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These are his'-portion — but/ if joined to the ́se,
Gaunt Poverty/ should league with deep Dis'ease,
If the high spirit/ must forget to so'ar,

And stoop to strive with Mis'ery/ at the do'or,
To soothe Indignity-a'nd, face to face,
Meet sordid Rag'e- and wre'stle with Disg'race,
To find in Hop'e/ but the renewed car ́ess,
The serpent-fo'ld of further Faithlessness,-
If su'ch may be the i'lls/ which men ass'ail,
What marvel if at la'st/ the mightiest f'ail ?*

[blocks in formation]

But far from us', and from our mimic scene,
Such'-things should b'e-(if such have e`ver be'en ;)
Ou'rs be the gentler wi`sh, the kin`der ta ́sk,
To give the tribute/ glo`ry need not a'sk,
To mourn the vanished be`am-and add our miʼte/
Of praise/ in p'ayment of a l'ong delight.-
Ye O'rators! whom ye't our councils yi'eld,
Mourn for the veteran-hero of your fi'eld!
The wor'thy-rival/ of the wondrous three !+
Whose words were sp'arks/ of immort`ality!
Ye Bar'ds! to whom the Drama's Mu'se is de'ar,
H'e was your m'aster-e'mulate him here!
Ye men of wi't and social e'loquence!
He was your br'other-bear his a'shes he'nce!
While powers of mi`nd/ almost of boundless ra'nge,
(Complete in kin`d—as vari`ous in their cha'nge ;)
While e'loquence-wi't-po'esy-and miʼrth,
(That hu'mbler-harmonist of car'e on earth,)
Survi've within our sou`ls—while liv`es our se'nse/
Of pride/ in me^rit's-proud-pre-eminence,‡
Long shall we seek his li`keness-lo`ng in v'ain,
And turn to all of hi`m/ which may rema ́in,
Sighing that Na'ture/ formed but on`e/ suc'h-man
And broke the di'e-in mou'lding SHE'RIDAN!

The manner and voice both require a change at "Ye Orators."

Concluding tone.

* As "no marvel" may not unjustly form the reply, the interrogation, though indefinite, appears to require the rising voice.

† Pitt, Fox, and Burke.

"Pre-eminence" should receive, for obvious reasons, a greater accentual force, accompanied with the rising slide, than any of the five rising inflections immediately above it.



Lo! at the cou'ch/ where in^fant-beauty sleeps, Her silent watch/ the mournful mother ke'eps; Sh'e (while the lovely babe/ unconscious li'es) Smiles on her slumbering chi'ld/ with pensive e'yes, And weaves a so'ng/ of melancholy-joy"Sle'ep, (image of thy fath'er,) slee'p, my boy': "No lingering hour of sorrow/ shall be th ine; "No si'gh that rends thy fa'ther's hea`rt/ and miˇne; "Bright (as his manly si're) the so'n shall b'e/ "In form and so'ul; but, ah'! more bles'sed than hˇe! "Thy fam'e, thy wo'rth, thy filial-love, at last, "Shall sooth this aching hea'rt/ for all the p'ast"With many a sm'ile/ my solitude rep ́ay,

"And ch`ase the world's/ ungenerous sc'orn away'.


"And say', (when summoned from the wo`rld and th ́ee, I lay my head/ beneath the willow tree,)

"Wilt thou, (sweet mo'urner !) at my stone app'ear, "And sooth my parted spirit/ lingering n'ear?


Oh, wilt thou co'me (at evening hour) to sh'ed/
"The tears of Me'mory/ o'er my narrow b'ed;
"With aching temp'les/ on thy hand reclined,
"Muse on the last farewe'll/ I leave beh ́ind,
"Breathe a deep si'gh/ to winds that murmur l'ow,
"And think on all my l'ove, and a ́ll my w^o ?"

So speaks affection, ere the infant e'ye
Can look regar'd, or brighten in reply;
But', when the cherub li p/ hath learned to cla ́im/
A mother's ear/ by that ende'aring-name;
Soon as the playful in'nocent/ can pr'ove/
A tea'r of pity, or a smile of love,

Or cons his murmuring ta`sk/ beneath her ca're,
Or/ lis'ps (with holy lo'ok) his evening pra'yer,
Or/ gaz'ing, (mutely pen'sive,) sit's to hear'/


The mournful ba`llad/ warbled in his e'ar ;*
How fondly looks/ admiring Ho`pe the wh'ile,]
At every artless te'ar, and
How glows the joyous pa'rent/ to desc'ry/
A guileless b'osom, tr'ue/ to sym'pathy!


in a
lower voice.


OH! s'acred Truth! thy triumph ceased awh ́ile,
And Ho'pe, (thy si'ster,) ceased with the'e to s'mile,
When leagued Oppres'sion/ poured to Northern war's
Her whiskered pan`doors/ and her fierce hus'sars,
Waved her dread stan'dard/ to the breeze of m'orn,
Pealed her loud dru'm/, and twanged her trumpet h'orn;
Tumultuous horror/ brooded o'er her va'n,
Presaging wra'th to Poland-and to ma^n!

Warsaw's las't-champion, from her heights surveyed,
Wi'de o'er the fields, a waste of r'uin lai'd-

"Oh! Heaven!" (he cried,) "my bleeding country sa've !-"Is there no hand on high/ to shield the braˇve? "Ye't, though destruction/ sweep these lovely pla'ins, "Ris'e, fellow-men! our country/ yet rem'ains!


