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be able by legal proof to establish their right to freedom, was admitted; and it was signified that further inquiry should be made as to the means for granting them the requisite relief.

"It was also admitted to be desirable that no governor, judge, attorneygeneral, or fiscal, nor any of the religious instructors about to be appointed, should hold property in slaves; and though it might be unfair to give this principle a retro-active effect, yet that there could be no objection to its being made to operate prospectively.

The only remaining points were, the granting facilities to the adult slaves to purchase their freedom; and the liberation from bondage of all children born after a certain day. In neither of these propositions have the Government hitherto signified their concurrence. Indeed, to the measure of freeing all children born after a certain day, they appeared to feel a more decided objection than to any other that had been suggested. Both the points were deemed of so much moment as to render further information and more mature consideration necessary, before they came to a final decision upon them "

In reviewing the resolutions adopt ed by Parliament, and the declared intentions of his Majesty's government, the Committee state that they see very abundant cause for congratulation. "They feel much gratified both by the admissions which they involve; and by the concurrent determination, which has been expressed by his Majesty's government and by Parliament, to proceed to the immediate redress of some of the existing evils, and to secure eventually the extinction of the very state of slavery."

These congratulations, however, are not unmixed with fears, as our readers will perceive by the remainder of the circular, which we subjoin, and which we adopt as expressive of our own views and feelings on this great topic. "The Committee deeply regret that the mode of proceeding by Parliamentary enactment, in effecting the Colonial reforms which have been recognised as necessary, should not have been preferred to that of leaving this great work to be carried on through the medium of the Colonial Legislatures. Past experience, to say the least, discourages any sanguine hope of their prompt, cordial, and efficient co-operation; and the Committee, therefore, lay their account in meeting with

much delay and disappointment, as the consequence of this arrangement. "But, besides this disadvantage, it must be recollected that there are some points, of great and vital moment, on which no distinct hope of reform has as yet been given. It has not been declared that slaves shall cease to be chattels; that they shall no longer continue, in this respect, as well as for every other purpose of sale or transfer, on the same degrading level with the beasts of the field. They are still liable to be transported, as the master's interest or caprice may dictate, from one island to another, and separated for ever from their families and dearest connexions, and from their native home. It has not yet been settled, that their testimony shall be received in courts of law, although without this the value of many other provisions in their favour must be greatly diminished. No expectation has yet been given that they shall enjoy facilities for obtaining their freedom by their own exertions. And, above all, their progeny are still doomed to be born to the same wretched inheritance with their parents, notwithstanding the undeniable injustice and cruelty of such a destination. And with respect to the points on which a more favourable decision has been signified, they are yet to be fulfilled, and that in the face, it is to be feared, of many unappreciated difficulties.

"Let not, therefore, the friends of our enslaved fellow-subjects assume that their work is accomplished. In fact, it is only begun. We are only entering on the field of our labours. We have made, it is true, a fair and hopeful commencement. The influence of the public feeling which has been so remarkably displayed, has effected much. But the ground we have already gained may be lost; and, still more, our farther progress may be delayed, or even wholly obstructed, if we should remit our efforts. Nothing which has occurred ought to have the effect of relaxing, in the very slightest degree, our vigilance and activity. On the contrary, the success already obtained should only stimulate us to increased exertion; for whatever measures, with a view to the ultimate attainment of our objects, were previously deemed necessary, may be considered as no less imperiously called for at the present moment.

"In this persuasion, the Committee would particularly recommend that

Associations should be formed in every part of the United Kingdom, for the purpose of co-operating to diffuse information, to procure the requisite funds, and to call forth the distinct expression of public opinion on the subject.

The Committee feel that their cause owes much to those petitioners who, in the last session, addressed Parliament with such prompitude and effect. They trust that the same earnest pleadings will be renewed at an early period of the next session. They trust that, not only from the same places which have already raised their voice in the sacred cause of justice and humanity, but from every County and every town in the United Kingdom, one energetic and concurrent appeal will be made to both Houses of the Legislature, in behalf of our enslaved fellow-subjects; praying that they may be admitted, at the earliest safe and practicable period, to a participation in those civil rights and privileges, and in those moral and religious blessings, which are enjoyed by other classes of his Majesty's subjects: and that this nation may not be permitted to incur the farther guilt (now that our eyes are opened to the flagrant iniquity of such a course of conduct) of daily augmenting the miserable victims of an unjust and merciless policy, by subjecting the children, who may hereafter be born, to the same state of abject and degrading bondage to which we have been the criminal instruments of reducing their progenitors.

* The petitions, a list of which is ap. pended to the paper from which we' quote, considerably exceeded two hundred in number.

