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since 1814, though formed under different circumstances, and actuated by different impulses, have been exposed to the same attacks, and to the same unbridled expressions of passion. Sacrifices of every kind, concessions of power, alliances of party, nothing has been able to protect them from this common destiny. This fact alone, so fertile in reflections, suffices to assign to the press, its true. and unvariable character. It labors by continuous and persevering efforts daily repeated, to loosen all the bonds of obedience and subordination, to weaken the springs of public authority, to sink and debase it in the opinion of the people, and to create for it everywhere embarrassments and resist


Its art consists not in substituting for a credulous submission of the mind the healthy liberty of examination, but to reduce the most positive truths to problems; not to invite a frank and useful controversy upon political questions, but to present them in a false light and to resolve them by sophisms.

The press has thus disordered the most upright minds, shaken the firmest convictions, and produced in the bosom of society a confusion of principles which favors the most disastrous attempts. Anarchy in doctrines is a prelude to anarchy in the State.

It is worthy of remark, Sire, that the periodical press has never fulfilled its most essential condition, namely, publicity. It may appear strange, but it is no less true, that there is no publicity in France, taking this word in its just and

rigorous acceptation. In the actual state of things, facts, when not entirely suppositious, are only presented to many millions of readers curtailed, disfigured, and mutilated in a most odious manner. A thick cloud raised by the journals disguises the truth, and in a measure prevents a perfect understanding between the government and the people. The kings, your predecessors, Sire, have been desirous freely to communicate with their subjects; but this is a satisfaction which the press is not willing that your Majesty should enjoy.

A licentiousness which bas outstripped all bounds even upon the most solemn occasions, and neither respected the express wishes of the king nor the addresses made to them from the throne. The one has been mistaken or perverted and the others have been the subject of perfidious commentary or bitter derision. It is thus that the last act of royal authority, the proclamation, fell into general discredit even before it was known to the electors.

This is not all the Press has a tendency to subjugate the sovereignty and usurp the powers of the State. The pretended organ of public opinion, it aspires to direct the debates in the two Chambers, and it incontestably exercises an influence upon those debates, no less baneful than decisive. This dominion in the Chamber of Deputies, especially for the last two or three years, has assumed a manifest character of oppression and tyranny. We have seen in this interval the journals pursuing with insult and outrage numbers whose vote ap

peared to them either uncertain to the great interests of humanity, or suspected. Too often, Sire, it does not depend upon it that the freedom of the deliberations Europe is no longer subject to a in this Chamber has fallen a sac- cruel slavery, and shameful tribute. rifice to the renewed attacks of

the press.

This was not enough. By a treason that should be amenable to our laws, the press has engaged itself in publishing all the secrets of the armament, in making known

We cannot qualify, in more moderate terms, the conduct of the opposition journals in relation to recent events. After having to the stranger the state of our themselves provoked an address, forces, the number of our troops, attacking the prerogatives of the that of our vessels, the indication throne, they have not scrupled to of the points of station, the means consider the reelection of the 221 to be employed to overcome the Deputies who voted this address, as inconstance of the winds, and to a matter of principle, notwithstand- land upon the coast. Everying your Majesty objected to this thing, even to the place of disemaddress as offensive; it attached barkation, has been divulged, as public reproach to the refusal of if to afford a surer means of deconcurrence which was there ex- fence to the enemy, an unexampled pressed; it announced its un- circumstance among civilized nashaken resolution not to defend tions. By false alarms concernthe rights of your crown so openly ing the dangers to be encountered, compromised. The periodical it has not feared to throw disprints have paid no attention to couragement into the army, and this-on the contrary, they have to mark for its batred even the considered it a duty to renew, to chief of the enterprise; it has, perpetuate, and to aggravate the so to speak, excited the soldiers offence. Your Majesty will de- to raise against him the standard cide if this rash attack should a of revolt, or to desert their colors. longer time remain unpunished. This is what the organs of a party, pretending itself national, have dared to do.

But of all the excesses of the press, perhaps the most serious remains to be mentioned. From the very commencement of the expedition, the termination of which has thrown a glory so pure, and an eclat so durable, upon the noble crown of France, the press has criticised, with a violence unheard of, the causes, the means, the preparatives, and chances of success of this expedition. Insensible to national honor, no thanks to it that our ensign does not remain tarnished with the insults of a barbarian. Indifferent

What it dares every day to perform in the interior of the kingdom, tends to nothing less. than to disperse the elements of public tranquillity, to dissolve the bonds of society, and unless they have deceived themselves, make the earth to tremble under our feet. Let us not fear to reveal the whole extent of our troubles, that we may the better appreciate the extent of our resources. Systematized defamation, organized upon a grand scale, and di

rected with unexampled persever- proclaimed. Placed and replaced, ance, extends even to the most at different intervals, under the humble of the public function- discipline of the censure, as often aries. No one of your subjects, as it has regained its liberty it has Sire, if he receives the least mark recommenced its interrupted work. of confidence or satisfaction, is To insure greater success it

secure from outrage. A large has been sufficiently aided by net, extending over France, envelopes all the public functionaries; impeached before the public, they appear in a manner shut out from society; none are spared but those whose fidelity wavers; none are praised but those whose fidelity falls a sacrifice the rest

are marked out sooner or later to be immolated to popular vengeance.

The press has not manifested less zeal in attacking, with its envenomed darts, our religion and our clergy. Its object is to root out the last germs of religious sentiments. Doubt not, Sire, but by attacking the basis of our faith, corrupting the sources of public morals, and by heaping derision and contempt upon the ministers and altars of our holy religion, that it will accomplish its purpose.

