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"October 21st, 1880.

"Rev. W. Jameson, in company with the Rev. I. P. Cook, and others of the National Association of Local Preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, visited Mount Olivet Cemetery, near Baltimore city. It contains about sixty acres of ground, securely enclosed with a keeper's house and gateway, built of stone. It is the great Methodist burial-ground, and is the exclusive property of the Methodist Church, sold under certain conditions to any purchaser. A plot of ground secured by granite curb and iron railings, is designated as the preacher's lot, in which travelling preachers may be interred. That lot is a most sacred place on account of the dead whose ashes rest there.

1. A marble monument bears the name, Robert Strawbridge, a Local Preacher from Ireland, who introduced Wesleyan Methodism into Maryland, and the first in America, about 1760.

2. The Bishop's monument, large and costly, bearing the name of Francis Asbury, from England, the first ordained Protestant Bishop in America; Enoch George, a holy, melting, useful bishop; James Emory, a bishop of great learning, who was killed by being thrown from his carriage; Bishop Beverley Waugh, a man of spotless character, holy, and useful.

3. A beautiful polished marble monument in memory of Jesse Lee; the first to establish Methodism in New England States, about ninety years since.

4. A stone monument to Henry Smith, the beloved John of Baltimore Conference, who died aged ninety-three.

The other monuments and gravestones are too numerous to name. Many local and travelling preachers are interred in their family lots, with monuments and gravestones. It is fast becoming the city of the dead in Christ. The place where human harvest grows, awaiting the first resurrection of the dead."

On our return we passed "The Home for Aged Methodists," a large, handsome brick building, into which persons of our church not less than sixty years of age are admitted for life, on the payment of one certain sum of money by their friends. There are about fifty inmates, comfortable and happy. (I preached to them a few Sundays ago.) The Centenary Biblical Institute for the education of young men of colour as teachers, or for the ministry, is a costly stone building, nearly completed. When ready, the present school will be removed thither. There are about fifty young men receiving instruction."



November 6th, 1880.-Arrived in the beautiful bay of St. Vincent, and at 2 p.m. cast anchor in twelve fathoms of clear, pale-blue water, which, for bathing and fishing, is all that could be desired. From a cloudless sky a burning sun poured down his rays upon us. The thermometer stood 96. in the shade. The bay is belted round with a chain of rugged, barren mountains, evidently of volcanic origin. The town, as it is called, is a miserable looking place, stretching along the basis of the mountains, and is comprised principally of low mud huts, inhabited by a fine specimen of the coloured race. The men are generally tall and well-proportioned; and some of the ladies pronounced their countenances to be of a pleasant cast. In business matters they are shrewd, and know how to drive a bargain, and keep on the right side. Presently the coloured merchants were floating round about us with their boats well stocked with articles of merchandise chains of black and white coral, &c., and splendid tropical fruits-oranges, lemons and bananas. The market was fairly opened, and a fine stroke of business done. From twenty voices, male and female, "How much for one hundred oranges ?" "6s. 6d. !" "No!" "Then 5s. 6d. ' 66 No, no." Well, will you give 4s. 6d. ? ye monish first." "No! send up that bag!"

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After much ado we got the bag and selected three hundred fine oranges. Some stupids paid the money first, but the dark fraternity never learnt how to give change; had none, or would row to shore to get it, but forgot to return till the vessel was gone. Altogether we had thirty hours at St. Vincent, enlivened by many amusing incidents. Coal secured, and anchor weighed, off we started for seven weeks more of cloud and sunshine, storms and calms. Little did I think what a wide world of water lay before us; seven weeks, and never saw land or sail.

Life upon the ocean deep is not at all desirable when you have a number of disagreeable associates. Only imagine! Nearly five hundred human beings cooped up into the contracted space of 290 ft. by 40 ft. Our first week passed away in comparative silence and seclusion. The doctor and nurse were considerably more in request than the cook and the waiter. Our first Sabbath dawned with many smiles: a cool breeze, a clear sky, and a warm sun. At 11 a.m. the Church bell rang out its sweet notes, inviting all to worship Him who made the sea, and whose hands fashioned the dry land. Mr. Jones, an elderly clergyman, preached an excellent sermon. In the afternoon a chiidrens' service was held, and the young hearers appeared to be interested very much. In the evening Mr. Gillam, a young Wesleyan Minister, delivered his message with intelligence and zeal worthy of his Master's cause. All honour to this excellent young minister, who, in the face of great opposition and many petty annoyances, was yet undaunted. Infidelity raged, and threatened terrible things. He


would absolutely ring for his supper in the midst of the sermon. Young ladies, too, curled up their lips with constant sneers : "We don't approve

of double-faced young men." to be," &c.

