tion, culture and enterprise, and in that spotless integrity in the administration of public affairs which has hitherto made her name stand with high honor among her sister States, if she does not rebuke the misappropriation of public funds and the betrayal of sacred trusts. Our money has been put in peril by others; but let us not suffer them also to put our reputation and honor in jeopardy. Let all applicants for franchise or assistance fully understand that no countenance whatever will be given to deceit, fraud or diversion of funds, by the managers of corporations. The good name of the Commonwealth and the highest interests of society demand that such misconduct, now and hereafter, shall be visited with the severest reprobation. CHANGE OF NAMES OF PERSONS. [In compliance with the 14th section of the 110th chapter of the General Statutes, returns of the following changes of names have been received at the Department of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, as decreed by the several Judges of the Probate Courts, in their respective Counties.] |