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When convention takes effect,

articles and the regulations may be modified from time to time by accord of the two administrations, as the exigencies of the service may require. ARTICLE XIX. This convention shall take effect on the first of April and how may be next, and shall continue in force until one year from the time when one of the contracting parties shall have given to the other notice of its desire to terminate it, unless sooner terminated or modified by mutual agree





ARTICLE XX. This convention shall be ratified on the part of the when to be rati- United States by the Postmaster-General, and on the part of Italy by the Director-General of Posts, and the ratifications exchanged as early as possible.

Approved by

In testimony whereof, the two commissioners have subscribed their names and affixed their seals thereto.

Done at Florence in duplicate original, this eighth day of November, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.




Special Commissioner, &c., &c. GIO. BATTISTA TANTESIO, Commissioner of Posts.

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Having examined and considered the foregoing articles of a postal conthe Postmaster- vention, for the modification of the convention executed between the General; United States of America and the kingdom of Italy under date of 8th July, 1863, which were agreed upon and signed in duplicate at Florence on the eighth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixtyseven, by the Hon. John A. Kasson, special commissioner, &c., on behalf of this department, and by Chevalier Advocate Giovanni Battista Tantesio, chief director of the Post-Office Department of the kingdom of Italy, on behalf of his department, the same are by me hereby ratified and approved, by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States.

In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the Post-Office Department to be hereto affixed, with my signature, the day and year first above written. [SEAL.]


Postmaster-General United States.

WASHINGTON, November 30, 1867.

by the President of the

United States.

I hereby approve the aforegoing convention, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.


By the President:


WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.

Convention between the United States of America and the King of Italy, defining the Rights, Immunities, and Privileges of Consuls; Concluded February 8, 1868; Proclaimed February 13, 1869.



Feb. 8, 1868.

WHEREAS a convention defining the rights, immunities, and privileges of Preamble. consuls, between the United States of America and his Majesty the King of Italy, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Washington, the eighth day of February, eighteen hundred and sixtyeight, which convention, being in the English and Italian languages, is word for word as follows:

The President of the United S. M. il Re d'Italia, e il Presi- Contracting States and his Majesty the King of dente degli Stati Uniti, riconoscen- parties. Italy, recognizing the utility of de- do l'utilità di determinare i diritti, fining the rights, privileges, and im- privilegii ed immunità degli ufficimunities of consular officers in the ali consolari dei due paesi, hanno two countries, deem it expedient to deciso di conchiudere una convenconclude a consular convention for zione that purpose.

Accordingly, they have named: the President of the United States, William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States; his Majesty the King of Italy, the Commander Marcello Cerruti, &c.; who, after communicating to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:


consolare. Aquesto effetto

hanno nominato

S. M. il Re d'Italia: Il Commendatore Marcello Cerruti, suo Inviato Straordinario, e Ministro Plenipotenziario presso gli Stati Uniti. Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti: Guglielmo H. Seward, Segretario di Stato degli Stati Uniti. I quali dopo presentazione dei loro pieni poteri, trovati in buona e debita forma, hanno convenuto negli articoli seguenti:



Each of the high contracting parCiascuna delle alte parti contraties agrees to receive from the other enti si obliga a ricevere dall' altra eral, consuls, &c. to be received by consuls-general, consuls, vice-con- consoli generali, consoli, vice-con- each power in suls, and consular agents, in all its soli e agenti consolari, in tutti i suoi all its places, ports, cities, and places, except those porti, luoghi e città, ad eccezione except, &c. where it may not be convenient to di quelli nei quali non si reputerà recognize such officers. This reser- conveniente di riconoscere tali funvation, however, shall not apply to zionari. one of the high contracting parties without also applying to every other


apply alike to

Non potrà peró questa riserva Reservation to applicarsi ad una delle alte parti every other contraenti, senza che si applichi power. ugualmente a tutte le altre potenze.

Consular officers to receive exequatur free of charge and effect thereof.

