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Moore, J. B., and Wilson, G. G., addresses on "The Relation of International Law to National Law in the American Republics," Proceedings, Am. Soc. of Int. Law, 1915, 11-23, 23-30.

Westlake, J., Collected Papers on Public Interenational Law (Cambridge, 1914). Part II, X, "Is International Law a part of the Law of England?"

Wright, Q., The Control of American Foreign Relations (New York,
1922). Chaps. X-XIII deal with "The Power to Meet Interna-
tional Responsibilities."

Holland, T. E., Studies in International Law (Oxford, 1898).
Chap. X.


Membership in the League of Nations

a-c. Moore, J. B., Digest of International Law, I, §§ 5-18. American documents illustrating "States: Their Characteristics and Classification."

Oppenheim, L., International Law, I, §§ 63-70; 85-111.

b. Wicker, C. F., Neutralization (London, 1911). A scholarly monograph.

Littell, C. F., The Neutralization of States (Meadville, Pa., 1920). A doctoral dissertation, examining historical instances, followed by a discussion of principles.

b-c. Willoughby, W. W., and Fenwick, C. G., Types of Restricted Sovereignty and of Colonial Autonomy (Washington, 1919). Territories alphabetically arranged and analyzed according to restrictions imposed. Fenwick, C. G., Wardship in International Law (Washington, 1919). A brief classification of states under control of guardian powers. c. Baty, T., "Protectorates and Mandates," British Year Book, 1921-22, 109-121.

Harris, N. D., Intervention and Colonization in Africa (Boston,
1914). A study of European colonial expansion in Africa, cover-
ing the various forms of protectorates established.

Wright, Q., "Sovereignty of the Mandates," Am. Journal of Int.
Law, XVII (1923), 691-703.


Acquisition of Membership in the Family of Nations. Continuity and Loss of International Personality

b-c. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, I, §§ 27-79. Documents illustrating the practice of the United States.

Hyde, C. C., International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied by the United States (Boston, 1922). I, §§ 36-50, "Recognition." Wilson, G. G., Lectures on Insurgency (Naval War College, 1900). Goebel, J., The Recognition Policy of the United States (New York, 1915). A doctoral dissertation, with full bibliography. Dickinson, E. D., "The Unrecognized Government or State in English and American Law," Michigan Law Review, XXII (1923), Nos. 1, 2.

c. Moore, J. B., op. cit., I, §§ 92-97.

Hyde, C. C., op. cit., I, §§ 120-133.

Keith, A. B., Theory of State Succession, with Special Reference to
English and Colonial Law (London, 1907). A detailed study, lim-
ited as indicated.

Huber, M., Die Staatensuccession (Leipzig, 1898). Part I, Dogmatic
Foundations; Part II, Practice of States since the Peace of
Lunéville. A standard treatise, still useful.

Fauchille, P., Traité de Droit International Public (Paris, 1921).
Tome I, nos. 214-234, "Transformation des Etats." A valuable
discussion of recent practice.

Phillipson, C., Termination of War and Treaties of Peace (London, 1916). Chaps. XI-XIII, "Effect of Cession: State Succession."


The Rights of International Persons

a-b. Westlake, J., International Law (2nd ed., Cambridge, 1910). Part I, Chap. XXIII, a logical analysis of rights.

Holland, T. E., The Elements of Jurisprudence (10th ed., Oxford, 1908). An analysis of rights under municipal law, with parallel application to international law.

Pound, R., Interpretations of Legal History (New York, 1923). An analysis of the forces at work in the development of municipal law. To be read as offering a basis for a constructive criticism of the forces underlying the growth of international law. See also, Pound, Outlines of Lectures on Jurisprudence (Cambridge, 1920), and An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law (New Haven, 1922). Hohfeld, W. N., Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning (New Haven, 1923). A logical analysis of legal relationships and a re-grouping of them in more systematic form. Useful to more advanced students as a basis for the analysis of international "rights."


