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Socialism and Ruin

One of the most startling by-products of the European war is the practical demonstration that socialism, in destroying governments, has been the creator of chaos and misery. After the lesson of the Bolsheviki there is no longer the slightest excuse for ignorance, indifference or slothfulness in dealing with that hydraheaded monster in America.

In reality, it is both dangerous and futile to try to draw a line between American socialism and the radical alien brand. In times of conflict, all fine lines of demarcation disappear. In the struggle that we some day must make with alien-born anarchy-socialism in our own country, all the loyal American socialists will quit the company of the Nearings and Shiplacoffs, as very many already have done, and the others will move over into the camps of the enemy.

Let us, then, in self defense, at once drop all attempts at differentiation between the best and the worst in

socialism as it now stands. No socialist camp is any longer a fit abiding-place for any level-headed and patriotic American.


The appeal to cupidity and poverty is the most dangerous weapon that can be aimed at the heart of any nation from within. This was the mark on the dagger

with which Lenine and Trotzky struck the heart of Russia. To-day the great Russian giant lies prone on his frozen earth, writhing and twisting in mortal agony. Out of a face of pitiful ignorance and simplicity, the striken Soldier-Workman turns his eyes right and left, for help that will stop his wounds and lift him up before all his life blood ebbs away. And it is Germany that offers first aid,- of the kind that vultures give to lambs.

The Kaiser, and Hindenburg of the Cruel Jaw, stand by, like wolves beside a dying buffalo, smiling sardonically, and making up their minds where to begin their feast. The Ukraine hind quarter, already paralyzed and helpless, even now is ready for fang and claw.

In Petrograd the first act of the ghastly farce is nearing its close.<Lenine and Trotzky resemble two East African baboons who have invaded a drawing room, wrecked it and are wondering what to do with its remains. Their raucous barking can be heard afar; but their canine teeth, though sharp enough against their own kind, are harmless against armed enemies.


The poor human cattle who have thrust those devilish fools into positions of temporary power already realize that a great nation cannot be governed, and piloted through grave perils, by one pair of long-eared Lenine and Trotzky know no more about the science of government than a baboon knows about watchmaking and the price of this carnival of folly, ignorance and greed is the degradation, ruin and starvation of a great nation. The precious "Soldier (!) and his yoke-fellow the "Workman," now are up to their armpits in the quicksands of socialism; and may

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the God of nations have mercy on their sordid souls. On February 18, while reporting a carnival of rioting, wholesale murder, widespread robbing and looting, famine and misery unspeakable, in Petrograd, the New York Times " Russian correspondent also said this:

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"Lenine's land legislation and revolutionary propaganda generally are reducible in effect to this simple advice to the peasants: Help yourselves.' The results have been to break up large estates, with the consequent return to more primitive methods of cultivation, struggles between rival villages and between inhabitants of the same village, and wholesale insecurity."


We have seen socialism destroy a government far better than any that it can erect in its stead. We have seen that the people's Majority can at times be wickedly and hopelessly WRONG! We have seen the deadly results of a great appeal to Greed and Ignorance. Karensky and Lenine both assured the soldiers and workmen " that the property of the rich and well-to-do should be divided with them, without any effort or obligation on their part save to reach and take. We have seen the fighting men of a half-victorious nation throw down their arms, give back all conquered territory, and become craven.

That Russian bait is to-day almost as dangerous in America as it ever was in Russia.

After Russia has been dragged through the mire quite long enough, we will see the intelligent element called upon to rescue the nation, and we will see the renaissance, but when will we see a form of government that can hold Russia together?


Americans who never have attended any socialistic meetings, and never have read any pamphlets like Scott Nearing's "Great Madness," have not the faintest conception of what the socialists propose to do by and unto the United States. I advise every one who reads this book to write to the Rand Book Store, 7 East 15th Street, New York, buy a copy of that pamphlet, and read it carefully.

Scott Nearing is the socialist professor who very wisely and justly was dropped from the University of Pennsylvania, and later from another position at Toledo, for his dangerous views and teachings. He has written thirteen books on socialism and allied subjects, and he is the president of the People's Council (of alien socialists), with national headquarters at 138 West 13th Street, New Work. He is the leader and the most voluble spokesman of the American Bolsheviki. And what is the trend of his last preachment?

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To begin with, a “plutocrat" (in the language of anarchy) is a person who is rich or nearly so, and is possessed of divisible property. To men like Nearing, Lenine and Trotzky, the "plutocrat " is the living incarnation of all iniquity. Throughout 44 pages of his "Great Madness," Nearing blames the "plutocrats " for preaching patriotism, for founding the Navy League to build up the U. S. Navy, for denouncing the sinking of the Lusitania, for sending the Lusitania

to sea, for advocating preparedness, and finally for deliberately bringing on the war in order that they might profit from it in all sorts of ways.


To Nearing and his kind, no such thing as unselfish patriotism in a "rich" man or woman is possible. He says that they use the American flag as a camouflage" for their profiteering, and wax fat on the woes of our nation.

I will not stop to quote page and verse from Nearing's Madness; for life is short.

But in one respect, A. W. Ricker, in "Rip-Saw Series No. 7," goes a step beyond Nearing. In "Free Love and Socialism" he says that "capitalism is destroying the home" and "breaking down the marriage relation"; and that "Under socialism there will be no red light districts. The environment of prostitution will be removed from man's pathway." . . . “The professional abortionist will disappear with capitalism."

Jast for a moment let us again hold a candle to Scott Nearing's "Great Madness," a well-named pamphlet !

Nearing lauds Tavenner, who viciously attacked the Navy League; he lauds La Follette, of whom nothing descriptive need be said; and he praises many men for their slacking and disloyal attitudes.

But does he say one word against Germany!

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Not one! He says (page 39): "There is some excuse for Germany.' }. Throughout his twelve topics, not once does he find any fault with the Kaiser, or Hindenburg; not once does he express regret over any disaster to America

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