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263, 540-551.

Pacific blockade, 267-270, 477.
Procedure, 250.

Reprisals, 264,265.

Retorsion, 263, 264.

Agreements, see Treaties.

Alabama, case of the, 411-415 (see

Geneva Arbitration).

Aliens, 151-165.

Asylum to, 118, 119.

Definition, 151.

Disabilities of, 152-156.
Domicile, 156-165.

Domiciled strangers, 151, 152.
Droit d'aubaine, 152.

Droit de rétraction, 152.

Exclusion of, 118, 119.
Exemptions, 153–156.

History of relation, 152-156.

Military service, 154.

Rights of, 152-156.

Treatment of, 152-156.

Allegiance (see Citizenship), 135-151.

Acquisition, 138, 139.

Citizenship, 135-151.

Distinguished from domicile, 136-
138, 157.

Expatriation, effect on, 143–151.
Forfeiture of, 139, 143-151.
Indelible, 144.

Loss of, 138, 139, 143-151.
Naturalization, effect on, 139-


Oath of, 142.

Renunciation of, 138, 139, 143-

Alliances (see Treaties), 241-243.
Classification, 242.

Definition, 242.
Equal, 242.

Forms of, 242, 243.
Offensive, 242.

Treaties respecting, 241-243.
Unequal, 242.

Alternate, use of the, 234.

Ambassadors (see Ministers), 87, 88,


Asylum in hotel, 210, 211.

Attachés, 201, 210, 211.

Cases against, where triable, 207,

Ceremonial, 129–131.

Civil jurisdiction, immunity
from, 205.

Classification of, 193, 194.
Credence, letters of, 195, 196.

Criminal jurisdiction, immunity
from, 202-205.

Customs dues, exemption from,

209, 210.

Duties, 197.

Envoys, 193, 195.

Exterritoriality, 87, 88, 200-210.

Honors to, 129-134.

Immunities, 87, 88, 199-210.

Legates, 195.

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250-263, 540-551.

Arbitration, conventional, 258-
263, 540-551.

Private, 255-258.

Evidence, 261, 262.

Good offices, 259, 541, 542.
Inquiry, international commis-
sion of, 259, 260, 542, 543.
Judgment, 261, 262, 549.
Mediation, 257, 260, 541, 542.
Parties, 262, note.

Permanent court, 260-262.
Power of court, 261, 262.
Preliminary treaty, 260, 261.
Procedure, 261.

Reservation of the United States,
262, 263.

Signatory parties, 262, note.
Umpire, 261.

Arbitration at Geneva, see Geneva

Arbitration Convention

of The

Hague, 540-551.
Accessions to, 550, 551.
Arbitral justice, 541.
Good offices, 541, 542.
Judgment of tribunal, 549.
Mediation, 541, 542.
Membership, 547, 548.

Organization, 547, 548.

Permanent court, 544, 551.
Procedure, 547-551.

Review of judgment, 549, 550.
Umpire, selection of, 545.

Commissions of inquiry, 259, 260, Aristocracies, 33.

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Procedure, 253-255, 547-550.
Anderson, John, case of, 70, note.
Angary, right of, 436, 437.
Anniversaries, observance of, 133.
Antwerp, laws of (see Sea Laws), 9.
Approach to verify nationality, 488.
Arbitral judgments as sources of in-
ternational law, 24, 25.

Arbitration, international, treaty reg-
ulating, 258-263, 540-551.

Agreement as to, 258. (See Ap-
pendix E, 540-551.)
Binding force of judgment, 261,

Composition of tribunal, 260-
262, 547, 548.
Counsel, 261, 547, 551.
Decision, 261, 262, 549.

Arm-badge (see Geneva Convention),

Armaments, diminution of, recom
mendation of Conference at The
Hague, 566.

Armed neutrality, 394, 395.
Armies in transit, see Exterritoriality.
Disfavored in practice, 84.

Exemption from local jurisdic-
tion, 83, 84.
Exterritoriality of, 83-85.
Government of, 84.
Injuries by, 84, 85.
Offences in, 84, 85.

Permission for transit, 83.
Supply of, 85.

Armistice (see Truces), 339-341, 521-

General, 339-341.

Special, 339-341.

Arms forbidden in war, 298, 299.
Art, protection of works of, in war,
306, 507, 559.

Artillery, recommendation of The
Hague Conference, 566.

Assassination prohibited in war, 523.
Asylum, 118-122, 422, 423.

Admission of aliens, 118, 119.
Aliens, treatment of, 118, 119.
Creole, case of the, 120, 121.
Extent of right, 118, 119.
Legationary, 209, 210.

Maria Luz, case of the, 121, 122.
Political refugees, 119.
Public armed vessels, 82.

Shipwrecked sailors, 120.
Troops, 423, 424.

Vessels in distress, 120.
War right, 422, 423.
Attachés, see Ministers.
Duties, 210, 211.

Military, 210, 211.
Naval, 210, 211.

Attack of places, 301-303, 566.

Duty of commanders, 302, 303.
Notice of bombardment, 301, 302.
Surrender, 303, 304.
Aubaine, Droit d', 152.

Augmentation of force (see Neutral-
ity), 407, 408.