No force, we must avow, is capable of resisting so energetic a dissolvent as the press. At all periods, when its shackles have been stricken off, it has burst forth and invaded the State. Notwithstanding the diversity of circumstances and the numerous changes of individuals who have occupied the political arena, we cannot but be forcibly impressed with the similarity of its effects during the last fifteen years-in a word, it is destined to recommence the revolution, the principles of which it has so openly

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the Departmental press, which, by exciting jealousies and local hatreds, by sowing consternation in the bosoms of the timid and by tormenting the authorities with interminable stratagems, have exercised an almost decisive influence upon the elections.

These last effects, Sire, are momentous; the more durable results may be remarked in the morals and character of a nation. A violent lying and passionate polemic school of scandal and licentiousness, produces serious and profound altercations: it gives a false direction to the minds of men, fills them with perversions and prejudices, diverts them from serious investigations, injures also the progress of the Arts and the Sciences, excites among us a continually increasing fermentation, and maintains, even in the bosom of families, fatal dissensions, and may gradually conduct us back to a state of barbarism.

Against such a variety of evils, engendered by the press, law and justice are equally compelled to acknowledge their impotence. It would be superfluous to investigate the causes which have arrested and insensibly rendered useless a weapon in the hand of power. It is sufficient to interrogate experience and to remark the present condition of things.

The proceedings of the Judiciary furnish with difficulty an

efficacious repression. This truth, verified by observation, has for a long time been apparent to good minds: it it has lately acquired a more marked character of evidence. To satisfy the necessity which gave rise to it, repression should be prompt and powerful on the contrary, it has remained slugglish, feeble, and almost void; when it happens, the injury is committed and the punishment far from repairing the injury, adds to it the scandal of debate.

Juridical proceedings tire; but the seditious press never tires. The one is embarrassed because there is too much to punish, the other multiplies its forces by multiplying its delinquencies. Under different circumstances, prosecutions have had their different periods of activity or relaxation. But what imparts to the press zeal or lukewarmness on the part of the public minister, it seeks in an increase of its excesses a guarantee to their impunity.

The insufficiency, or rather the inutility of the precautions established by the laws in force, is demonstrated by the above-named facts, and it is equally established that the public security is compromised by the press. It is time, it is more than time, to arrest its

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are too real not to be heard, these wishes are too legitimate not to be listened to.

There is but one means of satisfying them, it is to return to the Constitution—if the terms of the eighth article are ambiguous, its measure is manifest. It is certain that the Constitution has not conceded the liberty of the press to journals and periodical writings. The liberty of publishing our personal opinions does. not certainly imply the right of publishing by way of speculation, the opinions of others. The one is a use of a faculty that the law is at liberty to grant or to submit to restrictions; the other is a speculation of industry, which, like all others, and more than all others, supposes the supervision of public authority.

The meaning of the Constitution in this particular is exactly explained by the law of the 21st of October, 1814; we can place the more reliance upon this as the law was presented to the Chamber the 5th of July, that is to say, one month only after the adoption of the Constitution. In 1819, an epoch when a contrary system prevailed in the Chambers, it was openly proclaimed that the periodical press was not governed by the 8th article. This fact is confirmed by the laws even which have imposed the necessity of a censure upon the journals.

Now, Sire, it only remains to be decided how this return to the Constitution and the law of the 21st of October shall be accomplished. The present serious aspect of affairs has resolved the question.

We must not deceive ourselves

- we are no longer in the ordina-
ry condition of a representative
government. The principles upon
which it was established have not
remained untouched amidst po-
litical vicissitudes. A turbulent
democracy, which has penetrated
even into our laws, is substituted
for legitimate power. It dis-
poses of the majority of elections
through the means of these jour-
nals and of societies constituted and very faithful subjects.
with similar views, it paralyzes as
much as in its power the regular
exercise of the most essential
prerogatives of the crown, that of
dissolving the elective chamber.
By that even the constitution of
the State is shaken. Your Ma-
jesty alone retains the power to
preserve and establish it upon its

ance with the spirit of the consti-
tution, but, which are contrary to
legal order, the whole resources
of which have been uselessly ex-

These measures, Sire, which ought to insure success, your ministers do not hesitate to propose, feeling confident that justice will be assisted by power.

Your Majesty's very humble


The right as well as the duty to assure its maintenance, is the inseparable attribute of sovereignty. No Government upon earth would be stable if it had not the right to provide for its own security. This law is pre-existent to all other laws, because it is founded in the nature of things. These are, Sire, maxims which acknowledge the sanction of time and the avowal of all civilians of Europe.



Decrees of the King.

Charles, by the grace of God, King of France and Navarre. To all those to whom these presents may come, greeting: Having resolved to prevent the recurrence of measures, which have exercised a pernicious influence upon the late operations of the electorial colleges: wishing in consequence, to reform according to the principles of the Constitution, those rules of election of which experience has taught the we have recognised the necessity of employing the power in us vested, to provide by acts emanating from us, for the security of the State and the suppression of every enterprise directed against the dignity of the Crown. For these reasons, our Council being heard, we have ordered and we ordain :

But these maxims have a more decided sanction, that of the constitution itself the 14th article has invested in your Majesty a inconvenience, sufficient power, not certainly to change our institutions, but to consolidate and render them immutable.

Imperious necessity permits you no longer to defer the exercise of this supreme power. The moment has arrived for a recurrence to measures which are in accord

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