of Senators,. . 11, 12, 36, 41 Armies, Standing, to be maintained only with consent of Legislature, Arms, Right of People to keep and bear, 7 7 31 19 38, 39 39 38 39 38, 39 39 38 Bail and Sureties, Excessive, not to be demanded, Bills and Resolves, to be laid before the Governor for revisal, 8 9 Bills, Money, to originate in the House of Representatives, 16 Body Politic, how formed, and nature of, 3 . Bribery or Corruption in obtaining an Election, to disqualify for Office, 29 Civil and Military Officers, duties of, to be prescribed by Legislature, 11 Commission Officers, Tenure of, to be expressed in Commission, 24 Commissions, how made, signed, countersigned, and sealed, 29 Council, and the manner of settling Elections by the Legislature, 22 66 Court, Superior, Judges of, prohibited from holding other Offices, 33 8, 21 Courts and Judicatories, may administer Oaths and Affirmations, 10 " of Record and Judicatories, the General Court may establish, 10 Districts, Councillor, how established and arranged, 12, 37, 38 Page. 35, 36 12, 36, 41 24 11 Districts, Representative, how formed, 66 Towns may unite in, Senatorial, how established and arranged, Divorce and Alimony, causes of, how determined, . Duties of Civil and Military Officers, to be prescribed by Legislature, Felony and Treason, conviction of, by Legislature, forbidden, 8 and Council, may pardon Offences, after Conviction,. 19 9 9,10 and Council may prorogue the Legislature, . 18 Habeas Corpus, benefit of, secured, 66 Н. not to be suspended more than twelve months, 29 29 25 who shall be Overseers of, 26 Inhabitants, Census of, when taken, Insolvency, Commissioners of, how chosen, Instruction of Representatives and Petition to Legislature, Rights of, J. Page. 7 mations, Judicatories and Courts of Record, Legislature may establish, Judicial Department, not to exercise Legislative or Executive Powers, 10 may administer Oaths and Affir- 10 9 Supreme Judicial Court, Tenure of Office, and Salaries of, 8, 21, 24 24 33 7 24 24 Executive or either branch of Legislature, L. Law-Martial, Persons not in Army or Navy, or Actual Militia Service, Laws, every Person to have remedy in, for injury to Person or Property, " Ex Post Facto, unjust and inconsistent with Free Government, 8 6 8 10 29 35, 36, 40, 41 9 9 of Province, Colony or State of Massachusetts Bay, not repug- Legal Voters, Census of, to be taken for representative apportion- Legislative Department, not to exercise Executive or Judicial Powers, Power, Legislature. See General Court. Lieutenant-Governor, 21 |