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sympathetic spirit; and for advice upon it he very properly referred it to the Mayor's Council of National Defense.

2.- THE MAYOR'S COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSE spent two hours in conference with our Executive Committee, but did not feel that the meetings could be prevented.

3.- THE GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK was appealed to, by letter and telegraph; but he was on the very point of starting for the far West, and had no time to enter into the matter, one way or another.

4.- THE NATIONAL DEFENSE COUNCIL of Washington was appealed to, and urged to act. Nothing practical resulted therefrom.


5- THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES was called upon to act. Nothing was done by him.

For the admonition of Americans, I quote here from the letter of Mr. Charles Stewart Davison, member of the Executive Committee of the American Defense Society, to the Director of the Mayor's Council of National Defense, while our efforts with the municipal authorities were in progress:

You will, I feel sure, agree with me that if it be decided by the Mayor's Council of Defense that it itself is powerless to prevent the holding of seditious meetings in New York City, it should either formally recommend action to the Mayor, or else call the matter immediately to the attention of the State authorities for action by them.

The matter was referred to the Council by the Mayor, and the Committee which called upon it has, at the two conferences which were held, gone into the full detail. In view of the existing state of war, and the serious effect upon the country of the holding in this City of such meetings (which are effectively prevented in other States), it would seem

that a duty is imposed upon the Council. In connection with the underlying principles concerned, I refer you to the copy of the opinion by Judge Dickinson of the United States District Court which I left with you, and to the enclosed pamphlet on the subject.

I also call to your recollection the fact that whenever there is laxity in the prevention of the beginnings of disloyalty, disorder and serious breaches of the peace arise.

You will note that the acceptance of responsible office in time of war carries with it correspondingly responsible duties; and while the burden of decision and of action may be great, it is one which I am sure would not be sought to be avoided by yourself, or by any loyal citizen whose duty called upon him for action for the protection of the land.

We failed, utterly.

The meetings were held as advertised; and they were even more defiant, obstructive, hostile and insulting to our Allies than we had expected they would be. They attracted representatives of the most dangerous elements of alien-socialism, including I. W. W. miscreants. It was the largest and most vociferous gathering of seditionists that has been held in America thus far.

On Sunday afternoon, at the Central Opera House, 205 East 67th Street, there were present about 2,500 revolutionary Socialists. It was the closing meeting of the "National Labor and Peace Conference."

Dr. Judah L. Magnes cried, "Only through peace can your revolution succeed!

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It is not the middle aged that you need to make your revolution. It is strong youth!" When the speaker announced that the only possible basis for peace was "the status quo ante," the peace that Germany wants,- that crowd leaped to its feet and roared its approval. He definitely announced as a fact that in a short time President Wilson will call for a Bolshevik peace, on a basis of no annexations and no indemnities. And the

United States Attorney General, and the Department of Justice, let him get away with that lying and disloyal statement!!

Scott Nearing and L. P. Lochner favored a policy of unrestricted immigration to the United States of Chinese and Japanese; which we commend to the American Federation of Labor for its attention. Delegate Maurer, speaking for Pennsylvania labor, objected; and the resolution was not adopted.

Scott Nearing made exactly the kind of a speech that we expected of him, only worse; and at last he has been haled before a grand jury, and indicted!


Whenever a political party or a cult proposes to the American people a line of policy that boldly and brazenly attacks the very foundations of our republic, that cult ceases to be an academic question and becomes a menace. Already the socialists freely and openly are talking and declaiming about a "revolution" in the United States, and predicating much upon its success.

All the red-blooded men of America (so far as heard from) now hold strongly that for disloyalty there should be no such thing as "free speech," or free assemblage. In time of war, the man who for technical or timid reasons fears to suppress disloyal meetings and publications easily becomes himself a source of danger, because of his weakness.

Can our people as a mass EVER be made to see the

dangers of socialism, before the red flag of socialism and anarchy appears in all our streets, and the firing begins?



Cobras Under the Hearthstone, and Class Hatred

The cobra is the most vicious, venomous and deadly of all foreign snakes. The only cobras in America are those that have come to us from abroad.

The cobra is the only reptile that loves to live in the thatched roofs and under hearthstones of the habitations of man. In wet weather, when they are driven out of the fields of India by discomfort and privation, they seek the shelter of men's houses; and they do not hesitate to bite, through sheer viciousness, the people whose homes shelter them. In India, in the early days, a live cobra sometimes fell from a thatched roof, or a beam, upon the family table.

The cobra is the most dreaded of all the old-world snakes, because it is the only species that actually pursues inoffensive people, and goes out of its way to bite them. It strikes without warning, and usually in the dark, so that it can make a safe get-away. Its bite is so deadly that only the most prompt treatment, with a serum made from its own poison, can avert the death of the victim.

In comparison with the alien cobra the American rattlesnake is a gentleman. He never pursues you, nor seeks you out in order to bite you; and he always rattles a fair warning before he strikes. Thousands of lives have been saved by his warning rattle, "Don't tread on me!”

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