A DISSERTATION ON THE Prophecy CONTAINED IN DANIEL IX. 24-27; GENERALLY DENOMINATED THE PROPHECY OF THE SEVENTY WEEKS. BY THE REV. GEORGE STANLEY FABER, B. D. RECTOR OF REDMARSHALL. "Daniel's prophecies reach to the end of the world; and there is scarce LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. C, AND J. RIVINGTON, No, 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. TO THE ANCIENT PEOPLE OF GOD, THE DISPERSION OF THE HOUSE OF JUDAH, A NATION FROM AGE TO AGE EXPECTING THE PROMISED MESSIAH, PREFACE. THERE are few predictions that have been more repeatedly discussed than that which usually bears the name of the prophecy of the seventy weeks. Its acknowledged importance has excited universal attention: yet the very number of its discordant expositors seems to show, that no interpretation has hitherto been produced which is in all points unobjectionable. Such is certainly the impression left upon my own mind by the perusal of various commentaries on the prophecy in question. Most of them contain something good: but it has never yet been my fate to meet with any one, which is altogether satisfactory. This appeared to me to be a matter worthy of very serious consideration. For, if a Christian felt and acknowledged the difficulty of making this prophecy quadrate exactly with the times of him whom he receives as the Messiah; he could |