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devoted all the little strength he could spare to the Sunday school and the church. In 1868 he was elected a deacon most cordially, but all could see that his health was giving way and that his career would be short. His failing health induced him to remove to the scenes of his early life, where he gradually sank. After a painful and somewhat lengthy affliction, in which he realized much divine consolation and some specially cheering tokens of the divine favour, he felt the hour of his departure had come. Looking at his friends as if desirous to say something, he was asked what he wished to say. He replied, "The end, the end!" and then calmly passed away. He leaves a widow and an only child to breast the waves of life without him. May the "Father of the fatherless and the Judge of the widows in His holy habitation" help them. His funeral sermon was preached at Coalville chapel, on Nov. 6, by his last pastor, Rev. W. Salter, to a congregation that cherishes his memory with great respect.


LONG.-Sep. 23, 1870, at Gosberton, Mr. Thomas G. Long, aged 49 years. Both his death and his life are full of instruction to all who survive him. His death, in the middle stage of life, was affectingly sudden. With his usual readiness and zeal he had taken a very active part in the anniversary tea party on the Monday before, and continued in his ordinary health till Thursday evening, and went to bed perfectly well, About an hour afterward he was seized with a violent pain in his head, accompanied by sickness. All the doctor could do was in vain. In six hours he lost all consciousness, and before noon he expired. If meetness for the heavenly inheritance depended on a conscious welcoming of impending death, and on such a readiness to die as implies a total loss of all desire to live and an abandonment of every plan of action, very few but those who are worn out with age or sickness, or who as martyrs for Jesus are ordered for execution at a certain hour, could be be prepared to leave this world for another. But, happily, there is such a thing as habitual preparedness. And how important, how indispensable this is, is

touchingly displayed in the case of our departed brother; and his mourning family and friends have reason to believe that in him this blessed readiness was realized. His life has been one of steadfast Christian piety for at least twentyeight years. He was trained in the nurture of the Lord. Having apprenticed himself in 1839 to a saddler at Boston, he attended the ministry of Mr. Mathews, from whom he derived much spiritual good, and to whom, consequently, he was strongly attached all the rest of his life. He was united to the church there by baptism, in December, 1842. In 1852 he went to reside at Gosberton, became a devoted teacher in the Sunday school, was several years superintendent, and became a deacon in the church. Our brother was one of thousands of happy instances of the power of heart religion to brighten the mental faculties by inward self thought, and by blameless integrity and diligence to improve a man's worldly condition. He showed that "godliness is profitable to all things." We saw in his earthly history that it has the promise of the life that now is; and we trust that, on his removal from earth, he has gone to experience that it has also the promise of the life that is to come.

WILCOX-Nov. 10, at Sawley, William Wilcox, aged 20 years. He was brought to Christ in early life. He united himself in Christian fellowship with the church, and remained a consistent member until death. At the beginning of the spring of this year symptoms of disease appeared. Gradually he faded away. His sufferings, though at times intense, were borne with Christian patience. Seeing his mother weeping on account of his sufferings, he said, "Christ is helping me to bear them all, and He will lay no more upon me than I can sustain.” He left a very pleasing testimony behind that he is gone to be with Christ, which is far better.

JONES-Oct. 23, Martha, the beloved wife of the Rev. J. A. Jones, departed this life full of joy and peace in believing.

ERRATUM.-In the list of Obituaries last month, page 346, Fagg should be TAGG.


MY DEAR FRIENDS,-The journey on which we set out with mingled fear and hope at the beginning of this year is rapidly ending, and this our twelfth and last interview for 1870 may fitly close with a few parting words about the past, and

the suggestion of some necessary counsels as to the future. The high aims with which we started have not been forgotten, and the rules laid down for our companionship have been observed to an encouraging degree. Some whose presence

we anticipated to minister to our pleasure and profit have postponed their meeting to a more convenient season because we could not comfortably lodge them in our limited apartments. But all those who have journeyed with us as helpers have striven to 66 serve God and be cheerful." We have mostly been on the " sunny side" of the road; and though dark clouds may have occasionally intervened, yet we have not failed of that joy which always makes sunshine within. It has been a steadfast purpose of ours to take care that we did "not fall out by the way;" and though criticism has been free, good temper has prevailed, personalities have been chewed, and censure has been a means of grace. Indeed, if I may judge from the notices of newspapers, and the appreciative words of many loving friends, our fellowship has been very pleasant and somewhat profitable; so much so, in fact, that now we know one another a little better we may venture another pilgrimage with even brighter hopes and a warmer interest in the common cause.


