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pation of the people, oppressed by their own capitalists.

Q. What is our attitude toward the Liberty Loan? A. We are against it, for the war remains imperialistic, waged by capitalists, allied to capitalists for the interest of capitalists.

Q. Can the capitalistic Governments body forth the will of the nations to peace?

A.- No. Conscious workmen cherish no illusions on this score.

Q.-Should all monarchs be deposed?
A. Yes.

Q.-Should the peasants immediately take possession of the private lands?

A. Yes, the land must be seized immediately. Strict order should be established through the agency of the Councils of Peasants' Deputies. The production of bread and meat should be increased, for the soldiers must be better fed. The damaging of cattle, implements, etc., cannot be allowed. It is necessary to organize the poor peasants and the agricultural laborers. Q.-Should the fraternization at the front be encouraged?

A. Yes. This is both useful and necessary. It is absolutely necessary immediately to encourage attempts at fraternizing between the soldiers of the two belligerent sides.

Q. What color is our flag?

A.- Red, for the red flag is the flag of the universal proletarian revolution.

If the "American Union Against Militarism" is not a thoroughly pro-German and disloyal organization, then there never was one of that kind in America. Its guiding spirit is Max Eastman, the alien type of socialist who was editor of that disloyal magazine called "The Masses" until it was suppressed by the govern


The "People's House" in New York, at 7 East 15th Street, is the club house and propaganda center of the alien socialists and soap-box orators of New York and vicinity, who oppose the war, oppose conscription, oppose teaching patriotism in the public schools, won't buy Liberty bonds, and want peace at any price. They are backed by plenty of capital, and they are spending thousands of dollars in fitting up a fine club house, auditorium, baths and ample business offices for unlimited propaganda.

Now the alien socialists propose to capture New York at the next election for Mayor; and their chances to win are really quite good.

Go off and play golf, you "capitalistic class," while your enemies plot and work to destroy you!

Now that this nation is at war, there are in America only two kinds of people, the loyal and the disloyal. There is no neutral ground, no neutral class. Any man who now attempts to occupy neutral ground is disloyal! It is time to find out the status of every man and every woman. It is time to drive out the passive traitors, and hang those that are active. Those that curse our allies, and especially those that curse England, are playing the game in aid of the kaiser. They are traitors to the cause of human freedom, and the traitor's fate should be theirs.

This war has risen far above the ordinary war level. It is a crusade for human rights, and the liberty and protection of mankind. Any man who says “it is a capitalists' war" speaks falsely, and is a dangerous person. Any man who advocates peace without ample reparation to ruined and raped Belgium and northern France is a traitor to the cause of humanity, and no right-minded man should retain him as a friend.

If Germany wins a peace without having to pay for her crimes, with her colonies and her cash,- she wins the war, she defeats democracy and the cause of human rights, and the cause of Christian civilization is set back 200 years.

I warn the President, his Cabinet and every member of Congress to beware of the Hun's sympathizers and allies who presently will deluge them with machinemade telegrams, paid for with German money, begging and bullying for " immediate peace," "“without annexations or indemnities," a peace made in Germany, which if made will with absolute certainty hatch out another batch of dragon's eggs within another ten years.


The Degradation of Three National

I. The Anarchist Fetich Called "Free Speech "

America contains many sawdust idols and fake ideals. One of them is "free speech "; and another is "personal liberty."

It is high time that the "free speech" fetich, now grown more ugly and more dangerous in influence than any Congo-negro idol, should be kicked off its pedestal and buried out of sight.

For free love, anarchy, sedition and treason there is no such thing in America as "free speech "; and there never will be. If we actually had free speech in this country, the living could not take care of the wounded and bury the dead. One-fourth of the population would be driven out of the country, and another fourth would be put in jail.

Honest, decent and law-abiding citizens are not the ones who stand on soap-boxes or go prancing up and down the sidewalks yelling for "free speech." Put the acid test to the shouter for "free speech" and nine times out of ten you will find a chronic kicker and disturber of the peace, or an anarchist from the slums of Europe. The decent citizen knows that as such he is quite at liberty to express his honest opinion of the government, of public measures, and of most men in

the public eye. It is only the men who utter lies, calumny and sedition, and preach the doctrine of property seizure, the torch and the bomb, who are so vociferous about "free speech."

No. "Speech" in the United States is not "free" to disloyal men or women, native or alien. Most decidedly not. If it ever becomes so, all decent people will need to emigrate to Borneo, or some other island inhabited by decent savages, in order to live in peace and security, and find happiness

Unless I greatly mistake the signs of the times, the American people are going to feel some heavy jolts, and that too in the near future. The follies of the past fifty years, like curses and chickens, are coming home to roost. We have made American citizenship and national hospitality to undesirable aliens so fearfully cheap that now we find ourselves beset by a lot of human cobras, vipers and rattlesnakes that are setting out to drive us out of house and home. Thanks to our own foolishness and lack of moral stamina, we have created here in America a Bolsheviki far more dangerous than that of stupid and besotted Russia; because we ourselves have educated it, fostered it, put it upon its feet, and put deadly weapons in its hands.

I refer to I. W. W.ism, Alien Socialism, Bolshevikism and the lawless elements of organized and unorganized labor.

If the American people are going to be at all slow in waking up to a realization of this danger, then they may indeed look for bloody episodes at no very distant day. Do you doubt this? Do you think it silly or visionary? If so, let me tell you that already in public meetings the Emma Goldmans and the Elmer Rosen

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