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Strak, struck, i. 34, 7 20

Strang, strong, i. 185, 7 21

Strappan, strapping, i. 130, l 2. Strappin, strapping, ii. 84, 19

Straught, straight, i. 51, 16

Streamies, dim. of streams, i. 235, 78

Streekit, stretched. Streekit owre, stretched across, i. 38,

[blocks in formation]

Studdie, a stithy, i. 11, l 17

Stumpie, dim. of stump, a short quill, i. 168, 7 8 Strunt, spirituous liquor of any kind, i. 93, l 14; to walk sturdily, i. 158, / 19

Stuff, corn, i. 88, / 24

Sturt, to molest, to vex, i. 7, / 21

Sturtin, frighted, i. 89, 1 20

Styme, see a styme, see in the least, ii. 43, / 12

Sucker, sugar, i. 11, 76

Sud, should, i. 171, 78

Sugh, a rushing sound, i. 37, 19

Sumphs, stupid fellows, i. 271, l 14

Sune, soon, i. 269, 19

Suppin, supping, ii. 334, 24

Suthron, Southern, English, i. 173, 7.6

Swaird, sward, i. 51, 7 II

Swall'd, swelled, i. 153, 3

Swank, stately, i. 108, 7 2

Swankies, strapping young fellows, i. 22, l 17

Swap, an exchange, i. 166, 7 5

Swarf, to swoon, ii. 214, 7 16

Swat, did sweat, i. 60, / 14

Swatch, sample, 23, 14; specimen, i. 34, 1 7

Swats, ale, 201,32

Swearin', swearing, ii. 17, l 19

Sweatin, sweating, i. 176, 126
Swoor, swore, i. 86, 125
Swinge, to lash, ii. 22, 127
Swingein, whipping, i. 45, 125
Swirl, a curve, i. 2, 7 16

[blocks in formation]

Sybow, a leek, i. 289, 7 19

Syne, since, i. 2, 18; then, i. 27, / 12

TACK, possession, lease, i. 239, 14

Tackets, a kind of nails for driving into the heels of shoes, i. 208, / 21

Tae, toe, ii. 315, 11. Three-tae'd, three-toed, i. 29, 123 Taed, a toad, ii. 323, 729

Taen, taken, i. 57, / 12

Tairge, to task severely, i. 227, l24

Tak, to take, i. 6, 19

Tald, told, i. 163, 11

Tane, the one, i. 297,


Tangs, tongs, i. 262, / 12

Taps, tops, 153, 24. Tapmost, topmost, i. 159, 711
Tapetless, heedless, foolish, i. 167, 713

Tapsalteerie, topsy-turvy, ii. 194, 7 18
Tappit hen, a quart measure, ii. 75, 723
Tarrow, to murmur, ii. 23, l 12
Tarrow't, murmured, i. 67, 115
Tarry-breeks, a sailor, i. 66, 124
Tassie, a goblet, ii. 163, 7 10
Tauld, told, i. 65, 7 31

Tawted, matted, uncombed, i. I, / 20

Tawie, that allows itself peaceably to be handled, i. 108, 717 Tawpies, foolish, thoughtless young persons, i. 264, 15

Teats, small quantities, i. 53, 30

Teen, provocation, chagrin, i. 214, 75

Tellin', telling, i. 287, 24. Tell'd, told, ii. 54, 19

Temper pin, the wooden pin used for tempering or regulating the motion of a spinning wheel, ii. 311, / 12 Ten-hours-bite, a slight feed to the horses while in yoke in the forenoon, i. 167, / 10

Tent, to take heed, i. 29, 13; mark, i. 30, l 10

Tentie, heedful, i. 86, l 10

Tentier, more careful, i. 260, 14

Teughly, toughly, i. 37, 123

Teuk, took, i. 97, 123

Thack an rape, clothes, i. 3, 126

Thae, these, i. 33, 12

Thairm, fiddlestrings, i. 41, 24
Thankfu, thankful, i. 119, l 16
Thankit, thanked, i. 39, 13

Theekit, thatched, covered up, secured, i. 273, 122
Thegither, together, i. 2, 118

Themsels, themselves, i. 6, 128

Thick, pack an thick, friendly, i. 2, 7 18
Thieveless, cold, dry, spited, i. 37, 32
Thigger, begging, ii. 22, 1 32

Thir, these, i. 205, 711; their, ii. 258, 7 15
Thirl'd, thrilled, i. 163, 15

Thole, to suffer, to endure, i. 4, / 12

Thou's, thou art, i. 303, 13

Thowes, thaws, i. 39, 12

Thowless, slack, lazy, i. 167, l 20

Thrang, busy, i. 1, 75; a crowd, i. 22, l 19
Thrapple, the throat, ii. I, l 17

Thrave, twenty-four sheaves of corn, including two shocks, i. III, / 21

Thraw, to sprain or twist, i. 91, 16; to cross or contradict, ii. 189, / 12

Thrawin, twisting, i. 91, 7 18
Thrawn, twisted, i. 79, l 14

Thraws, throes, ii. 176, 19

Threap, to maintain by dint of assertion, i. 175, 724 Thresh, to thrash, ii. 52, 19. Threshing, thrashing, i.