"Something attempted, something done," has filled this volume, and now, simply saying on its behalf, that in union with our "Year Book" it is not an indifferent record of the gratitude and effort, the hopes and fears, the faith and aspirations of our hearts in this Centenary Year,we leave it to speak for itself, cherishing fondly the hope that in the harvest of good one day to be gathered for the glory of Christ, our Redeemer and King, the labour of many willing minds in this Magazine will not be found in vain in the Lord. The work has been done for Him, and if He deigns to accept and use it in His kingdom, "verily we have our reward."


But God no sooner closes one of the serials of His providence than He opens another. December sighs out its last breath and January, brisk and vigorous, leaps to the front full of purpose and freighted with demands. Closing words" suggest the inquiry, "What about next year?" The programme is in part our snswer. Old friends will favour us with their company again, and some new voices will be heard telling of the "Obedience of Abraham," ""The Plant of Renown," "The Resurrection," and other themes of like precious interest. No country is more fertile in novelty than young America. We expect to ramble over it next year, led by a skilful guide. No city has darker spots or needs more deeply the gospel than London. An eye-witness will report to us the result of his observations in those "dens" of ignorance and vice. No agency of the church is more important at the present juncture than Sabbath

schools. The story of our own schools will be told and their present needs will be discussed. No department of church life is so far below the primitive fact and the New Testament ideal as church finance. Several hands will be engaged in the endeavour to bring us nearer to the standard of our privilege in this respect. No feature of our national affairs is so suggestive of thought and work as Mr. Miall's notice of motion with regard to the Union of Church and State in England. hope not to be lacking on so vital a measure. We mean, in short, that "our Magazine" shall be something better than it has been in 1870, and to keep steadily and earnestly walking in the path of improvement.


And now, my dear friends, permit me to solicit anew your assistance in the circulation of this periodical. I have sought out men with "acceptable words." They are willing to serve you. I have made such arrangements with the Publishers as will render our work a financial profit to the Association. Personally I am ready to devote whatever time and energy I can spare from the demands of a large and growing church, and now I appeal for your generous aid. The great success of this year is due to you. I trust you for the year that is coming. Nine hundred families amongst us do not see the face of this monthly visitor. Moreover, is not the General Baptist Magazine the Magazine for Baptists generally? Show it to your friends. Call their attention to the arrangements for the year. Each one get another subscriber. Brother ministers, you aided right nobly last year. My faith is strong in you. Justify it by your works. You may do three things at least. (1.) Announce the Magazine from the pulpit and at church and social meetings. (2.). Make personal application to those who ought not to be without our denominational monthly. (3.) Employ an "officer of literature" in your congregation to push its circulation. We ask these endeavours, not for our own gratification or profit, but for the sake of the glorious cause we all love, and the Divine Master we delight to serve. May He abundantly bless us in our common efforts to extend His kingdom, and may the beauty of the Lord our God be upon all the "Institutions" of our Israel. Wishing you all "a merry Christmas and a happy new year," even that richest and purest mirth that comes from joy in the Lord, and that happiness which springs from His willing and loving service,

I am,
my dear friends,

Very cordially yours,
December 1, 1870. JOHN CLIFFORD.

Missionary Observer.


Bombay, Oct. 29, 1870.

You will have heard before this reaches you of my safe arrival in this city, though we were detained in Egypt two days for the Marseilles mail, and five hours in Aden in consequence of the screw getting foul of the cable; yet the whole voyage was completed in little more than twenty-eight days. In ordinary weather it might easily be made, via Gibraltar, in twenty-four days, and via Brindisi in nineteen days. With all the facilities we now have on the overland route, a voyage to India will very soon be no more thought of than a voyage to America, and excursions to the Mediterranean and Egypt will be as common as trips to Switzerland. It

would be quite possible now to leave London, and if the steamer to False Point was caught on arrival in Calcutta by rail, to reach Cuttack in thirty days. If any of our friends who have the means at command would like to escape all the misery and inconvenience of an English winter, let them come out in October, spend a month in the Himalayas, another month in visiting all the great cities in northern and western India, another month with us in Orissa, and then they will have time to go round by Ceylon and reach England to welcome the spring.