Authors (see Text Writers), 26, 27.
Agreement among, 26, 27.
Classification of, 26.
Opinions of, 26, 27.

Unanimity of views among, 26,


Balance of power, see Interference.
De Martens' statement of princi-
ple, 106, 107.
Definition of, 104.

Extent of application, 106, 108.
History, 104-106.

Intervention in behalf of, 104-

Limitations on, 106-108.
Origin of principle, 104, 105.
Senior's statement of principle,
107, 108.

Vattel's statement of principle,


Balloons, 299.

Employés not spies, 299.

Use of, in war, 299.

Baltimore, case of the, 80-82.

Bar-shot prohibited in war, 299.

Belligerency, 275-279.

Recognition of, 276-278.

Belligerent right of search, 478–497.
Belligerents (see War), 275, 276.

Intercourse of, in war, 336-339.

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Notification of, 470-474.
Pacific, 267-270.

Paper, 470, note, 471.

Penalty for violation of, 472-475.
Proclamation of, 471-472.
Public armed vessels, 472, 473.
Raising of, 476–478.

Restriction on neutral commerce,
439, 440, 468.

Right to establish, 435, 440, 468.
Termination, 476–478.

Validity of, 470-473.

Violation of, how committed,

Warning to neutral ships, 471-

Boarding-party (see Search), 481, 482.
Visits, in peace (see Ceremonial),

Bombardment of sea-coast towns,
recommendation of Conference at
The Hague respecting, 566.
Bombardment of undefended towns,
301, 302.

Booty (see Captured Property), 510.
Boundaries, see States; Territory,

Artificial, 44.
Bays, 45.
Coast line, 45.

Definition, 44.

Establishment, 44.

Gulfs, 45.

Marine league, 54-56.

Natural, 44.

Navigable rivers as, 46–54.

Oceans, 45.

Rivers, 46, 47.

Seas, 45.

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Booty, 310, 311.

Title to, 310, 311.

Captures, 357-375.

Authority for, 358–361.
Booty, 510.

By whom made, 360.

Crews of captured vessels, 363.
Domicile of owners, 373-375.
Duty of captor, 362, 363.
Exemptions from capture, 374,

How effected, 361, 362.
Legality of, how determined,

Locality of, 360, 361.

Nationality of owners, 373-375.
Ships, 373-375.

Neutral waters, 360, 361.
Postliminy, 366–369.
Prisoners of war, 363.
Prize, 361-363.

Courts, 369-375.
Crews, 362, 363.

Ransom, 363-369.
Recapture, 303–309.
Right of, 358, 359.
Salvage, 367, 368.

Title to, in whom vested, 361,
362, 369, 370.

Validity of, how determined,

When complete, 361, 362.

Where made, 360, 361.

Caroline, case of the, 101, 102.
Cartels, 241, 316, 317, 339.

Construction, 316.
Parties, 339.

Purpose, 316, 339.
Ships, 317.

Caste, distinction of, not recognized,

Causes of war, 272, 273.

Moral considerations involved,
273, 274.

Responsibility for, 273.


Ambassadors, 129-134.

Anniversaries, national, 133.
Consuls, 129-134.

Diplomatic officers, 129-134.
Maritime, 128-131.
Military, 124-134.

Origin and extent of practice,

Salutes, 129, 130, 132-134.

Visits, 130-134.

Certificates of origin (see Passports),
163, 164.

Chargés d'Affaires (see Ministers),

Chain-shot, 299.

Chesapeake, case of the, 427.
Chivalry, institution of, 12, 13.

Influence on international law,
12, 13.

Christianity, influence of, on inter-
national law, 13-16.

Christina, Queen of Sweden, case of,
86, note.

Church, influence on international
law, 13, 14.

Canon law, 13.

Ecumenical councils, 13, 14.
Relations of, to Holy Roman
Empire, 14, 15.

Papacy, 13-15.

Churches, protection of, in war, 507.
Civil jurisdiction, exemptions from,

Civil status of individuals deter-
mined by domicile, 136-138.
Civil war (see War), 274, 523.

Allegiance, 135, 136.
Civil status, 136–138.
Classification, 138.
Definition, 135, 136.
Domicile, 136–138.
Duties, 32, 136–138.

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136-138, 157.

from domicile,

Expatriation, 143–151.
Forfeiture, 139, 143–151.
How determined, 137, 157.
Loss of, 139, 143, 151.
Native born, 138.
Nativity, 138, 139.

Naturalized citizens, 139-151.
Passports, 163, 164.

Persons included, 135, 136.
Proof of, 137, 143-151, 157.
Renunciation of, 139, 143–151.
Subjects, 135, 136.

Claims of subjects for injuries re-
ceived abroad:

Based on mob violence, 351, 352.
Based on war, 350-354.
Damages, when awarded, 351-

Diplomatic presentation, 250-

Duty of a state respecting, 350-

Local tribunals, resort to, 96, 97.
Method of presentation, 250-254.
Mob violence, 353, 354.
Procedure, 250-254.

War, claims based on, 350-354.
Claims to exclusive dominion on high
seas, 57, 58.

Classification of international law, 27-


Basis, 27, 28.

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