By that drea'd-name, we wave the sword on high!
"And swear/ for he`r/ to lï've !—with h'er/ to di`e !"
He sai'd, and on the rampart-heights+ arra'yed
His trusty wa'rriors, fe'w, but undism'ayed;
Firm-paced and slo'w, a horrid front they fo'rm,
(Still as the breeze, but dreadful as the storm ;)
Lo'w, murmuring sounds/ along their banners fly',
Revenge, or death!-(the watchword and reply.)
Then pealed the not'es, omnipotent to charm,
And the loud t'ocsin/ tolled their las't-alarm!

In vai ́n, ala's! in va^in, ye gallant fe'w !

From ran'k to ra`nk/ your volleyed thunder fl'ew !—

*"Ear," like "pre-eminence,"-vide preceding selection-requires more force than any other preceding rising inflection in the stanza.

+ There are two modes of pronouncing this substantive; hite, and hate; the former is the most general, and also the most accurate-the latter the most agreeable to the spelling. Milton was the patron of the former; and Mr. Garrick's pronunciation of the noun, (which is certainly the best) was hite.

Oh! bloodiest picture/ in the book of Time,
Sarmatia fe'll, unw'ept, without a crim'e ;
Found not a generous friend, a pitying foe,
Strength in her arms, nor me'rcy in her woe!
Dropped/ from her nerveless gra'sp/ the shattered sp ́ear,
Closed her bright ey'e/, and curbed her high car'eer ;-
Ho'pe, for a sea'son, bade the world farew ́ell,
And Freedom shrieked—as Kosciusko fe'll!

The sun went dow'n, nor ce'ased the carnage th ́ere,
Tumultuous murder/ shook the midnight ai`r—
On Prague's proud ar'ch/ the fires of ruin glow',
His blood-dyed wa'ters/ murmuring fa'r below';
The storm prevails, the rampart yields a way,
Burs'ts the wild cry of h'orror/ and disma'y!
Ha'rk! as the smouldering pil`es/ with thunder fa'll,
A thousand shr'ieks/ for hopeless-mercy call!
Earth sho'ok-red meteors flashed along the sk'y,
And con'scious N'ature/ shuddered at the cr'y!

Oh! righteous-Heaven! ere freedo`m found a gra ́ve,
Why slept the sword, omni'potent to s'ave!

Where was thi'ne-arm, (O Vengeance !) where thˇy-rod,
That smote the foes of Zi`on and of God,

That crushed proud Am'mon, when his iron ca'r/
Was yok'ed in wr'ath, and th'undered from afa`r?
Where was the storm, that slum'bered/ till the h'ost/
Of blood-stained Pharaoh/ left their trembling co'ast;
Then bade the dee`p/ in wild commotion flow,
And hea`ved an ocean/ on their m'arch belo`w?
Departed spirits of the mighty de'ad!

Ye that at Mar'athon and Leuctra bl'ed?

Friends of the world! restore your swords to m'an,
Fight in his sa cred cau'se, and le'ad the va'n!
Yet/ for Sarmatia's tears-of-blood/ ato'ne,
And make he'r-arm/ puissant as your own!
Oh! once again/ to Freedom's cause retur'n/

The patriot TEL'L-the BRUCE of BAN'NOCKBURN !*

* Every paragragph in the shape of an apostrophe must be read in a lower tone of voice, which, of course, must be regulated by the nature of the subject; the penultimate stanza of this touching selection, beginning with "Oh! righteous Heaven," requires a considerably lower pitch than the descriptive one immediately preceding it; and the last, commencing with "Departed spirits," requires to be read almost in a whisper.



RIGHT HON. WILLIAM PITT-(Lord Chatham.)* This illustrious father of English oratory, having expressed himself in the House of Commons, with his accustomed energy, in opposition to a bill then before the H'ouse, for preventing merc'hants from raising the wages of seamen in time of war, and, thereby, inducing them to avoid His Majesty's service ;-his speech produced an answer from Mr. Horace Walpole, who, in the cour'se-of-it, said, "Formidable sounds, and furious declamation, confident assertions, and lofty periods, may affect the young and unexperienced; and, perhaps, the honourable gentleman may have contracted hi's-habits of oratory, by conversing more with those of his ow`n-age, than with such as have had more opportunities of acquiring knowledge, and more successful methods of communicating their sentiments." And he made use of some expressions, such as v'ehemence of gesture, theatrical emotion, &c. and applied them to Mr. Pitt's manner of speaking. As soon as Mr. Walpole had sat down, Mr. Pitt aro'se and replied, as follows :

To be read explanatorily, and, of course, parenthetically.

SIR,-The atrocious-crime of being a young-man (which the honourable gentleman has, with such sp'irit and de'cency, cha'rged-upon-me) I shall neither attempt to palliate, nor den'y, but content myself with wis'hing, that I may be one of tho'se/ whose follies may cea'se with their yo'uth, and not of that number who are ignorant in spite of experience. Whether you'th/ can be imputed to any man as a reproach, I will not, Sir, assume the pro'vince of determining ;—but surely age/ may become justly contemptible, if the opportu`nities/ which it brings/ have passed away without impr'ovement, and vi'ce appears to prevail, when the passions have sub'sided. The wret'ch wh'o (after having seen the con'sequences of a thousand e'rrors) continues still to blun'der, and whose a'ge/ has only added o'bstinacy to stup'idity, is surely the o'bject/ either of abhor'rence or conte'mpt, and deserves not that his gra'y-hairs/ should secure him from i'nsult. Much more, Sir, is he to be abhor'red, wh'o, as he has advanced

*This illustrious statesman was born in 1708, and died in May, 1778.

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