I received a letter from Mr. Edwards, Baptist Missionary, by the pilot, stating that he had made arrangements for my temporary sojourn here. It rained so heavily on Saturday night when the steamer had come to anchor that it was impossible to land, so I had to go on shore on Sunday morning. The Peninsula and Oriental Company, I am sorry to say, pay little regard to the Sabbath, in fact, it would almost seem that they had made all their arrangements to desecrate the day as much as possible. "A Peninsula and Oriental Sunday" has now become quite a proverbial expression by all the officers and stewards on

the ships. My thoughts, on again reaching the shores of India, cannot possibly be described. The land so memorable ever since the days of Solomon-the land so rich in almost all the productions of nature-the land that has given birth to the most subtle systems of heathen philosophy-the land that has cursed all the nations of the east with her systems of idolatry-the land where the poetry of the Hebrew bards is to see a literal fulfilment and the land of so much toil, sacrifice and prayer, could not help but enkindle strange emotions in my heart. The graceful palm, the plantain, the mango, the custard apple, and the endless variety of creepers as they covered the walls and fences seemed like old familiar friends. I found the natives just as rapacious as I had left them, and it seemed impossible for me to move to my destination until I had promised to give them double the stipulated fare.


Bombay is the most populous of all our Indian cities. The pure Hindoo population alone, to say nothing of the Mohamedans, Parsees, Malays, Africans, Jews, Portugese, Eurasians, and Europeans, exceeds the entire population of Jamaica. It has been made the chief port in the East for all the maritime nations in Europe, as well as Penang, Singapore, China, and Japan. since the opening of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway it has become the highway to the Punjaub, Central India, the North West Provinces, and Bengal. And yet, strange to say, this great city which must soon become the metropolis of our Indian Empire, had not, until the arrival of Mr. Edwards, a single representative of our English nonconformity; in fact, he is not supported by the Baptist Missionary Society. Mission work here is at a very low ebb. There are only four or five missionaries who preach in the vernacular, and not more than six or seven native preachers; and our church at Cuttack contains more members than the mission churches of the Anglican, Scotch, and American put together.

Very soon after I landed I had an interview with Mr. Bowen, whose name appears so prominent in one of Dr. Norman Macleod's early papers on the "Far East," and on whose confession the Dr. has made the statement that "bazaar preaching has proved an utter failure." I was surprised to find that the Dr. had no authority for making such a sweeping assertion, and that this good man still pursued his work with the fullest confidence that he could not labour in vain. On the first Sabbath morning I preached for Mr. Edwards, and was gratified to see such a large congregation. Our brother has been most persevering and self-denying in his efforts; in three years he has raised a congregation of about two hundred, has organized a church of fifty members, and has laid the foundation for one of the most flourishing of our Anglo-Indian Baptist churches. On the following Thursday I was to give, at a united gathering, an account of our Mission, and the following day intended to leave for Calcutta. I had thought of visiting on my way Cawnpore, Lucknow, and the far-famed city of Benares; but I have found it easier to project plans than carry them into execution. On the Tuesday afternoon I went out to make arrangements for my journey, and while passing a steam roller then in motion, our horse took fright, ran against another conveyance coming in an opposite direction, suddenly darted off the road, and in a moment we were thrown with great violence on the ground. Mr. Edwards, who was with me, escaped with a bruise on his arm; but as I was on the off side, and had no means of saving myself, I received a very severe shock. I was glad to find that no bones were broken. For about a fortnight I have been confined to the couch, but am now able to walk, and if all be well I hope to leave on Monday by rail for Calcutta. The municipality have been strongly condemned for using these steam rollers on the thoroughfares at all hours of the day; and some day they will have to pay heavy damages. At the earnest request of several gentlemen, I have sent a statement of the accident to two of the Bombay papers, and have pointed out the danger to which the residents are subject. As I came home on Tuesday evening I never felt more the importance of saying, "If the Lord

will, I will do this or that." How easy to form plans; but how easy for an unseen hand to bring them to nought. God has some wise purpose to answer in this dispensation of providence ; and I would desire without murmuring to bow with submission to His will. I have received much kindness and sympathy. Dr. Young, a Scotch medical missionary, has attended me without charge, and, in fact, I have lacked nothing. I feel a little impatient to get to my chosen field of labour, and to see the European and native brethren face to face.



