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number to be pre

dred of these books or pamphlets, shall be stitched but not A certain covered, and their leaves shall not be cut, but they shall be delivered to the Secretary of State by the State Printer, and served. kept in the charge of the said Secretary of State, whose duty it shall be, as early as possible before the convening of future Legislatures, to cause one hundred copies of the said book to be bound in cloth, and printed upon the covers with the names of the Senators and Assemblymen elect, as described in the foregoing, and he shall also cause one hundred copies to be covered with paper covers as aforesaid.

No. IV.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed January 11, 1877.]

hours of

Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the Office Board of Directors of the State Library be requested to change State the hour for closing the State Library daily, from four P. M. to Library. ten o'clock P. M., and until both Houses shall have adjourned. Such change of time to continue during the present session of the Legislature.

No. V.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed January 12, 1877.]

to plans


Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the Relative plans and specifications for the State Prison at Reno, now on for file in the office of the Secretary of State, be placed in the Washoe hands of the several committees appointed by the Assembly and the Senate to visit said prison. Said plans and specifications to be returned to the office of Secretary of State within ten days.

No. VI.-A Preamble and Conjoint Resolutions providing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nevada.

[Passed January 15, 1877.]

WHEREAS, By the second section of Article I of the Constitu- Preamble. tion of this State, it is explicitly declared that "the paramount allegiance of every citizen is due to the Federal Government," and that " "no power exists in the people of this or any other State of the Federal Union to dissolve their connection there with, or perform any act tending to impair,


to striking
the word
from the



subvert, or resist the supreme authority of the Government of the United States;" and, whereas, the Constitution of the United States has been so amended as to confer upon all native born citizens of this Republic, irrespective of color, race, or previous condition of servitude, a condition of full and exact equality; and, whereas, the Constitution of this State, as it now reads, is not in harmony with the amended Constitution of the United States; therefore, be it

Resolved, by the Assembly, conjointly with the Senate, That section one of Article II of the Constitution of this State shall be amended by the elimination therefrom of the word "white,'' and the effect of such elimination shall be that no male citizen of the United States shall be excluded from the rights of suffrage and office holding by reason of his race, color, or previous condition of servitude; provided, that this amendment shall not be construed as conferring the rights of naturalization, suffrage, and office holding upon any native of the Chinese Empire; and, be it further

Resolved, That there shall be added to the present Constitual article tion of this State an Article to be called and known as Article XVIII, and which shall be as follows:

to the



ARTICLE XVIII.-The rights of suffrage and office holding shall not be withheld from any male citizen of the United States, by reason of his color or previous condition of


Leave of


No. VII.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed January 19, 1877.]

Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That James absence to Buckner, Assessor of Humboldt County, be, and is hereby, Buckner. granted leave of absence for the period of six months, at such time as he may select during his present term of office; provided, the said Buckner shall employ a competent deputy during such absence, and for whose official acts he shall be held responsible.

Leave of

absence to

R L.

No. VIII.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed January 26, 1877.]

Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That R. L. Chase, County Recorder of Eureka County, be, and he hereby is, granted leave of absence from the State for six months, at any time during the years eighteen hundred and seventy-seven or eighteen hundred and seventy-eight.

No. IX.-Joint Memorial and Resolution relative to Pyramid Lake
Reservation in the State of Nevada.

[Passed January 29, 1877.]

To the President of the United States:

the reservation.

Your memorialist, the Legislature of the State of Nevada, Describes most respectfully represent: That the reservation known as Pyramid Lake Reservation embraces a territory fifty-two miles in length, and from twelve to seventeen miles in width, includ. ing the entire body of water known as Pyramid Lake and eight miles of the Truckee River; and that said territory is rich in mineral and agricultural resources; and that already on said reservation, and adjoining the same, have been discovered three mining districts, rendering it of great importance that the same should be opened to settlement as other government lands.



Your memorialist would further represent: That the Indians The have not at any time, and do not now reside on any portion of do not use said reservation bordering on said lake, but they are confined the reserexclusively to the ground on the Truckee bottoms, near the agency buildings; that no more than one hundred Indians ever reside thereon, the balance being scattered over the State, in the vicinity of towns and cities; and that by continuing the said reservation, a large and fertile region of country is withdrawn from settlement by white citizens, and at the same time is useless to and unused by the said Indians; and that

that the reserva


WHEREAS, Said reservation was created by proclamation of the Asks President, your memorialist would respectfully ask that the same be, by proclamation, reduced and confined to and com- tion be mencing at the southern boundary of said reservation as now established, and extending northerly from said boundary eighteen miles, following the course of the Truckee River, and extending back three miles from said river upon either and both sides, including the agency buildings and all other improvements made by the Government; also, to reserve to the Indians the exclusive right and privilege to fish within the waters of the said Pyramid Lake; therefore, be it

Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, be requested to transmit this memorial to the President of the United States, and that our Senators and Representative be instructed to use all honorable means to obtain a favorable consideration of this memorial.


ing a com

mittee to fix


No. X.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed January 30, 1877.]

Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That a committee, consisting of three members from the Assembly and two from the Senate, be appointed to prepare and report a bill fixing the salaries of State officers.

State Uni-


No. XI.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed January 31, 1877.]

Appoint- Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That a ing a committee to committee of three (3), one (1) from the Senate and two (2) from the Assembly, be appointed to visit the State University at Elko, to examine its general condition and management, and report the same to the Senate and Assembly, together with the number of teachers employed since its organization, their classifications, the salary paid each, the number of scholars which has been in attendance each year since that time, the number now in attendance and their classifications, the branches taught, the entire cost to the State of keeping such institution in operation, and all other matters and things appertaining to the same which said committee, in their discretion, are of opinion should be inquired into and reported upon.

Giving further time.

No. XII.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed February 1, 1877.]

Resolved, by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the Select Committee to visit and report upon the condition of the insane and deaf and dumb of said State, have ten days further time in which to report.

No. XIII.-Assembly Joint Resolution.

[Passed February 2, 1877.]

Preamble. WHEREAS, Rich and extensive silver mines have been discovered in Southern Utah, inducing a large emigration from Nevada to that portion of the Territory of Utah; and, whereas,

in consequence of the inadequate protection afforded to persons and property in the Territory of Utah, the development of the resources of the said Territory is greatly retarded, and the material progress of the country delayed; and, whereas, in order to secure the benefits, privileges, and blessings of State government, the people of Southern Utah desire that portion of the Territory annexed to Nevada; therefore, be it

for the annexa


Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That our Asking Senators and Representative in Congress be and are hereby requested to use their influence in Congress, and all legitimate tion of means in their power, to secure the annexation to Nevada of all territory. that portion of the Territory of Utah lying south of thirty-nine (39°) degrees north latitude, and west of thirty-four (34°) degrees west longitude.

to trans

Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, be requested to Governor transmit a copy of these resolutions to each of our Senators and mit copy. Representative in Congress as soon as possible.

No. XIV.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed February 3, 1877.]

absence to

Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That six Leave of months leave of absence be granted to Thompson Campbell, T. CampDistrict Attorney of the Seventh Judicial District (comprising bell. Lincoln County), at any time during his present term of office.

No. XV.-Assembly Concurrent Resolution.

[Passed February 5, 1877.]

absence to

Resolved, by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That John Leave of B. Williamson, County Assessor of White Pine County, be, and J.B. Wilhe is hereby, granted leave of absence from this State for the liamson. period of six months, at any time he may select during his present term of office; provided, that he leave a competent dep. uty to perform the duties of his office as required by law.

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