Consular officers to be ex

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Consular officers, on the presen- Gli ufficiali consolari riceveranno tation of their commissions in the dietro presentazione delle loro paforms established in their respec- tenti, e secondo le formalità stabitive countries, shall be furnished lite ne paesi rispettivi, l'exequatur with the necessary exequatur free of richiesto per l'esercizio delle loro charge, and on the exhibition of this funzioni, il quale verrà loro spedito instrument they shall be permitted senza spesa, e sulla presentazione to enjoy the rights, prerogatives, di tale instrumento essi verranno and immunities granted by this con- ammessi da tutte le autorità del vention. luogo di lor residenza, al godimento dei diritti, prerogative ed immunità loro accordate nella presente convenzione.

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Consular officers, citizens or sub- Gli ufficiali consolari sudditi delempt from arrest, jects of the State by which they are lo Stato che li ha nominati, non po&c. except, &c.; appointed, shall be exempt from ar- tranno essere arrestati a meno che rest, except in the case of offences si tratti di reati che la legislazione which the local legislation qualifies locale qualifica di crimini e punisce as crimes, and punishes as such; come tali, e andranno esenti dall' from military billetings, from ser- alloggio militare, dal prestare service in the militia or in the national vizio nella milizia, nella guardia guard, or in the regular army, and nazionale, e nell' armata regolare, e from all taxation, federal, State, or da qualsiasi contribuzione federale, if citizens, &c. municipal. If, however, they are di Stato o municipale. Ove però citizens or subjects of the State sieno cittadini o sudditi dello Stato where they reside, or own property, o vi posseggano beni stabili, o vi or engage in business there, they esercitino il commercio od una qualshall be liable to the same charges che industria, essi andranno sogof all kinds as other citizens or sub-getti agli stessi carichi di qualunjects of the country, who are mer- que genere, come se fossero cittachants or owners of property. dini o sudditti del paese, mercanti o proprietarii di beni stabili.

of the State where they reside, &c. they are liable to

same charges as other citizens;

not to be compelfed to appear


No consular officer who is a citizen as witnesses be- or subject of the State by which he fore the courts; was appointed, and who is not en

gaged in business, shall be compelled to appear as a witness before the courts of the country where he their testimo- may reside. When the testimony ny, how to be obtained; of such a consular officer is needed, he shall be invited in writing to appear in court, and if unable to do so, his testimony shall be requested in writing, or be taken orally, at his dwelling or office.

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Gli ufficiali consolari cittadini o sudditi delo Stato che li ha nominati, e che non esercitino il commercio, né alcuna specie d'industria, non saranno forzati a comparire come testimonj davanti ai tribunali del paese in cui resiedono. Ove la loro testimonianza si faccia necessaria si inviteranno per iscritto a comparire in corte, ed in caso d'impedimento si dovrà richiedere la loro deposizione scritta, o riceverla di viva voce nel loro domicilio od ufficio.

Sarà dovere de' summentovati uffiziali consolari, di aderire a tale domanda, senza frapporre dilazione non necessaria. In tutti i casi criminali contemplati dal 6° Articolo

ments to the Constitution of the United States, whereby the right is secured to persons charged with crimes to obtain witnesses in their favor, the appearance in court of said consular officer shall be demanded, with all possible regard to the consular dignity and to the duties of his office. A similar treatment shall also be extended to United States consuls in Italy in the like cases.


Consuls general, consuls, viceconsuls, and consular agents may place over the outer door of their offices, or of their dwelling-houses, the arms of their nation, with this inscription, "Consulate, or vice-consulate, or consular agency," of the United States, or of Italy, &c., &c. And they may also raise the flag of their country on their offices or dwellings, except in the capital of the country, when there is a legation there.


The consular offices and dwellings shall be at all times inviolable. The local authorities shall not, under any pretext, invade them. In no case shall they examine or seize the papers there deposited. In no case shall those offices or dwellings be used as places of asylum. When, however, a consular officer is engaged in other business the papers relating to the consulate shall be kept separate.


degli emendamenti alla Costituzione
degli Stati Uniti, in virtù del quale
é garantito il diritto alle persone
accusato di crimini, di ottenere tes-
timonj in loro favore, gli ufficiali
consolari saranno invitati a com-
parire, con ogni possibile riguardo
allo lor dignità e ai doveri della
loro carica.

I consoli degli Stati Uniti in
Italia riceveranno un uguale tratta-
mento in casi consimili.