"Ministers ought to live what they profess

Mr. Gillam had spent one hour with a band of spiritualists, and that was his crime. By-the-bye, the spirit told them that evening that the great tragedian, Irving, in London, had died that night, and his spirit was then present with them. To my great astonishment, when I arrived in Christchurch I found that his death had been announced by telegram some three or four weeks before. To me it is almost incomprehensible; but one thing is certain, if Irving really is dead, no human being could possibly have communicated the intelligence to us in mid-ocean, thousands of miles from land. The superstitious sailors augured terrible things. Things never go well when there are parsons on board; winds and waves always contrary.

The young men were exceedingly humane. It had been my custom for some nights to sleep on deck; so they embraced the opportunity in the stillness of the night to drench me with nine pails of water, and sent my iron bedstead overboard for Neptune to sleep upon. Poor young men ! I had nothing but pity for them. When money and friends are gone landed on a foreign shore, far away from the kind ministering hand, which had turned the door-key many and many a time long after midnight hours; then the solemn hours of reflection come, and oh! what bitter pangs they will have. Some of them had respectable, well-to-do Wesleyan parents. One young man, mad with whisky, dashed his gold about like dust; another dealt it out to the seamen with a prodigal's hand. Cardplaying, dice-throwing, gambling, drinking, and the use of terribly blasphemous language was the order of the day with them.

In all sincerity I would say to the parents of England, if you love your sons and daughters, and desire their spiritual welfare, never send them on long sea voyages, except you are with them to shield and guard from the most subtle influences which the gold-lace gentlemen draw around them. Poor innocents! they soon fall into the meshes. The whisky bottle is the great fosterer of evil. Ships ought never to be sailing grog-shops. A tremendous responsibility rests somewhere. To speak of all that I have seen, I dare not. Imagine a young lady drunk; others dressed up in men's clothes. One's inmost nature revolts at the scenes we are compelled to witness. If Plimsoll would only take the matter in hand, and get a law passed that no drink should be sold, or had, on board a vessel, virtue would triumph, and the Insurance Companies would be great gainers. Should I ever cross the ocean again, my first inquiry will not be, what vessel ? but, Who is the captain? Is he a man who fears God, and hates strong drink? W. BOWBON.

Passing Events.

In the middle of April the following telegram was forwarded to the Lord Mayor by Mr. Goschen in relation to the appalling Chio earthquake: "Urgent requirements at Chio increase daily. Present resources_adequate only for immediate wants. Fear great distress in the future. We beg you most earnestly to take measures you deem best to stimulate subscriptions." Similar appeals are continually being made to Lord Mayor's for the time being, on various calamities, as they

from time to time arise. We should think it would be possible to establish a Lord Mayor's Universal Benificent Fund, to be previously in hand to meet such calamitous cases of distress. Such a proceeding would only be in accordance with the inspired words ready beforehand, and would prevent much anxiety.

THE withdrawal of the British troops from Affghanistan will have given general satisfaction. The Local Preachers' Magazine condemned the Affghan invasion as a grand robbery. Having regarded the action of the late Government as a great wrong, we are only consistent in rejoicing that our soldiers have returned to India.

REMARKABLE testimonies are continually arising on the subject of Temperance. The annual report of Dr. Davies, presented to the Kent magistrates on the discontinuance of the beer diet to the inmates of the

Kent Lunatic Asylum at Farningham, has been going the round of all the papers. The report says: "From careful observation of the effects of

alcoholic stimulants upon the patients under his care, he became convinced that it was not advisable to continue to supply exciting beverages to them, which he felt sure had a tendency to prolong their malady, and conduce to a speedy relapse after their discharge." EQUALLY important to the above is a letter which Sir Garnet Wolseley addressed to the President of the Grantham Temperance Association on the 21st of April last. The letter says: "The cause of temperance is

the cause of social advancement. Temperance means less crime, and more thrift, and more of comfort and prosperity for the people. Nearly all the crime in our army can be traced to intoxication, and I have always found that, when with any body of troops in the field there were no spirits, and where their use was prohibited the health, as well as the conduct of the men, were all that could be wished for. No one can wish the cause you have at heart success more earnestly than I do."