"To activity, vigilance, and perseverance in this course, there are the strongest motives to animate us which can call forth the exertions of Britons and of Christians. We have the cheering hope of being instrumental in rescuing upwards of eight hundred thousand of our fellow-subjects from a state of slavery which outrages every feeling of humanity, which violates every principle of the British constitution, and is repugnant to the whole spirit of the Christian religion. And, still more, we may indulge the hope of contributing to deliver them from that more fatal bondage,-that yoke of ignorance, vice, and irreligion,—beneath which our institutions have continued so long to retain them. May these considerations operate on every mind with an energy which no delay or disappointment can enfeeble, and which no difficulties or opposition shall be able to resist; and, with the blessing of God upon our zealous, united, and unintermitted efforts, we may look forward to the not very distant time when we shall be called to rejoice together in the final accomplishment of our work of mercy."

The length to which these remarks have extended, prevents our noticing some other topics of domestic interest, which will bear postponing. We cannot, however, omit to notice, with gratitude to the Father of all mercies, that the harvest, which it was feared might be affected by the ungenial weather, has turned out both plentiful and of good quality. The pour may therefore look forward to another winter of cheap bread.


A CONSTANT READER; W. S.; MINIMUS; Z.; A. C. L.; AN OCCASIONAL CORRESPONDENT; A FRIEND TO ORDER; A REGULAR CHURCHMAN; DAVID; and some communications without heading or signature, are received, and will be duly weighed.

The Correspondents who have favoured us with their remarks on Mr. Faber's view of the Mosaic Cosmogony, will see the propriety of our postponing them till the whole of his statement (which will be concluded in our next number) is before our readers. It was not intended, in the first instance, to insert more than a general view of his argument; but, as the subject has given rise to animadversion, it seems but fair to the author to insert the chapter entire.

A. will find numerous papers scattered throughout our volumes on "Worldly Conformity," and other points connected with-some of them immediately relating tohis query.

We feel much gratified with the communication of W. (of Alexandria.)



No. 262.]

OCTOBER, 1823. [No. 10. Vol. XXIII.


Tothe Editorofthe Christian Observer.

AM a young bachelor, and am not unfrequently invited by friends whom I highly respect, to partake of their family fare, on the Sun. day. I have hitherto declined these kind invitations; and having been induced cursorily to collect some of the considerations which have occurred to my mind on the subject, I send them to you in their present shape. The general duty of keeping holy the Sabbath-day I do not argue, because that is unquestionable: nor do my remarks always bear on my professed topic more than virtually; my design being rather to shew the duty of keeping on the safe and conscientious side in all questions of this nature, than to exhibit the precise inconveniences and improprieties of the particular practice which gave rise to my remarks. These, however, are worthy of serious consideration, and should be duly weighed in coming to a decision on the subject.




No sooner was the Christian church sheltered from the rage of its external foes, than its newly acquired prosperity began to undermine its foundations. In consequence of imperial favour, the number of its professed converts greatly multiplied, and many unfaithful members were speedily introduced within its pale. Under this new aspect of the church, the consolations of religion seemed, in many respects, to be less needed than in its hour of persecution and trial; CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 262.

and, in consequence, those sacred ordinances of devotion which were once so affectionately cherished, began to be either slighted or degraded into mere formal observances. Intolerant edicts soon betrayed the change which had taken place in the external aspect of Christianity: zeal for conversion, instead of springing from affection for the souls of men, appeared to be mainly stimulated by the ambition of spiritual dominion. Ecclesiastics, forgetful of the mild genius of the faith they professed, and averse to the self-renunciation it imposed, quickly yielded to a delusive influence, so flattering to the natural propensities of the corrupt heart. Riches concentrated in their body, it was supposed, would greatly forward the welfare of the church; but no sooner did the demon of gold find access to the altar, than piety and selfdenial began to forsake it. The splendour of an imposing worship, and innumerable pious frauds, soon occupied the vacancy; whilst plausible pretences were ever at hand to justify each successive innovation. The blessed Saviour had forbidden his disciples to lay up for themselves treasures upon earth; but when it was found they might be possessed securely as concerned this world, it was thought they might be hoarded safely as respected another. The words of Christ were speciously explained away; the bait of the god of this world was swallowed; and the most lamentable corruption of character ensued. One precept thus broken, the breach of another easily followed. The Great Head of the 4 K

church had declared, when on earth, that they that take the sword, shall perish by the sword:" but violence and outrage, it was ingeniously proved, might, with propriety, be used in a sacred cause; and Athanasians and Arians alternately received from each other's hands the retribution which, however either might deserve, neither had any right to inflict.

Had Christians diligently employed themselves in carrying on the appointed warfare against their own indwelling sins, instead of waging angry battle against others' persons and opinions; had they meekly continued in the use of the means ordained for the establishment of their own faith, rather than in grasping the sword of persecution against their opponents; we had never had to lament those mournful declensions which have exposed our common Christianity to the animadversion of unbelievers, and have grievously checked its propagation throughout the world.