SEPTEMBER 18, one was baptized at Choga by the native preacher there, Paul Singh.

Oct. 2, sixteen were baptized at Cuttack. Ghanushyam preached a very appropriate sermon from Numbers x.

29, 66 Come thou with us, and we will

do thee good," &c., after which Pursua Rout (grandfather of one of the candidates) offered prayer. Kumbhoo then baptized the candidates, thirteen of whom were from Mrs. Buckley's orphanage. The newly-baptized were addressed in the afternoon on the path of the just being as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. It was a day of much holy thankfulness and joy. The Lord give us many more such.

As three of those added are supported by schools or friends at home, it will doubtless be gratifying to their patrons to know that they have been admitted to the fellowship of the church. I therefore give their names.

Alice, supported by North Street, Louth. Poddi, supported by Broad Street, Nottingham. Sarah Rebecca Southwell, alias Pooni, supported by Mr. and Mrs. F. Southwell, Wisbech. May these dear young friends, with those at home who have cared for them and supported them, as well as those here who have sought to teach them "the good and the right way," all meet at last in the presence of Christ.

The exciting news of this terrible war has reached us with unexampled rapidity. Cuttack is three days post from Calcutta, but news published in London has been known here five days later. The news of the Emperor being a prisoner, which was published, I believe, in London on a Saturday, was generally known here on the following Tuesday. I have no tears to shed over his fall. My sympathies are called forth for desolated families, bereaved widows and fatherless children. It seems to me for the good of humanity that such pride, selfishness, and ambition, as characterized the ExEmperor should be, as it has been, terribly rebuked. The first like the thirdlet us hope the last-Napoleon, cared not what rivers of blood were shed, provided Bonapartes were supreme. My mind has recently dwelt much on a text from which I preached a Sabbath or two since, "Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth." I am sorry to say that the war is considerably affecting the exports from Orissa (as rice, hides, linseed, &c.), and I hear of failures at Madras.

The Lord reigneth. This thought calms and sustains the mind. Christ is Head over all things to the church. All who belong to Christ are safe and happy, come what may.

Let me add that the description of a visit to the tomb of the First Napoleon by the first of our missionaries who returned home is associated with my early recollections of missionary journals.* The writer (the late Mr. Peggs) describes the spot as highly interesting to a contemplative mind-speaks of the deep valley-the large weeping willowthe invalid soldier who had charge of the tomb-the pale moon shedding a solemn gloom around, and adds, that these circumstances, and the remarkably impressive text in Isaiah describing the fall of the proud king of Babylon-"Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof"-gave inexpressible interest to the few moments spent near the tomb.


*Vide Observer for 1826, p. 398.

A BIRTHDAY GIFT. To the Editor of the Missionary Observer. Dear Sir,-A short time ago I received a post office order, with a brief but affecting note; and as the incident is suggestive, I send an extract, omitting name and date :


"You will be surprised to receive from me this order for one pound, but I have sent it for the orphan school in India-the one, if still in existence, that as a child I contributed to. But you will say, Why send it? For our darling little sake. She would have years old to-morrow. We have always given her something in the shape of a birthday present. She is not here to receive it, but if her spirit is conscious of what is passing here, and if she is with her Saviour, surely nothing could give her greater pleasure than to know that what would have been for her own use if here, is given towards the support of one of His little ones.


idea may be visionary, but somehow I cannot bear the thought that those who when here were so fond of us, should all at once cease to have any interest in us," &c., &c.

The kind donor requests that it may be put down as A Birthday Gift."


Might not many similar "birthday gifts" be forwarded with great advantage to the sender as well as to the poor orphans for whom they might be sent ?

I cannot think of that sweet little child, over whom seven summers had not passed before she was called to her Redeemer's arms, without feeling that it will be to her a source of real joy, that even after death she is permitted to do something to carry on the Saviour's cause in India.

May I say to more than one reader, My friend, would not that precious treasure that not long since you com mitted to the silent grave, rejoice over such a manifestation of your love for the living and the dead?

Hoping this suggestion may not be without some happy result, Believe me, Yours sincerely,


The Holly Hayes,
Fosse Road, Leicester.

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