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were the actual political conditions in Germany. People who knew their Germany only as it presented itself to a foreign visitor, even twenty-five years ago, have been baffled and puzzled at the meek and subservient people and legislature of this present war time, evidently trained now to believe implicitly that the state can do no wrong; its newspapers applauding the Lusitania infamy and filling their columns with imaginary versions of the "Zeppelin raids," of the Belgian tyranny, and of the "submarine blockade"; its proletariat absorbing contentedly every pleasing fiction dictated by the War Office regarding Germany's military set-backs; its professors, scientists, and theologians repeating with wearisome iteration their story of a magnanimous Germany, driven to war to save the world from Slav domination or English tyranny, and using Belgium as a means to that disinterested end.

OUT the recent course of events, both

Central Powers, has raised the question whether it is possible for this attitude to continue. Every one is familiar with Bishop Butler's famous query— Has Why may not nations go mad German as well as individuals?-and Opinion Changed? his opinion that nothing else, as he saw it, could account for many of the events of history, and the world has not failed to apply the inference in its attempt to explain the Germany of this war. Yet nations, even more than individuals, recover in time from such fits of aberration (whether classified as insanity or not), and the recovery, in a multitude of cases, has been marked by reversion to the opposite extreme of hot indignation at the leaders who had misled them. The debates in the Reichstag during May, with the open prediction of a German republic (by Socialists, to be sure, but nevertheless by deputies who refused to be silenced), the admitted political insecurity of the present Chancellor between the reactionary Junker party and the Radical opposition, his hasty pledges of electoral reform after the war, and his bewildered handling of the Russian situation, have at least suggested a very different state of things from that of a year ago.

The German people might be reconciled to the policy of submarine assassination; but a people who had seen the United States, followed by nearly all the neutral powers of Central and South America and Asia, forced to an open breach with Germany, with even Holland, Spain, and Norway denouncing the German practices to the extreme of diplomatic censure in short, the whole world, outside of the Central Allies, virtu(Continued on page 62)

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(Continued from page 61)


ally repudiating Germany as a government whose acts had brought it beyond the pale of civilized relationships-would belie all history if their point of view regarding their own government, whose policies had undeniably brought on all these things, should remain precisely what it had been before.

The position into which Germany has fallen in the eyes of all other nations, neutral or belligerent, is in fact something quite beyond precedent in the world's history. Since the attitude of those other nations has been made clear by public and diplomatic action, the Berlin Foreign Office cannot conceal it from the German people. It has occurred at the moment when Germany's armies were at least known to be retreating in the west; when their losses were enormous, and when shortage of food was pressing on the people. Furthermore, this series of events, which has unmistakably aroused the activities of the Socialist Opposition in Germany, has also and for another reason deeply stirred the feelings of a very different class-the commercial magnates and the captains of industry.

DESPATCHES from Berlin were lately

full of hints at Germany's preparations for intensive activity in foreign commerce after the war. This is far from being borne out by the personal utterances of responsible men of affairs. Albert Ballin, director-general of the Ham- Effect on Germany's burg-American line, warned the Trade After German people in a public the War interview, as long ago as last December, that they must not look for return of prosperous foreign trade after the war. Walter Rathenau, head of the great Allgemeine Electric Company and formerly a member of one of the Prussian war commissions, published recently a pamphlet advising Germany to make up her mind that the war will probably have lost her all her foreign trade except with her present allies, that all her capital will have to be reserved for home uses, that raw material of foreign production will have to be used most sparingly, and that every citizen must work his hardest to rebuild the national wealth in the face of an after-war taxation nearly double what it was when the war began.

How the attitude of the outside world toward Germany in response to her government's savage submarine policy will affect the future, commercial observers are beginning to reckon up. China-whose recent break with Germany not only expressed her people's view of recent events, but also their remembrance of the Kaiser's advice of 1900 to his military expedition to China, that they repeat the achievements of the Huns and leave the memory of their

1914 one of the richest fields of German commercial exploitation. German investors, the London Economist lately reckoned up, are shareholders in seven of the twenty-six railway or other loans to China, made since 1894. They own the $13,500,000 Shantung Railway. In 1913 they stood fourth on the list of foreign countries doing business in China, maintained five lines of steamers running to it, supported a German-Asiatic bank with six branches at the Chinese commercial centres, had property interests worth $50,000,000 in Kiaow-Chow, and exchanged with China $63,000,000 worth of goods each year.

And China is only one of the lost commercial prizes. With the Central and South American states which have broken or are breaking relationships with Berlin, and some of which are declaring formal war, Germany had secured a seemingly permanent financial hold. In 1913 her ocean trade with them ran beyond $337,000,000. Her actual colonial possessions, with an area of a million square miles and a population of 12,000,000, are virtually all in the enemy's hands, and the British Colonial Secretary, lately addressing a London audience, declared in behalf of England's own fighting colonies: "Let no man think that those struggles have been fought in vain; let no man think that these territories shall ever return to German rule."

If, indeed, it were to be assumed (as many even of the Germans seem to imagine) that the insolence and atrocities of Germany in this war will have made impossible commercial reconciliation under her present government with the world outside of her present allies, there would be left to her, on the basis of the 1913 figures, only $536,000,000 out of the $5,350,000,000 foreign trade which she then enjoyed. In all reasonable probability, it would hardly come to this. Even now, there remain such contiguous neutral states as Holland, Switzerland, and Scandinavia. But events move with startling rapidity in these days, and their recent movement gives no assurance that the brutalities of the German submarine will not presently have alienated these neighbors also. The larger question is, what the attitude of the German people as a whole will be when they at last come to realize exactly what has happened, and why.

LL such considerations found reflection

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