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Sen', send, ii. 4, 5. Sen't, send it, i. 178, l 23

Servan', servant,

60, / 25

Settlin, gat a fearfu settlin, was frightened into quietness,

i. 91, 7 27

Set, lot, i. 23,


Sets, becomes, i. 12, l 16; sets off,

starts, i. 33, 27

Shachl't, deformed, ii. 119, 18

Shaird, a shred, i. 177, 19

Shangan, a cleft stick, i. 43, l 12

Shank, the leg and foot, i. 108, 13. Shanks, legs, ii. 311,


Shanna, shall not, ii. 23, l 8.

7 18

Sharin't, sharing it, ii. 241, / 12

Shaul, shallow, i. 276, 18

Shaver, a wag, i. 66, 7 13

Shavie, a trick, i. 103, 7 25

Sha'na, shall not, ii. 238,

Shaw, show, i. 58, / 18. Shaw'd, showed, i. 204, / 16 Shaws, wooded dells, i. 91, l 26

Sheep-shank, wha thinks himsel nae sheep-shank bane, who thinks himself no unimportant personage, i. 169, / 15

Sheers, shears, i. 54, 13; scissors, i. 129, / 10
Sherra-muir, Sheriff-muir, i. 88, l 19

Sheugh, a trench, i. 2, l 10

Sheuk, shook, i. 96, 18

Shiel, a shieling, a hut, ii. 142, / 3

Shill, shrill, ii. 192, / 21

Shillin's, shillings, ii. 282, 16

Shog, a shock, i. 51, 7 17

Shools, shovels, i. 164, l 23

Shoon, shoes, i. 57, / 12

Shore, to threaten, i. 288, 7 12.

Shor'd, threatened, i. 41,

II; offered, i. 104, 74

Shouldna, should not, ii. 75, II

Shouther, shoulder, i. 19, l II

Shure, did shear, did cut grain, ii. 261, 7 14

Sic, such, i. 4, 2. Siclike, suchlike, i. 3, l 22

Sicker, secure, i. 29, / 16

Sidelins, sidelong, i. 171, 19

Sighin', sighing, i. 278, l 20

Siller, money, i. 201, 16; of the colour of silver, ii. 146, 7 1

Simmer, summer, i. 20, l 21. Simmers, summers, i. 7,

/ 19

Sin syne, since, ii. 89, 1 3

Sin', since, i. 31, / 2.
Sindry, sundry, ii. 330, 2
Sinfu', sinful, i. 154, 18

Singet, singed, i. 217, / 21
Singin', singing, i. 239, l 16.
Sinn, the sun, i. 274, 2.

Sing't, sing it, i. 118, / 14 Sinny, sunny, ii. 144, 14

Skaith, injury, i. 30, 7 11. Skaithing, injuring, i. 178,


Skeigh, high-mettled, i. 109, l 1; shy, proud, disdainful, ii. 82, / 14

Skellum, a worthless fellow, i. 201, / II

Skelp, a slap, i. 154, l 20; to run, ii. 37, l 19

Skelpie-limmer, a technical term in female scolding, i. 88,

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Skelpin, walking smartly, i. 21, l 4; resounding, i. 94, / 22

Skelping, slapping, i. 219, l 17. Skelpit, hurried, i. 203, 75

Skinklin, glittering, i. 246, l 21

Skirl, to shriek, i. 43, 18. Skirlin, shrieking, i. 11, 7 19. Skirl'd, shrieked, i. 85, l 20

Sklent, to deviate from truth, i. 169, 78.

Sklentin, slanting, i. 49, / 20. Sklented, slanted, i. 51, l 23

Skouth, range, scope, i. 280, 13

Skreech, to scream, i. 206, l 22. Skrieigh, to scream, i.

109, 3

Skyrin, anything that strongly takes the eye, showy, gaudy,

ii. 213, / 21

Skyte, a sharp oblique stroke, i. 94, 14

Slade, slid, i. 33, 23

Slae, the sloe, i. 190, 74

Slaps, flashes, i. 5, l 13; gates, stiles, breaches in hedges,

i. 28, / I

Slaw, slow, ii. 188, 7 10

Slee, shy, i. 108, 15.

Sleekit, sleek, i. III, 77

Sleeest, slyest, i. 57, / I

Slidd'ry, slippery, ii. 199, 14

Sloken, to quench, to allay thirst, i. 241, 79

Slypet, slipped, fell over, i. 109, / 30

Sma', small, i. 27, / 21

Smeddum, dust, powder, i. 159, / 16
Smeek, smoke, i. 68, 19

Smiddy, a smithy, i. 1, 7 19

Smoor'd, smothered, i. 36, 19

Smoutie, smutty, i. 51, 7 21

Smytrie, a number huddled together, i. 3, l 24

Snap, smart, i. 247, / 27

Snapper, to stumble, ii. 108, l 9

Snash, abuse, impertinence, i. 4,


Snaw broo, melted snow, i. 39, 13. Snawie, snowy, i. 144, 12. Snawy, snowy, i. 50, l 19

Sned, to lop, to cut, i. 235, 17

Snell, bitter, biting, i. 112, 16. Snellest, sharpest, keenest, ii. III, 75

Sneeshin-mill, a snuff-box, i. 5, 7 19

Snick, the latchet of a door, i. 51, / 13

Snirtle, to snigger, i. 102, l 20

Snool, to cringe, to submit tamely, ii. 68, 17; to snub, ii.