44, 18

[ocr errors]

Thretteen, thirteen, i. 110, 17

Thretty, thirty, ii. 282, 16

Thrissle, the thistle, i. 15, 17

Throwther, A'throwther, through-other, pell meli, i. 19, 715 Thuds, that makes a loud intermittent noise, i. 70, 114;

resounding blows, ii. 213, 18

Thumart, the weasel, i. 275, 713

Thumpit, thumped, i. 81, 14

Thysel', thyself, i. 281, l 14

Tidins, tidings, ii. 109, 16
Till, unto, ii. 4, 73

Till't, to it, i. 17, 77

Timmer, timber, i. 7, 13; the tree boughs, i. 169, 12. Timmer propt, timber propt, i. 91, 7 18

Tine, to lose, i. 20, 18; to go astray, ii. 255, II

Tint, lost, i. 39, 13.

Tint as win, lost as won, ii. 156, 724

Tinkler, a tinker, i. 1, l 18
Tips, rams, i. 56, 17

Tippence, twopence, i. 22, 127

Tirl, to strip, ii. 22, / 22
Tirlin, unroofing, i. 49, 14
Tirl'd, knocked, ii. 57, 13

Tither, the other, i. 2, 13
Tittlin, whispering, i. 23, 15

Tocher, marriage portion, i. 108, 79
Tocher-band, dowry bond, ii. 205, / 13
Todlin, tottering, i. 29, 14

Tods, foxes, i. 53, 726

Toom, empty, i. 15, 78

Toop, a ram, i. 54, 76

Toun, a hamlet, a farm house, i. 55, 713

Tout, the blast of a horn or trumpet, i. 26, 15

To've, to have, ii. 145, 77

Tow, a rope, i. 109, / 20

Towmond, a twelvemonth, i.

131, 19

Touzie, rough, shaggy, i. 2, 13

Towzle, to rumple, i. 265, 25. Towzling, rumpling, dishevelling, i. 98, / 16

Toy, a very old fashion of female head-dress, i. 159, / 20 Toyte, to totter, i. III, 12

Transmugrify'd, metamorphosed, i. 78, l 15

Trashtrie, trash, i. 3, lII

Treadin' treading, i. 297, l 15

Trews, trousers, ii. 213, 721

Trickie, tricksy, i. 108, 15

Trig, spruce, neat, i. 84, l 14

Trinkling, trickling, ii. 298, l 18

Troggin, wares sold by wandering merchants, ii. 322, 7 17

Troke, to exchange, to deal with, ii. 24, 711

Trottin, trotting, i. 108, / 14

Trouse, trousers, ii. 270, 7 16
Trow't, believed, ii. 281, 23
Trowth, a petty oath, i. 39, 712
Try't, have tried, i. 109, 15
Tulzie, a quarrel, i. 177, 716
Tunefu', tuneful, i. 302, 13
Tup, a ram, ii. 72, 74

Twa, two, i. 1, 75

Twa fauld, twofold, doubled up, ii. 304, 713
Twa-three, two or three, i. 23, 13

Twal, twelve o'clock, i. 34, 121.

239, / 12. i. 5, 71

Twalt, the twelfth, i,

Twalpennie worth, twelvepenny worth.

Twang, twinge, i. 220, 73

Twined, reft, ii. 14, 30

Twins, bereaves, takes away from, i. 12, 19

Twistle, a twist, i. 274, 123

Tyke, a vagrant dog, i. 1, l 20

Tyne, to lose, ii. 184, 72

Tysday 'teen, Tuesday evening, ii. 49, 728.

UNCHANCY, dangerous, ii. 23, /21

Unco, very, i. 5, 12; great, extreme, i. 47, 14; strange,

i. 93,


Uncos, strange things, news of the country side, i. 129, 17 Unkend, unknowm, i. 172, 15.

174, 14

Unsicker, unsecure, i. 261, 19

Unskaith'd, unhurt, i. 82, l 27

Unkenn'd, unknown, i.

Upo', upon, i. 5, 14. Upon't, upon it, ii. 257, 7 I

VAP'RIN, vapouring, i. 88, 16

Vauntie, proud, in high spirits, i. 205, 730

Vera, very, i. 7, / 10

Viewin, viewing, i. 175,


Virls, rings round a column, i. 37, 127

Vittel, victual, grain, i. 273, l21. Vittle, victual, ii. 262,


Vogie, proud, well-pleased, ii. 316, 74

Vow, an interjection expressive of admiration or surprise, ii. 316, 4

WA', a wall, i. 69, 72

Wa' flower, the wallflower, ii. 156, 16

Wab, a web, ii. 261, 7 19

Wabster, a weaver, i. 23, 17

Wad, would, i. 1, 17. Wad a haen, would have had, ii. 165, 1. Wadna, would not, i. 86, 711.

Wad, a wager, i. 34, 17; to wed, ii. 312, l 19

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