The Equality of International Persons

a. Dickinson, E. D., The Equality of States in International Law (Cambridge, 1920). A valuable monograph presenting the views of past writers and setting forth the internal and external limitations upon the equality of states.

Baker, P. J., "The Doctrine of Legal Equality of States," British
Year Book, 1923-24, 1-20.

Hicks, F. C., "The Equality of Nations," Proceedings, Am. Soc. of
Int. Law, 1909, 238-247, followed by discussion, 247-257.

b. Brown, P. M., International Realities (New York, 1917). "The Rights of States," an attack upon the traditional doctrine of equality.

Lawrence, T. J., Principles of International Law, 112-120. An assertion of the legality of the primacy of the Great Powers.

Goebel, J., Jr., "The Equality of States," Columbia Law Review, XXIII, 1, 113, 247. Studies in the historical background of the doctrine of equality, containing valuable material on medieval practice and theory in general.


The Right of Existence

b. Hall, W. E., International Law, §§ 8, 83-86.

c. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, VI, §§ 927-969. American documents illustrating the Monroe Doctrine.

Hart, A. B., The Monroe Doctrine: an Interpretation (Boston, 1916). A discussion of the changes in the original Monroe Doctrine and of the new "Doctrine of Permanent Interest."

d. Stowell, E. C., Intervention in International Law (Washington, 1921). A scholarly monograph, with exhaustive bibliography. Hodges, H. G., The Doctrine of Intervention (Princeton, 1915). A doctoral thesis, with bibliography.

Moore, J. B., op. cit. VI, §§ 897-911. Documents illustrative of the practice of the United States.

Analytical Index, Am. Journal of Int. Law, 1907-1920, sub. tit. "Intervention."

Winfield, P. H., "The History of Intervention in International Law," British Year Book of Int. Law, 1922-23, pp. 130-149.

e. Borchard, E. M., The Diplomatic Protection of Citizens Abroad; or the Law of International Claims (New York, 1915). A scholarly and exhaustive study, with full bibliography.

Moore, J. B., op. cit., VI, §§ 912-926; 970-1063. Official documents dealing with "Non-political Intervention" and "Claims." Hyde, C. C., International Law, I, §§ 270-309. A study of the policy of the United States in the matter of claims.

Moulin, H. A., La Doctrine de Drago (Paris, 1908). and exhaustive monograph, with full bibliography.


An accurate

The Right of Independence: Jurisdiction Over Persons

a. Rosting, H., "Protection of Minorities by the League of Nations," Am. Journal of Int. Law, XVII (1923), 641-660. A study of restrictions upon internal independence assumed or imposed by treaties.

b. Scott, J. B., Hill, D. J., Hunt, G., Report on the Subject of Citizenship, Expatriation, and Protection Abroad (Washington, 1906). A brief survey, followed by lengthy appendices giving a digest of cases, statutes of the different states of the Union, and of the laws of foreign countries.

Van Dyne, F., Citizenship of the United States (Rochester, 1904). A useful manual summarizing legislation.

Van Dyne, F., A Treatise on the Law of Naturalization of the United States (Washington, 1907). An accurate analysis of legislation down to the date of publication, with an appendix of documents. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, III, §§ 372-486. American official documents bearing upon "Nationality."

Piggott, Sir F. T., Nationality, including Naturalization and English Law on the High Seas and beyond the Realm. 2 vols. (London, 1907). A standard and authoritative treatise.

c. Moore, J. B., op. cit., IV, §§ 534-578. Documents bearing upon "Aliens."

Bouvé, C. L., Exclusion and Expulsion of Aliens in the United States (Washington, 1912). A comprehensive and systematic legal study of general principles and of statutory legislation.

Borchard, E. M., Diplomatic Protection of Citizens Abroad (New York, 1915). Chap. II, "The Alien."

d. Hyde, C. C., International Law, I, §§ 244-258. "Exemptions from territorial jurisdiction."