139, 79

Snoov't, went smoothly, i. 110, / 12. Snoov'd, sneaked, ii. 54, / 2

Snowkit, snuffed, i. 2, l 19

Sodger, a soldier, i. 94, 120. Sodgerin', soldiering, ii. 322, 18. Soger, a soldier, ii. 233, 18

Sonsie, jolly, comely, i. 2, l II

Soom, to swim, i. 14, 725

Soor, sour, i. 275, 19

Sootie, sooty, i. 48, 7 7

Sough, a heavy sigh, ii. 213, 77

Souk, a suck, ii. 312, / 11

Soupe, a spoonful, a small quantity of anything liquid, i. 131, 3

Souple, supple, i. 10, l 2

Souter, a shoemaker, i. 201, / 33. Sowter, a shoemaker,

ii. 67, 19

Sowps, spoonfuls, i. 18, l 20

Sowth, to try over a tune with a low whistle, i. 118, 7 12 Sowther, to solder, to make up, i. 8, 1 7

Spae, to prophesy, i. 88, l 13

Spails, chips of wood, ii. 22,


Spairges, dashes or scatters about, i. 48, 19

Spairin, sparing, i. 26, 7 18

Spak, spake, i. 21, 23
Spate, a flood, i. 39, 4
Spavie, a disease, i. 104,
i. 121, 77

2. Spaviet, having the spavin,

Speel'd, climbed, i. 59, l 20

Spean, to wean, i. 205, 7 16
Speel, to climb, i. 171, 7 14.
Speer, to inquire, ii. 252, l 10

Spence, the country parlour, i. 55, / 22
Spinnin, spinning, ii. 141, 79

Spier'd, inquired, ii.

119, 16. Spier't, inquired, i. 163, 7 14

Spier, to ask, to inquire, i. 12, 1 6.

Splore, a frolic, i. 94, 19

Spleuchan, a tobacco-pouch, i. 31, 78

Sprackled, clambered, i. 241, l 2

Sprattle, to struggle, i. 113, l 17

Spring, a quick air in music, a Scottish reel, i. 178, 7 27 Sprittie, full of spirits, i. 109, l 29

Sprush, spruce, ii. 308, 19

Spunk, fire, i. 46, l 25; mettle, i. 103, 7 20; a spark, i. 165,77. Spunkie, full of spirit, i. 16, l 19; whisky,

ii. 24, 75. Spunkies, Wills o' the wisp, i. 37, l 18 Spurtle, a stick with which porridge, broth, &c. are stirred while boiling, i. 208, 7 15

Squattle, to sprawl, i. 159, l 1
Squeel, to scream, i. 48, 7 16

Stacher'd, staggered, walked unsteadily, i. 29, 13. Stacher't, staggered, ii. 20, 76

Stack, stuck, i. 204, 30

Staggie, dim. of stag, i. 107,

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Staig, a horse of one, two, or three years old, not yet broken for riding, nor employed in work, ii. 309, 7 13 Stan', a stand, i. 30, 3. Wad stan't, would have stood, i. 2, / 1

Stanes, stones, i. 3, 7 21

Stang, to sting, i. 105, 18

Stank, a pool or pond, i. 104, / 23

Stap, to stop, i. 30, 19

Stark, strong, i. 108, / 12
Starns, stars, i. 185, 7 11.

187, 721

Starnies, dim. of starns, i.

Startin, starting, i. 84, 7 17
Startles, runs hurriedly, i. 6, 715

Starvin, starving, i. 110, 727
Staukin, stalking, ii. 136, 19
Staumrel, half-witted, i. 40, l 21

Staw, to steal, i. 70, l 15; to surfeit, i. 153, 18
Stechin, cramming, panting with repletion, i. 3, 19
Steek, to close, i. 19, 29. Steeks, stitches, reticulations,
i. 3,5

Steer, to injure, i. 7, 19; to stir up, i. 26, 19. Steer'd, molested, i. 283, / 12

Steeve, firm, compacted, i. 108, / 2
Stells, stills, i. 13, 78

Sten, a leap or bound, ii. 136, 7 14. Hasty stens, hasty stretches or rushes, i. 185, / 21

Sten't, reared, i. 110, 19

Stents, assessments, dues, i. 2, / 32

Steyest, steepest, i. 110, 78

Stibble, stubble, i. 112, 7 13. Stibble-rig, the reaper in harvest who takes the lead, i. 89, 11; a stubble-ridge, ii. 51, 7 I

Stick an stow, totally, altogether, i. 176, l 20

Stilt, halt, i. 121, 19

Stimpart, an eighth part of a Winchester bushel, i. 110,


Stirk, a cow or bullock a year old, i. 47, 18

Stocks, plants of cabbage, i. 54, / I

Stockit, stocked, i. 304,24

Stockin, stocking, i. 162, 7 20. Stockins, stockings, ii. 314, I

Stoited, walked stupidly, i. 302, / 18

Stoitered, staggered, i. 97, l 26

Stoor, sounding hollowly or hoarsely, i. 49, l 27

Stoppit, stopped, ii. 62, 7 4

Stot, an ox, i. 47, / 12

Stoure, dust, i. 43, l 19; dust blown on the wind, ii. 129,

14; pressure of circumstances, ii. 232, 7 5

Stowrie, dusty, ii. 312, / 12

Stown, stolen, ii. 90, / 24

Stownlins, by stealth, i. 87, 17

Stoyte, to stumble, ii. 108, 19

Strade, strode, ii. 269, / 14

Strae, a fair strae-death, a natural death, i. 33, / 13

Straik, to stroke, i. 17, 14. Straikit, stroked, i. 179, 78

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