Political experience has taught modern ages to guard against the excesses of a spurious ardour; and the chief danger at present, in the Protestant church at least, is of quite another character. Polite notions of liberality have succeeded the anathemas of intolerance; and a secret contempt for ecclesiastical observances has very widely supplanted all reliance on rites and ceremonies; and, in too many instances, has created a neglect even of the divinely prescribed ordinances of religion. But, in the midst of these outward fluctuations, the scriptural obligations of believers have ever remained the same; neither have any alterations of sentiment been able to change the nature Temptation still assails him; and Divine grace is still needed as much as in any former age. Wherever true piety exists, a "hungering and thirsting after righteousness will still prevail. The sick, who are sensible of their maladies, will continue to seek for the spiritual

of man.

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Physician; the soul, burdened with a sense of guilt, will still repair to the Fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness. Holiness, "without which no man can see the Lord," is as necessary now as it was in former times. He who "hates not his own life," in the scriptural sense of that emphatic expression, will be as certain as in former days to lose it: for the requirements of the Gospel are imperative; their spirit never varies. The same readiness to part with all for Christ, must as much exist now, in every true disciple of the Saviour, as when that Saviour himself commanded the young man to leave all, and to follow Him; and Divine grace, to prepare the mind for the surrender, must be sought through those very means which have been so grievously neglected by many of the converts of modern ages. The trials, it is true, which are now allotted to the Christian in a period of outward peace, are far different, in their kind, from those which are his portion in times of persecution; but perhaps they are not always so different in their degree as is generally imagined. The same lulling, delusive, persuasions which settle men on their "lees" in the hour of security, would probably lead to the abjuring of the Christian faith, when to profess it might be fatal to their life or liberty or worldly interests.

The links between religious principle and a rigid adherence to whatever observances conscience dictates as prescribed in Scripture or beneficial to the Christian character are indissoluble. It is folly only that designates as precision what it is too weak to copy, or too ignorant to comprehend. In the concerns of religion, true wisdom is displayed in an implicit readiness to yield to whatever God enjoins. Faith is the key-stone of Christianity; and it imposes obedience even where no satisfactory reason may be perceptible for our submission, except the supreme authority of the Prescriber. It is not often, indeed, that ourCreator commands any thing

that does not fully commend itself to our understandings, feeble and finite as they are. His injunctions are not only always right and reasonable, but we can usually discern their rectitude and reasonableness. But even were the case otherwise, were the observance apparently a matter of indifference in itself, obedience would still be an act of wisdom and of duty. The importance of firmly laying down this precept will be evident when we reflect, that one of the first artifices of our spiritual enemy is to persuade men they may transgress the commands of God in small things, yet still retain discretion and self-controul sufficient to act aright in greater matters. With a no-less deceitful purpose will he insinuate, that the rigid observance of the prescribed ordinances of religion may occasionally be dispensed with. Our own hearts readily second the suggestion. But He who, by his apostle Paul, commands us to pray without ceasing, "knew what was in man better thian man knows himself; and his wisdom in laying down apparently minute rules for our conduct, and in suffering no discretionary deviation from his institutes, is evinced in the fact that some of the most enormous abuses which have disgraced Christendom may be traced back to trivial aberrations, gravely to have noticed which would have been accounted fanatical and absurd.

In the present state of this highly blessed island, two individuals may easily be conceived as holding the same great doctrinal tenets, yet differing materially in their opinions concerning the right standard of practice. No public events may try their virtue; and their private lives may happen to be so unusually calm that no striking opportunity may be afforded to either for the exhibition of more than the daily quiet graces of the Christian character. Now should each be permitted to experience great reverses,


respects those circumstances

which seemed to favour their habitual piety, should we not predict that he was the more likely to persevere in his Christian course, amidst difficulties, who appeared the most watchful; and who, in a specific matter, such as the mode of spending the Lord's day, exhibited the most conscientious strictness? Let us suppose that the one, actuated not merely by the decorous habits of the times, but from a fear of being found wanting before God in the observance of an imperative duty, had seriously considered in what manner, in his own case, the Sunday might be spent most profitably, and had carefully marked out his future conduct, stedfastly determining never to swerve from it without absolute necessity.

The other is attentive to the observance of public worship; strenuous in efforts of benevolence; seldom misses receiving the sacrament; and always refuses invitations to dine from home on the Sunday, except where a refusal might plausibly subject him to the charge of unnecessary strictness. The situations of all men are not similar; and it would therefore be absurd to propose minute rules for universal adoption; although, it is upon minutiæ, as they may be erroneously considered, that the very spirit of religion often depends. The infinite wisdom of the Redeemer was manifested in his laying down, as necessary, no positive directions with which men could not comply in all their various conditions. He taught, that believing in Him, and loving Him, were the tests of a state of spiritual safety; and the infallible evidence of that faith and that love, he added, was obedience to His Father's will and devotedness to His service. This divine test all can judge by: no refined knowledge or superior capacity is needful in order to understand it. His plain declarations are adapted for all, whether learned or illiterate; whether sick or in health, rich or poor; whether in captivity or at

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