Brown, P. M., Foreigners in Turkey; Their Juridical Status (Princeton, 1914). A study of the history and practical operation of the capitulations.

Labingier, C. S., Extraterritorial Cases, Vol. I (Manila, 1921). A compilation of cases decided by the United States Court for China, with leading cases decided by other courts.

Fauchille, P., Traité de Droit International Public, Tome I, Première Partie (Paris, 1922). Pp. 922-974 discuss in detail the "treatment of foreigners," with bibliography.


Jurisdiction Over Public and Private Vessels

b. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, II, §§ 321-328. Documents bearing upon the "Nationality of Vessels."

Ogilvie, P. M., International Waterways (New York, 1920). Pp. 140-147 summarize a number of national laws of registration. c. Moore, J. B., op. cit., II, §§ 203-208. Documents bearing upon

"Jurisdiction over Ports."

Nielsen, F. K., "The Lack of Uniformity in the Law and Practice of States with Regard to Merchant Vessels," Am. Journal of Int. Law, XIII (1919), 1.

Charteris, A. H., "The Legal Position of Merchantmen in Foreign Ports and Waters," British Year Book, 1920-21, 45-96.

d. Fell, E. T., Recent Problems in Admiralty Jurisdiction (Baltimore, 1922). A doctoral dissertation. Chap. II, "Jurisdictional Immunity of Public Vessels and Goods."

e. Moore, J. B., op. cit., II, §§ 310-314. Documents bearing upon the "Slave Trade" and "Piracy."

Snow, A. H., The Question of Aborigines in the Law and Practice of Nations (New York, 1921). Chap. VII contains a survey of the negotiations between the Great Powers leading to the suppression of the slave trade.


Extradition of Fugitive Criminals

a-b. Moore, J. B., A Treatise on Extradition and Interstate Rendition, 2 vols. (Boston, 1921). An elaborate study, with references to judicial decisions and treaties.

Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, IV, §§ 579-622. Documents illus-
trating the practice of the United States.

Hyde, C. C., International Law, I, §§ 310-329. An interpretation of
American practice.

Proceedings, Am. Soc. of Int. Law, III (1909), 95-165. Papers on
the topic, "The Nature and Definition of Political Offense in In-
ternational Extradition."

Analytical Index, Am. Journal of Int. Law, 1907-1920, sub. tit. "Extradition."


The Right of Independence: Jurisdiction Over Territory

b-f. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, I, §§ 80-89. Documents illustrating the practice of the United States.

b. Vattel, E. de, Droit des Gens (Eng. trans.), I, §§ 203-210; II, 140151. A statement of eighteenth century principles and practice by a contemporary.

Harris, N. D., Intervention and Colonization in Africa. See Chap.
VI, c.

e. Wambaugh, S., A Monograph on Plebiscites, with a Collection of Documents (New York, 1920). A critical study, with valuable source material.

Mattern, J., The Employment of the Plebiscite in the Determination of Sovereignty (Baltimore, 1921). A doctoral dissertation, covering the history and recent practice of plebiscites, with bibliography.


Jurisdiction Over Territory: National Boundaries

b-h. Moore, J. B., Digest of Int. Law, I, §§ 125-157. Documents illustrating the practice of the United States.

b. Holdich, Sir T. H., Political Frontiers and Boundary Making (London, 1916). A popular study of the practical aspects of the determination of boundaries.

f-g. Borchard, E. M., Coastal Waters (Washington, 1911). A collection of extracts from the works of foreign publicists, translated into English.

f. Crocker, H. G., The Extent of the Marginal Sea (Washington, 1919). A collection of official documents and views of representative publicists.

Proceedings, Am. Soc. of Int. Law, 1923, 15, 32. Papers by P. M. Brown and F. K. Nielsen presenting conflicting points of view on the extension of the three-mile limit.

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