I consoli generali, consoli, viceConsular officonsoli e agenti consolari potranno over their doors cers may place collocare sovra la porta esterna del the arms of their loro ufficio o abitazione lo stemma nation, and raise its flag, except, della loro nazione con questa iscri- &c. zione "Consolato, o vice-consolato, o agenzia consolare degli Stati Uniti, o d'Italia." Potranno pure inalberare la bandiera del loro paese, sulla loro abitazione od ufficio, quando non risiedono nella capitale laddove si trova la legazione del loro paese.

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their functions.

In the event of the death, inca- Nel caso d'impedimento, assenza In case of the absence, or pacity, or absence of consuls-gen- o morte de' consoli generali, consoli, death, &c. of eral, consuls, vice-consuls, and con- vice-consoli e agenti consolari, i loro consular officers, sular agents, their chancellors or cancellieri e segretarii, il cui carat- who to exercise secretaries, whose official character tere officiale sia previamente stato may have previously been made dichiarato al D° di Stato in Washknown to the Department of State ington ovvero al ministero degli at Washington, or to the minister affari esteri in Italia, saranno amfor foreign affairs in Italy, may tem- messi ad esercitare interinalmente porarily exercise their functions, le loro funzioni, e godranno, durante and while thus acting they shall la loro gestione, di tutti i diritti,


may appoint vice-consuls,.


Who may be vice-consuls, &c.;

enjoy all the rights, prerogatives, prerogative ed immunità accordate
and immunities granted to the in- ai titolari.


Consuls-general and consuls may, eral and consuls with the approbation of their respective governments, appoint viceconsuls and consular agents in the cities, ports, and places within their consular jurisdiction. These officers may be citizens of the United States, Italian subjects, or other their commis- foreigners. They shall be furnished sions and privi- with a commission by the consul leges. who appoints them and under whose orders they are to act. They shall enjoy the privileges stipulated for consular officers in this convention, subject to the exceptions specified in Articles III and IV.

Consular officers may complain to the authorities of in

fractions of treaties or conventions;



Consuls general, consuls, viceconsuls, and consular agents, may complain to the authorities of the respective countries, whether federal or local, judicial or local, judicial or executive, within their consular district, of any infraction of the treaties and conventions between the United States and Italy, or for the purpose of protecting the rights and interests of their countrymen. If the complaint should not be satisfactorily redressed, the consular officers aforesaid, in the absence of a diplomatic agent of their country, may apply directly to the government of the country where they reside.



I consoli generali, edi consoli potranno nominare dietro approvazione dei respettivi governi, vice-consoli e agenti consolari nelle città, porti e luoghi della loro giurisdizione consolare. Questi agenti potranno scegliersi fra i cittadini degli Stati Uniti o fra i sudditi Italiani, o fra gli stranieri, e saranno muniti d'una patente rilasciata dal console che li ha nominati, e sotto gli ordini del quale dovranno esercitare le loro funzioni.

Essi godranno dei privilegii stipulati nella presente convenzione in favore degli ufficiali consolari, salve le eccezioni specificate negli Articoli III e IV.


I consoli generali, consoli, viceconsoli e agenti consolari, potranno rivolgersi alle autorità dei paesi rispettivi entro il loro distretto, siano esse federali o locali, giusdiziarie o esecutive, per reclamare contro qualunque infrazione de' trattati e convenzioni esistenti fra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti, come pure ad oggetto di difendere i diritti e gli interessi dei loro compatriotti. Se le risoluzioni prese in seguito a tali rimostranze non fossero soddisfacenti, i sopraddetti ufficiali consolari in mancanza di un agente diplomatico del loro paese, potranno ricorrere direttamente al governo del paese nel quale risiedono.


Consuls general, consuls, vice- I consoli generali, consoli, vicemay take dep- consuls, and consular agents may consoli e agenti consolari, e i loro take at their offices, at the residence cancellieri avranno il diritto di of the parties, at their private resi- ricevere nei loro uffizii, alla residence, or on board ship, the depo- denza delle parti, nella propria abisitions of the captains and crews of tazione e anche a bordo, le depovessels of their own country, of sizioni che abbiano a prestare i passengers on board of them, and of capitani e gli equipaggi delle navi any other citizen or subject of their di loro nazione, e dei passeggieri a nation. They may also receive at bordo delle medesime e di qualsiasi their offices, conformably to the altro cittadino o suddito del loro laws and regulations of their coun-paese.

may receive contracts.

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