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village of Townsend, in or at the hotel now occupied by James C. Townsend, and the election for the said Blackbird hundred shall be held at Blackbird, at the place now authorized by law for holding elections in Appoquinimink south Laws appli- election district. All laws of this State that apply to hundreds in New Castle county as such, shall apply and extend to the said Appoquinimink hundred, and the said Blackbird hundred, as separate and distinct hundreds.

cable to hundreds extended to each of said hundreds.

Of Levy Court commissioners.

Their election.


Road com-




Of the assessment and collection of taxes in said


SECTION 2. That Appoquinimink hundred and Blackbird hundred, as formed by this act, shall each have one commissioner of the Levy Court and Court of Appeal as now provided for by law, and at the next general election to be held in the year A. D. 1878, one commissioner of the Levy Court and Court of Appeal shall be elected for Blackbird hundred, and at the general election in the year A. D. 1878, commissioner of the Levy Court and Court of Appeal shall be elected for Appoquinimink hundred, as formed by this act. But this section shall not be construed to affect in any manner, the office of any commissioner of the Levy Court or Court of Appeal, in Appoquinimink hundred, as now exist.


SECTION 3. That Appoquinimink hundred and Blackbird hundred as formed by this act, shall each have three road commissioners, and at the next hundred election, in the year A. D. 1876, two road commissioners shall be elected for each of the hundreds formed by this act, and at the hundred election, in the year A. D. 1878, one road commissioner shall be elected for each of the hundreds aforesaid. But this section shall not be construed to affect in any manner the office of road commissioner in Appoquinimink hundred, except, however, that the road commissioner elected in 1874, in each election district of Appoquinimink hundred, shall, after the hundred election aforesaid in the year A. D. 1876, duly exercise jurisdiction in the hundred in which they respectively reside. The road commissioners shall, until after the hundred election aforesaid, in 1876, alternately meet in the two hundreds formed by this Act.

SECTION 4. That the assessment, levying and collection of taxes in the said hundreds hereby formed by this act, until the month of February, A. D. 1876, shall be made in the same manner as heretofore, and the passage of this act shall in no way impair the right of any collector to complete the collection of duplicates or assessments in his hands for collection, or which may hereafter be placed in his hands for collection in the same manner as if this act had not been passed. Nor shall this


act affect in any manner the liabilities or official bond of any such collector.

The Levy
Court shall,

lists for the

formed by

SECTION 5. That the Levy Court of New Castle county from the shall, from the assessment of Appoquinimink hundred, in the assessment of Appomonth of March, A. D., 1876, cause a duplicate or assessment quinimink hundred list of the persons and property, real and personal, in Appo-make quinimink and Blackbird hundreds, as formed by this act, to assessment be made,and the assessment lists so made shall be the assess- hundreds ment lists for the said Appoquinimink and Blackbird hun- this act. dreds as formed by this act, and the taxes, annually, upon the By whom persons and property contained in such lists,shall be collected such lists by the collectors of said hundreds. In making such assessment collected. lists and adjusting the same, whenever the lands of any per- crossed by sons are crossed by the dividing line aforesaid, said lands the said shall be included in the assessment of that hundred where the shall be mansion dwelling house is situated.

SECTION 6. That the constable and trustees of the poor, heretofore appointed for Appoquinimink hundred, shall continue in office, and act as such, until their respective terms of office shall expire or become vacant.

taxes in

shall be

Where lands

dividing line



and stastees of the Poor in office

to continue until terms expire.

ment of one

SECTION 7. The Levy Court of New Castle county shall, Appointin the year A. D., 1876, at the proper times and annually trustee of thereafter, appoint one trustee of the poor, one collector and constable one constable for each hundred formed by this act.

Passed at Dover, March 9, 1875.

the Poor, one

and one collector for each hundred.



How the

States may

AN ACT to cede to the United States title to, and jurisdiction over lands United for sites of light-houses, beacons, life saving stations, or other aids to acquire title navigation within the limits of the State of Delaware.

to, and jurisdiction over, land

belonging to for the site

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That whenever the United States shall desire to acquire a title house &

this State, of any light


The ceded lands, &c.



to land of any kind belonging to this State, whether covered
by the navigable waters within its limits or otherwise, for the
site of any light-house, beacon, life saving station, or other
aid to navigation, and application is made by a duly authoriz-
ed agent of the United States, describing the site or sites
required therefor, the Governor of the State shall be author-
ized to convey such site or sites to the United States, and to
cede to the United States, jurisdiction over the same ; Provi-
ded that no single tract desired for any light-house, beacon,
or other aid to navigation shall contain more than ten acres,
or for any life-saving station more than one acre.

SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That all the lands, rights and privileges hereby authorized to be ceded, and all to be exempt the buildings, structures, improvements, and property of every kind erected and placed thereon by the United States shall be exempt from taxation so long as the same shall be used for the purposes before mentioned.


The State


When the ceded land shall revert to the State.

SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall in no manner abrogate or interfere with the jurisdiction and pertaiiction. right of this State to serve and execute any legal process, civil or criminal, within the limits of any tract of land hereby authorized to be ceded for the purposes aforesaid; and that the title to any land hereby authorized to be ceded as aforesaid, shall escheat and revert to the State, unless the construction thereon of the light-house, beacon, life saving station, or other aid to navigation, for which it is ceded, shall be commenced within two years after such conveyance shall be made, and shall be completed within ten years thereafter; and this act shall take effect from the date of its passage.

Passed at Dover, Feb. 9, 1875.






AN ACT to provide for the relinquishment, in certain cases, to the United
States of title to lands for sites of light stations on the coasts and waters
of this State:

Manner of

erection of

the Peace

appoint free

assess the

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That whenever the United States are desirous of purchasing condemning any tract of land not exceeding ten acres, and the right of lands for the way thereto within the limits of this State for the erection of light houses, a lighthouse, beacon light, range light or light-keeper's dwell- &c. ing, and that the owner or owners are unknown, non-residents or minors, or from any cause are incapable of making a perfect title to said lands, or in case the said owners being residents, and capable, shall,from disagreement in price, or from any cause whatever, refuse to convey said lands to the United States, it shall be the duty of any justice of the peace residing in the Justices of hundred wherein said land or lands is situated, if there be any, shall, upon if not, then the nearest justice of the peace residing in the application, county wherein said land is situated, upon the application of holders to the owner or owners of said land, or any agent of the United damages States, to appoint six judicious and impartial freeholders residing in the hundred wherein said land is situated, who shall, after being duly sworn or affirmed, and due notice given to parties interested if their residence be known, go upon the Notice to said land at the time designated in such notice, and assess the interested. value of said land and the damages which the owner or owners may sustain by reason of their condemnation and appropriation to the United States. It shall also be their Freeholders duty to locate the right of way thereto and assess the damages the right of which the owner or owners of the lands on which or over which way, and such right of way shall be located will sustain thereby. The damages said freeholders shall certify their finding and award to both Award parties, but if either party be dissatisfied with the valuation certified. and damages so assessed, such party may, on application to the prothonotary of the Superior Court of the State of Delaware Either party, in and for the county wherein the land is situated, within may sue out thirty days after such assessment, sue out a writ of ad quod quod damnum requiring the sheriff in the usual form to inquire of damnum." twelve impartial men of the hundred wherein said land is situated, of the damages aforesaid, and also of the valuation aforesaid, and their report shall be final, which amount, when Proceedings

the parties

also to locate

assess the


if dissatisfied

a writ of ad

thereunder final.

*This chapter is repealed by chapter 7, current volume, Delaware Laws. † So enrolled.

When damages may be deposited in Farmers Bank.



And in case any

so assessed, shall be paid by the United States to the parties entitled, capable of receiving the same. owner of lands necessary for the purposes aforesaid, shall be a minor or non-resident, or for any cause incapable of receiving, or annulling* or neglecting to receive said valuation or damages, the agent or agents of the United States may deposit the amount of said valuation and damages to the credit of such owner or owners in the Farmers Bank of the State of DelaStates shall ware, subject to his or their order. The expenses of the assess


expenses. Proviso.

The State



ment or assessments aforesaid, shall always be paid by the United States, Provided, however, that no land shall be appropriated to the United States under this act, upon which there is any burial ground or place of interment.

SECTION 2. That the sovereignty and jurisdiction of this State shall extend over any lands acquired by the United jurisdiction. States under the provisions of this this act so far as that all civil and criminal process issued under authority of any law of this State may be executed in any part of the premises so acquired, or the buildings or structures thereon erected.

The United


maintaihall States shall make a good and lawful fence around the ground SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That the United so condemned and appropriated as aforesaid, and shall also make a similar fence upon either side of the right of way, and keep the same in good repair.


SECTION 4. That chapter 173, vol. 14, Laws of Delaware, Code, 1874, published under chapter 11 of the Revised Statutes of the 1874, entitled " Of

Chapter 173 vol 14.


State of Delaware of 1852, as published in
Public Lands" be and the same is hereby repealed, made null
and void, the same being supplied by this act.

Passed at Dover, February 19, 1875.

*So enrolled.

So enrolled.

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