TABLE 62 RELATION OF TOTAL STATE TAXES TO NET INCOME, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CORPORATIONS IN NEW YORK STATE Frequency Table Based upon the Average Annual State Tax Payments and the Average Annual Net Income Previous to any Deduction for Tares During the Period 1911-1920 Percentage of net income paid in total State taxes Electric Light and Power Corporations reporting from New York State TABLE 63 RELATION OF TOTAL STATE TAXES TO NET INCOME, GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS IN NEW YORK STATE (Combining gas and electric service.) Frequency Table Based upon the Average Annual State Tax Payments and the Average Annual Net Income Previous to any Deduction for Taxes During the Period 1911-1920 Percentage of net income paid in total State and local taxes RELATION OF TOTAL STATE TAXES TO NET INCOME, MANUFACTURED GAS COMPANIES IN NEW YORK STATE Frequency Table Based upon the Average Annual State Tax Payments and the Average Annual Net Income Previous to any Deduction for Taxes During the Period 1911-1920 Percentage of net income paid in total State taxes Manufactured Gas Corporations reporting from New York State TABLE 65 RELATION OF TOTAL STATE TAXES TO NET INCOME, NATURAL GAS COMPANIES IN NEW YORK STATE Frequency Table Based upon the Average Annual State Tax Payments and the Average Annual Net Income Previous to any Deduction for Taxes During the Period 1911-1920 Percentage of net income paid in total State taxes NUMBER PAYING Num- CLASS in class Less.5% 1% 1.5% 2% 2.5% 3% 4% 5.5% 7% 8% 8.5% than to to to to to to to to to to to TABLE 66 RELATION OF TOTAL STATE TAXES TO NET INCOME, ALL GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANIES IN NEW YORK STATE Frequency Table Based upon the Average Annual State Tax Payments and the Average Annual Net Income Previous to any Deduction for Taxes During the Period 1911-1920 Percentage of net income paid in total State taxes All Gas and Electric Companies reporting from New York State The varying burden of these State taxes is revealed by the frequency tables. It is clear that these taxes, levied upon gross earnings, capital stock, or excess dividends, fall with very unequal weight upon different corporations when expressed in terms of net income. The comparison of the tax burden on the different groups is facilitated by the selection of typical cases for each class. The results are given below, the ratio of State taxes to net income for the median case being shown for each group. TABLE 67 AVERAGE RATIO OF TOTAL STATE TAXES TO NET INCOME Public Service Corporations in New York State, 1911-1920 The average employed in each case is the median; thus one-half of the total number of corporations included in each of the given groups paid more than the given percentage of their net income in meeting the taxes named, while one-half paid less. For two of the main groups the ratios are not far apart. The typical telephone company (i. e. the median company) pays 3.94 per cent of its net income in meeting State taxes, and the typical gas and electric company 3.78 per cent. Electric railways show an average very much greater, the typical ratio being 33 per cent. When profitable companies alone are included, and the median ratios selected, the following values are secured. |