAME FROM OVERFLOW. Be it enacted, &c., as follows : SECTION 1. William Cushing, William S. Pettengill, Lewis Greenleaf, their associates, successors and assigns, proprietors of tide meadows in the town of Salisbury, situated on the May construct south-easterly side of the Eastern Railroad, are authorized and empowered to construct a dike or embankment, or tidegates, at the intersection of the said railroad with the town creek, so called, for the purpose of improving the said meadows, and protecting them against overflow by the tide in the Merrimack River and in said creek. To provide a landing place. Powers and duties. SECTION 2. The said proprietors, in case they shall construct such dike or embankment, or tide-gates, as aforesaid, shall provide, for all persons entitled by law to use the said creek, a landing place on the north-westerly side of the said railroad. SECTION 3. The said proprietors may manage their affairs as proprietors of general fields, and as such shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties and liabilities conferred and imposed on the proprietors of general fields by the sixty-seventh chapter of the General Statutes. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap. 24. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NORTH END SAVINGS BANK IN THE CITY OF BOSTON. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. John H. Reed, Charles Amory, Robert Marsh, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the North End Savings Bank, to be located Powers and du- northerly of Friend street, in the city of Boston; with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the liabilities and restrictions set forth in all general laws, which now are, or Corporators. Name. ties. may be in force in this Commonwealth, relative to institu- SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. AN ACT TO INCREASE THE CAPITAL STOCK OF THE AMERICAN WATCH Chap. 25. Be it enacted, &c., as follows : COMPANY. tional capital SECTION 1. The American Watch Company, in the town $700,000 addiof Waltham, may increase its capital stock to an amount not stock. exceeding seven hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the amount now allowed by law; the same to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 17, 1870. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE OVER GREEN Chap. 26. HARBOR RIVER, IN MARSHFIELD. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: bridge over SECTION 1. The county commissioners of Plymouth county May build are hereby authorized to construct a bridge, with a suitable Green Harbor draw to accommodate navigation, over Green Harbor River, Marshfield. in Marshfield, at a point not less than two thousand feet above the mouth of said river. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BOSTON DENTAL Be it enacted, &c., as follows : COLLEGE. Chap. 27. tor of dental conferred upon SECTION 1. The trustees of the Boston Dental College Degree of docshall have authority to confer the degree of doctor of dental surgery may be surgery upon candidates therefor of adult age and of good ce moral character, who have pursued their professional studies tions. three years under competent instructors, and have attended two full courses of lectures in the college: provided, that a Proviso. certificate of attendance upon one course of lectures in any respectable dental or medical college, or five years' reputable practice may be considered a substitute for the first course of lectures hereby required; and provided, further, that candidates shall maintain a thesis and undergo an examination to the satisfaction of the faculty, and satisfy the professors of operative and mechanical dentistry of their ability to meet satisfactorily the requirements of their art. SECTION 2. Section four of chapter two hundred and Repeal seventy-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap. 28. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT CONCERNING THE APPOINTMENT OF MEN 1869, 92, § 1, amended. FOR HOSE-CARRIAGES. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. Section one of chapter ninety-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine is hereby amended by inserting the words "or reservoirs" immediately after the word "hydrants." SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap. 29. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE NORTHAMPTON AND WILLIAMSBURG May reduce capital stock. STREET RAILWAY COMPANY TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF ITS CAPI- Be it enacted, &c., as follows : SECTION 1. The Northampton and Williamsburg Street Railway Company is hereby authorized to reduce its capital stock to one hundred thousand dollars. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap. 30. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ALBANY STREET FREIGHT RAILWAY COM May reduce capital stock. PANY TO REDUCE ITS CAPITAL STOCK. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The Albany Street Freight Railway Company is hereby authorized to reduce its capital stock to seventyfive thousand dollars. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. OF BOSTON. Chap. 31. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE LAWRENCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Be it enacted, &c., as follows : Corporators. SECTION 1. William Perkins, Joseph B. Glover, Charles L. Young, their associates and successors, are hereby made a Name and pur- corporation, by the name of the Lawrence Fire Insurance Company of Boston, to be located in the city of Boston, for Powers and du- the purpose of making insurances against losses by fire; with pose. ties. Capital stock and shares. all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions set forth in all general laws which now are or hereafter may be in force relating to such corporations. SECTION 2. Said corporation shall have a capital stock of two hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each; and shall have the right to increase the same, from time to time, to an amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars: provided, the amount of such increase be paid in in cash, within three years from the date of this act. commence SECTION 3. Said corporation may commence business, When may when two hundred thousand dollars shall have been sub- business. scribed and paid in in cash. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. AN ACT TO REVIVE THE MERCHANTS' BANK OF LOWELL FOR CERTAIN Be it enacted, &c., as follows: PURPOSES. Chap. 32. of conveying SECTION 1. The existence of the corporation heretofore Charter revived known as the President, Directors and Company of the Mer-f the prose chants' Bank, and located in Lowell, is hereby revived and real estate. continued for the purpose of enabling the president and directors of said Merchants' Bank, at the time when the same became an association for carrying on the business of banking under the laws of the United States, to convey, assign and transfer to the Merchants' National Bank of Lowell any real estate or interests therein of said Merchants' Bank, and for no other purpose whatever. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SUFFOLK SAVINGS BANK, FOR SEAMEN • Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Chap. 33. real es SECTION 1. The Suffolk Savings Bank, for Seamen and $100,000 addiothers, is hereby authorized to hold real estate to the amount tate. of one hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the amount now authorized by law: provided, that no part of said amount Proviso. shall be invested in real estate, except in the purchase of a suitable site, and the erection or preparation of a suitable building to be used for banking purposes; and all income, if any, arising from such real estate shall be devoted exclusively to the interests of said corporation. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NATIONAL GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY. Chap. 34. SECTION 1. Charles S. Homer, John P. Palmer, Abram S. Corporators. French, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the National Glass Insurance Name and purCompany, in the city of Boston, for the purpose of making pose. insurances against the breaking of plate and other glass or mirrors; with all the powers and privileges, and subject to Powers and duall the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws which now are or hereafter may be in force relating to fire insurance corporations. ties. |