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They were thoroughly convinced he had made the best use of his scanty means for the security of so extensive a frontier; and to the weight of his advice in recommending, and spirited co-operation in executing, they ascribed a large proportion of the merit of the late successful expedition against fort Duquesne; an event from which they promised themselves an exemption from the calamities under which they had long laboured. As a farther reward of his gallant and patriotic services, he shortly after obtained the hand of Mrs. Curtis, who to a fine person and large fortune, added every accomplishment which contributes to the happiness of married life.

Colonel Washington by the death of his elder brother, Lawrence, had a few years before acquired an estate situated on the Potomack, called Mont Vernon, in compliment to admiral Vernon, who, about the year 1741, commanded the British fleet in an expedition against Carthagena, in which expedition Mr. Lawrence Washington had been engaged. To this delightful spot the late commander of the Virginia forces, released from the cares of a military life, and in possession of every thing that could make life agreeable, withdrew, and gave himself

up to


domestic pursuits. These were conducted with so much judgement, steadiness, and industry, as greatly to enlarge and improve his estate. To them he exclusively devoted himself for fifteen years, with the exception of his serving in the house of burgesses of the colony of Virginia, and as a judge of the court of the county in which he resided. In these two stations he acquitted himself with reputation, and acquired no inconsiderable knowledge in the science of civil government. During this period, the clashing claims of Great Britain and her colonies were frequently brought before the Virginia legislature. In every instance, he took a decided part in the opposition made to the principle of taxation claimed by the parent state.

Had Great Britain been wise, the history of George Washington would have ended here; with the addition, that he died in the 68th year of his age, having sustained through life the character of a good man, an excellent farmer, a wise member of the legislature, and an impartial distributor of justice among his neighbours. Very different was his destiny. From being the commander of the forces of his native colony, Virginia, he was advanced to the command of the armies of thirteen


united colonies, and successfully led them through a revolutionary war of eight years duration, which issued in their establishment as thirteen united states. The origin of these great events must be looked for across the Atlantic.



A brief retrospect of events introductory to the American revolutionary war.-George Washington is appointed commander in chief of the American forces. Takes the command of their army before Boston. His operations there in 1775 and 1776.The evacuation of Boston.

THE British colonies, from their first settlement till the peace of Paris, in 1763, were 1763. considered as instruments of commerce. Soon after that event, a short-sighted minister undertook to convert them into instruments of revenue.

The right of taxing the colonies was claimed by the British parliament, as incidental to sovereignty, and resisted by the colonists on the constitutional ground, that taxes were the free gifts of the people, by their direct and immediate representatives. For twelve years, the controversy was conducted by the pen; but after that period, by the sword. The pride of sovereignty on one side, and the jealousy of liberty on the other, kindled the flames of civil war. For information respecting the rise and progress of the controversy which led to this fatal measure, and the formation of a continental congress, composed of deputies from each of the colo

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nies to superintend their common concerns; the commencement of hostilities between the British troops and the militia of Massachusetts; the formation of an American army by the authority of that colony, to defend themselves against a British army stationed in Boston for the avowed purpose of enforcing their submission to the claims of the British parliament; the reader is referred to the historians of the American revolution. In these great events, Washington, whose residence was 600 miles distant from the scene of action, had no more particular agency than other influential individuals, or members of congress. After the battle of Lexington had been fought, and congress had resolved to make a common cause with the people of Massachusetts, then, and not till then, he, by an unanimous vote of the deputies representing twelve united colonies, was appointed commander in chief of their forces. His election was accompanied with no competition, and followed by no envy. The same general impulse on the public mind, which led the colonies to agree in many other particulars, pointed to him as the most proper person for presiding over their armies. To the president of congress announcing his appointment, general Washington replied in

a short

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