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The Powers not Delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States respectively, or to the People.
Amendments to the Constitution, Art. X.-


Freedom of Industry, as sacred as freedom of speech or of the press..

VOL. I.]





[No. 1.

tronage, as its basis, a tri-weekly paper cannot be advantageously sustained.

rate as that of State Rights now is, the few in this city who remain truc to "LIBERTYTHE CONSTITUTION-UNION," as understood by the Fathers of the Republican faith, and who repudiate the doctrines of the Proclamation and the Bill of Force, have resolved to make one last, although it may prove to be a feeble effort, for contributing towards the salvation of the liberties of the country.

In recurring to this discouraging fact, which we do with great regret, as well on our own account as on account of the gloomy aspect which the northern horizon must preIn the last number of the "Banner of the sent to the eyes of our fellow-citizens of the Constitution," published on the 31st of De- South, we are not, however, to be understood ⚫cember, 1832, a Prospectus was issued by the as abandoning all intention of co-operating. Editor of that Journal, for the publication of with the friends of free government at the a Daily and Tri-weekly paper, to be entitled South. Whilst there is life, there is hope; "The Examiner," to be pledged to the sup-and, encouraged by the success which attendport of the old Republican doctrines of '98, ed the struggle for Free Trade, the cause of as held during the times that tried men's souls, which, five years since, was nearly as despeby the eminent patriots who contributed to arrest the march of usurpation so flagrantly attempted by the Federal Government, in the enactment of the Alien and Sedition Laws. Subsequent to the appearance of that Prospectus, various events occurred to render the establishment of the paper impracticable.The impetuous current of Consolidation let loose by the fatal Proclamation of the 10th of December, and which was afterwards, at the The crisis from which we have just emerNorth, rendered irresistible by the passage of ged, has left the public mind in a state of the Bill which converted into a government comparative freedom and quiescence, and of force and blood, one which had been esta- men may now calmly sit down and reason blished upon the principles of mutual conces- together upon those vital questions of constision and peace, has swept away almost every tutional law and public policy, which, for the shadow of devotion to the Rights of the States, last five years, have been so intermingled with which at the period of our early history were men and money, that few individuals not resiconsidered to be the great pillars of Liberty. dent in the planting States took the pains of Amidst this wreck of principles, the number investigating for themselves the true nature of those who, in this region, still adhere to of the points at issue. Under the influence of the true faith, and who are superior to the in- a high state of excitement, and in the midst fluence of that vile and degrading man-wor- of a partizan warfare, it is altogether imposship which has thus prostrated the republican sible that truth can be discerned from error; cause, and who at the same time have suffi- and hence we have seen, in the confusion of cient independence openly to avow their sen- the battle, not only the rank and file of the old timents, is too limited to afford a patronage democratic party, but even the leaders of the adequate to the support of a daily paper; and troops, deserting the standard under which all who are familiar with the expenses of pub- they had always before esteemed it their glolication, well know, that, without a large daily ry to be arrayed, and ferociously fighting by subscription, or an extensive advertizing pa- the side of the enemy.

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Every one conversant with the principles mitted to without remonstrance? Is the repubupon which this Government was founded, is lican party of the present day prepared to yield, acquainted with the fact, that at the time of without a struggle, the glorious inheritance its formation, the people of the thirteen States, bequeathed to them by their fathers, and to then constituting the old Confederation, were see the government which but for their patriotic divided into two great parties; the one desi- firmness, would, long ere this, have been a rous of establishing a single strong consolidated hideous aristocracy, administered in all future government, bordering upon monarchy, which time upon the very theory of those whose docwould have reduced the States to the rank of trines they have always held in detestation mere counties or corporations-the other ad- when not professed by traitors of their own vocating a government upon the principles of party? We trust not. federation, which, whilst they would have left But where is the remedy? By what means unimpaired the sovereignty of the States, can a counter-revolution be effected? How would have conferred upon the general agency shall the democracy of the country be awakened the management of the foreign relations of the from the death-like sleep into which their howhole, and of such internal concerns as might nest and confiding hearts, trusting to faithless be defined in a constitution of limited powers. leaders, had incautiously fallen? At the South, In this diversity of views originated the great thank heaven, the press is still free; and the contest for principles, which first commenced spirit of '98, which has been slumbering even in the Convention of '87,which was renewed in there, is fast reviving. But here at the North, '98, and which resulted, upon both occasions, not a column is open to the free discussion of in the triumph of the friends of State Rights, the questions upon which our free institutions and which is now again about to be renewed, depend; and the lovers of liberty are as destiwith the certainty of success, if the American tute of the means of promulgating their sentipeople are resolved not to live and die slaves. ments, as if the freedom of the press was inhiTHE REVOLUTION in the character and at- bited by the Constitution. Shall, then, their tributes of the Central Government at Wash- aspirations for the happiness of their country ington,accomplished by the personal popularity be stifled? Shall the South be driven to the of Andrew Jackson, through his Proclamation belief that no kindred minds exist north of the of the 10th of December last, has no parallel Potomac, and that no hopes of escape from, tyin history. The sword of a victorious general ranny and despotism are left, but in seceshas often laid low the liberties of a people sion from the Union? God forbid! We love who had not intelligence to enable them to the South too dearly to see her break the conunderstand their rights, or who wanted cou- nection which has so 'long happily bound' rage to defend them: but no example had yet us together; and if we have not at this day been furnished of a large majority of the inha- the means of publishing a daily paper, around bitants of a country, boasting of its freedom, which to rally the faithful, we can at least voting by acclamation to place a sword in the give vent to our opinions, until a more propihands of a military chieftain, whose election, tious season, through the humble channel now when no sword was in view, was opposed by presented. WE DO MOST HONESTLY AND