THE Fisheries Exhibition opened by the Prince and Princess of Wales

at Norwich has been a remarkable success. At the banquet given at St. Andrew's Hall, His Royal Highness suggested that a Fisherman's Aid Society for the whole kingdom ought to be started. In allusion to the Prince of Wales' suggestion, Professor Huxley, speaking before the Yare Preservation Society, urged upon the Fishermen and their families selfreliance and thrift. The two opinions are not to be regarded as antagonistic, because, like the Local Preachers' Association, a Fisherman's Aid Society could be formed on the principle of helping those who help themselves.

IN speaking of the departed, the name of Earl Beaconsfield may doubtless be mentioned as a remarkable genius who rose to a most distinguished position in this country.

IT is only two months since we were expressing a hope that Dr. Punshon would soon regain his usual health. A sudden surprise was caused by an unexpected announcement of his decease. It is not too much to say that, besides his brilliant oratory, there was a magnanimity about his disposition which made him a universal favourite. In connection with the recent departure of Dr. Jobson, we asked, who among the rising talent of the Wesleyan Ministry would take his place, as friend and helper of the Local Preachers' Association; and we may well ask the same over the gap left in the ranks of our honorary members by the death of our distinguished, tried, and lamented friend, Dr. Punshon, whom we all so much loved.



MEEK and modest little flower, Simplest offering of the hour, Blooming in obscurest shade, Or the sunlit verdant glade; On the rock or in the dell, Forest walk or woodland fell; Ever easy in thy lot, And content to be forgot 'Mid thy sister's fairer bloom, Or their rich and rare perfume, Happy still with heavenward gaze To display thy star-like rays. Storms may gather in the skies Tempests roar and whirlwinds rise, Showers descend in fearful train, Hail and sleet sweep o'er the plain, Sunbeams parch thy gentle head, Or the snow around thee spread, Still contented thou art found, Patient 'neath the conflict round, By thy meekness free'd from harm, Waiting for the coming calm. Type and emblem thou may'st be Of that rare simplicity, Which in every Christian mind Should its place of resting find, Mingling with its scorn of state, Meekness to the rich and great, Patience 'midst severest woes, Kindness e'en to sternest foes, Faith to rest on in the way, Hope to lend its cheering ray, And charity, that gentle guest, Whose temple is the good man's breast.

Such the sermon-meanest things Preach to subjects or to kings; Such the lessons thou may'st meet In the daisy at thy feet.

Phenomena of the Month.


THE sun rises on the 1st at fifty-one minutes after three, and sets at four minutes after eight. On the 30th he rises at forty-nine minutes after three and sets at eighteen minutes after eight. In this month the longest day in the year is reached. From the 1st to the 15th the day lengthens in the morning seven minutes, and from the 1st to the 20th lengthens fifteen minutes in the evening. The day then after the 20th shortens in the morning to the end of the month four minutes, and one minute in the evening, giving an additional length of day on the month of sixteen minutes only. From the 15th to the 21st

there is no perceptible increase of light in the morning, nor from the 20th to the 24th in the evening.

The moon is full on the 12th at fifty-six minutes after six in the morning, and there is a new moon on the 26th at four minutes after two in the afternoon. The moon is near Mars during the morning hours of the 21st, and is near the planets Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, on the morning of the 22nd. She is nearest the earth on the 13th, and most distant from it on the 1st, and again on the 29th.

Mercury is an evening star, setting on the 15th one hour forty-eight minutes after sunset, and on the last day of the month one hour after sunset. Mercury is near the moon on the 28th.

Venus is a morning star, rising on the 1st one hour twenty-two minutes before sunrise, and on the last day two hours twenty minutes before sunrise. She is near the moon on the 22nd, and at her greatest distance from the sun on the 27th.

Mars is a morning star, rising on the 1st two hours before sunrise; and on the last day three hours fourteen minutes before sunrise. He is near the moon on the 21st.

Jupiter is a morning star, rising on the 1st one hour thirteen minutes before sunrise, and on the last day two hours forty-nine minutes before the sun. He is near the moon on the


Saturn is a morning star, rising on the 1st at two hours thirty-eight minutes a.m., and on the last day three hours before sunrise. He is near Venus on the 6th, and near the moon on the 22nd.

High water at London Bridge on the 1st at twenty-five minutes after four in the morning, and at forty-two minutes after four in the afternoon. On the last day seven minutes after four in the morning, and twenty-three minutes after four in the afternoon.

MUSIC IN NATURE. All true, all faultless, all in tune, Creation's wondrous choir, Open'd in mystic unison To last till time expire.

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