Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Том 100,Део 8U.S. Government Printing Office, 1954 The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873) |
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... utilities , $ 811,000 . " On page 3 , line 3 , after the word " hous- ing " , to strike out " $ 1,967,000 " and insert " $ 983,000 " ; in line 24 , to strike out " $ 3,780 , - 000 " and insert " $ 2,290,000 " ; on page 4 , line 5 ...
... utilities , $ 811,000 . " On page 3 , line 3 , after the word " hous- ing " , to strike out " $ 1,967,000 " and insert " $ 983,000 " ; in line 24 , to strike out " $ 3,780 , - 000 " and insert " $ 2,290,000 " ; on page 4 , line 5 ...
Страница 10053
... utilities - 13 per- cent ( deletion of unnecessary roads , and elimination of water and electric services programed for structures deleted from the bill ) ; airfield pavements - 9 percent ( reduc- tion of parking areas due to design ...
... utilities - 13 per- cent ( deletion of unnecessary roads , and elimination of water and electric services programed for structures deleted from the bill ) ; airfield pavements - 9 percent ( reduc- tion of parking areas due to design ...
Страница 10100
... utilities belonging or appertaining there- to , and the General Services Administration shall execute and deliver in the name of the United States in its behalf any and all con- tracts , conveyances , or other instruments as may be ...
... utilities belonging or appertaining there- to , and the General Services Administration shall execute and deliver in the name of the United States in its behalf any and all con- tracts , conveyances , or other instruments as may be ...
Страница 10103
... utilities " and " national - defense utilities " the word " air " has been added ; also war utilities and national - defense utilities have been redefined to include airfields , airlanes , and fixtures or ap- purtenances thereto , which ...
... utilities " and " national - defense utilities " the word " air " has been added ; also war utilities and national - defense utilities have been redefined to include airfields , airlanes , and fixtures or ap- purtenances thereto , which ...
Страница 10104
... utilities " is now defined as including various utilities used , or ca- pable of use , in connection with the " military or naval forces " of the United States . The definition of " national de- fense utilities " also refers to the ...
... utilities " is now defined as including various utilities used , or ca- pable of use , in connection with the " military or naval forces " of the United States . The definition of " national de- fense utilities " also refers to the ...
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administration agency agreed amendment Rept amount Army ask unanimous consent authorized barracks benefits bill H. R. Bonneville Clerk Committee Communist Congress construction contract cost Defense Department District of Columbia employees enacted eral facilities fiscal follows FORAND foreign FULBRIGHT funds gentleman House Indochina industry insert June kilowatts KNOWLAND labor lands Leasing Act legislation Louisiana MAGNUSON MANSFIELD ment military million mineral mining claim mittee MORSE Navy objection operation payments percent person PRESIDING OFFICER Priest Rapids Priest Rapids Dam proposed Public Utility District purposes question read the third RECORD relief request River Sabine River SALTONSTALL Santelmann SCHOEPPEL Secretary Senator from Oregon Senator from South senior Senator South Dakota strike thereof third reading tion unem unemployed unemployment compensation United Nations uranium utilities vote Washington weeks word