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AND THE ONLY GUARANTEE FOR THE PERPETUITY OF THE UNION-and we think we shall be able to make this appear, in the progress of our publication, to every man who will approach the subject free from the influence of prejudice and devotion to party..

tens of thousands of these same people, upon FIRMLY BELIEVE, THAT, IN THE RESERVED the very ground of his proneness to the ex- RIGHTS OF THE STATES ABIDES THE ONLY ercise of despotic power. By the usurping SAFETY FOR THE LIBERTIES OF THE PEOPLE, act known by the title of the "Military Force Bill," Jackson's revolution was consummated. What before was sustained by the mere ephemeral voice of popular assemblies, assumed by that step a legal form, and was recorded amongst our statutes. But is it not an act passed in violation of the Constitution? Does In commencing a publication upon the humit not break down the barriers which can ble plan here offered, we have adopted the alone protect the liberties of the people, and means best calculated, in our opinion, to promote sweep away every vestige of those rights re- the end. The indifference to political discusferred to in that article of the federal compact sions, where principles, and not men, where which declares that "the powers not dele- wholesome truths, not loaves and fishes, are the gated to the United States by the Consitution, topics, is so great, that few are willing to pay for nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved being instructed in their rights; and hence it to the States respectively or to the People?" Every true friend of State Rights must answer in the affirmative. Shall it, then, be sub

is, that nothing but a very cheap, and consequently small publication, could have any chance of a wide circulation in those quarters

which it is most desirable to reach. Small, professing a reverence for the name of Jefferhowever, as this sheet is, it will constitute in son, most clamorously denouncing his princithe year a volume of 400 pages; and will con- ples. tain, in a form adapted for preservation, as much matter, upon a few particular branches This first number of the paper is issued in of knowledge, as any individual would proba-anticipation of the date which it bears. This bly wish to read. has been done in order that before the day With these introductory remarks, it remains of publication we may be able to form some for us only to say, that this journal will be a judgment of the number of copies of the second true exponent of the views of the Republican number that may safely be printed." party when it looked to principles, and not To all who may subscribe, a duplicate of men, for its guidance. A liberal support to this number will be sent, as soon as their such a paper may possibly lay the foundation names are received, so that the present copy for such a change of public opinion at the may be circulated amongst the friends of those North as cannot be effected through any ex- who may approve of the plan, without interisting means; and in the confident expectation fering with a regular file. of such support, the publication has been commenced without the previous issuing of a prospectus, under the pledge of its continuance for a year at least, upon the terms which will pleased to exchange with all the papers to the be found upon the last page. publishers of which this will be sent; and deShould it meet with a favorable reception from the gentle- sire it to be understood that we only require men at the South, who have transmitted their paper for paper-that is, one every two weeks. names for the proposed tri-weekly Examiner, Those journals which coincide with us in and from any considerable proportion of the doctrine, we shall be careful to make honora

former subscribers to the Banner of the Con

Exchange Papers.--We should be

ble mention of; and as far as our circulation

may extend, the people shall know who are those at the present dark day of our political history, who are to be found on the side of liberty.

stitution, it could at once be introduced, by a very little effort on their part, into an extent of circulation that would render it not only efficient but permanent. We therefore solicit their aid on the occasion, as the only means of preventing the extinguishment of the last spark Resuscitation of the American System.-of the fire of genuine liberty, now glimmering The public is acquainted with the fact, that, in this benighted region. If the republican towards the end of May or beginning of June party at the North cannot be rallied upon re-the Hon. Daniel Webster left Boston, on a publican grounds before another year, it will be vain to hope for it at any future period; and a short time will see the chains of consolidation inextricably rivetted upon us, and the South placed in the attitude of a choice of submission to a government of unlimited powers, or a war of separation.

tour to the Western country, by the way of Lake Erie. Whilst at Buffalo, he was waited upon by a deputation of mechanics and manufacturers, and complimented in an address, in which his devotion to the protection of domestic industry was particularly referred to, and his aid invoked in "the approaching contest" for the restoration of its lost rights. In the Hon. Senator's reply, he avowed himself an advocate of the Protective System, and gave an assurance that he would be found at his post at the proper time.

In addressing these remarks to the "Friends of State Rights and State Remedies," we intend to include all who believe in the doctrine of State Interposition, whether they hold the creed of the Virginia or the Kentucky Resolutions. The time for trying men's souls has This pledge given by Mr. Webster, may be again arrived, and patriots must not be fright- considered as the first move in the game for ened at nicknames. The enemies of equal which it is evident the manufacturers are now rights are constantly at work with epithets, for preparing. It would seem that the apparent want of arguments. By the captivating term acquiescence of the favored few in the comproAmerican System," they attempted to cheat mise bill of Mr. Clay, was a mere feint to enathe people of their property; and now, by ble them the better to rally after their discombranding with the appellation "Nullifier," fiture; and as near three years were to elapse some of the purest and most honorable citi- before the reduction of duties could be sensizens of the land, they hope to cheat the bly felt, and nine before it was to terminate, people of their liberty. Unhappily, a large they flattered themselves that possibly before portion of the republicans have been caught the first period, and certainly before the second, in the snare, and are now. to be found, whilst they would be able to strengthen their cause,

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