BURKE, FITZSIMONS, HONE & CO., Importers, Jobbers and Retailers OF DRY GOODS AND FANCY GOODS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF WOOLEN GOODS, No. 53 Main Street, AND Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 North St. Paul Street, ROCHESTER, Having established the most extensive Dry Goods House in the State outside of New York City, we can offer advantages to buyers of Dry Goods unequalled by any other dealers in the country. We import directly and keep constantly on hand full lines of Broche and Paisley Shawls; Pim Bros. Genuine Irish Poplins, Black and Colored Silks; Irish Linens and Lace Curtains; Hilgers' Celebrated Broadcloths and Doeskins. Our stock of the following goods is always full and complete: Cloaks, Sacques and Mantillas; English, French and American Cassimeres; Genesee Falls Cassimeres, "our own make;" Mohair and Cashmere Dress Goods; Shaker and Ebenezer Flannels; White, Scarlet and Opera Wool Flannels; Damask Table Cloths and Towelings; Napkins, Doylies and Wine Cloths; Linen Sheetings and Pillow Casings; 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4. 10-4, and 11-4 Cotton Sheetings; French, American & Scotch Ginghams; English, French & American Calicoes; Woolen and Cotton Yarns; Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes; Real Laces and Embroideries; Swiss Nainsook and Victoria Muslins; Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions; Ribbons and Trimmings; Hosiery, Our Jobbing business, which now extends from the Eastern portion of the State to the "Far West," offers inducements to city and country Merchants equal to any house in the United States. In addition to our advantages as Manufacturers and direct Importers, we have the sale of several makes of Brown Cottons and Woolen Mills in this locality.. Price Lists and Samples furnished on application, and orders sent by mail or entrusted to our agents, will receive prompt attention, and Dealers can rely upon purchasing of us the year round At New York Jobbers' Prices. |