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At a


Enter name of Court, whether County, Recorder's, City, Police or Justice of the Peace)


(Name of County, City Town or Village)


(County, City, Town or Village)

in the County of

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held at ..

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The Court being satisfied by proper evidence that the said..

is over the age of 16 years, and under the age of 18 years, to-wit;

it is thereupon Ordered and Adjudged by the Court that the said

years of age

for the Misdemeanor aforesaid, whereof he is convicted, be committed to the custody of the Managers of the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the City of New York and delivered to the Superintendent of the New York House of Refuge on Randall's Island, New York City, maintained by the said Society there to be dealt with according to law.



Official Title

Instructions to Paroled Boys

1. You will continue on parole until your twenty-first birthday. 2. You may be returned at any time for misconduct or for violation of instructions given you herewith.

3. You are to go at once to the employment selected for you and must not change your work without permission of the Superintendent. If for any cause you lose your position you are to notify the Superintendent at once by telephone, letter, or in person.

4. You must not frequent saloons, poolrooms or other places of questionable character. You are to shun bad company and must not habitually run the streets at night.

5. You must notify the Superintendent at once concerning any change of your address or any difficulty with your employer or other


6. You must report to the Superintendent in person whenever you are sent for.

7. You must make your monthly report between the 1st and 10th of each month. These will be sent to you and should be returned at Should you not receive one by the 10th of the month, advise me and another one will be sent. They must also be signed by one or both of your parents or your employer.


8. Paroled boys will be given every encouragement and help possible as long as they themselves are putting forth their best efforts.

9. You are at liberty to consult the Superintendent personally at his office on any important matter that concerns your welfare any day between 8 and 10 A. M., except the first Saturday in the month.



New York House of Refuge


For the information of committing judges, justices, and magistrates and of parents and friends of boys committed; and of others, this statement, concerning the Institution, its history, object, work, industrial and educational facilities is prepared.

The House of Refuge is a Reformatory Institution, maintained by the managers under the provisions of chapter 126 of the Laws of 1824 (see section 4 of said act,) and the acts amendatory thereto (chapter 241 Laws of 1860, and chapter 172, Laws of 1865.)

It is located on Randall's Island, City of New York, and the ferry at the foot of East One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, can be reached at all hours of the day, either by elevated, subway or surface railroads. The Institution is best reached from the Jersey railway terminals by the Hudson Tube to 33rd Street Station, then 6th Ave. Elevated to 125th Street, then 125th St. cross town car (so marked) East bound, to the Refuge dock at the foot of 125th Street and Harlem River. Parties arriving at the New York Central R. R. Station at 42nd Street should take the Lexington Ave. Subway to 125th Street.

Its Objects

The New York House of Refuge under the incorporated "Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the City of New York" is the oldest Reformatory for children in the United States, if not in the world, having been chartered in 1824. It was founded, as stated in the act of incorporation, Chapter 126, Laws of 1824, for "the reformation of juvenile delinquents," and the act of incorporation was further declared to be a public act and was directed to be construed in all courts and places benignly and favorably for every humane and laudable therein contained.



The institution is not a place of punishment, nor a prison, but a training school, where the inmates receive such instruction and training as are

best adapted to form and perpetuale an upright character; to establish habits of industry, and to advance them in the branches of knowledge taught in the common schools of this state.


Commitments are made to the House of Refuge from the first, second third and ninth Judicial Districts of the State of New York-of boys under the age of 16 years, for juvenile delinquency, no proper guardianship and disorderly conduct and from any judical district of the State of boys over 16 years of age and under 18 years who have been convicted of misdemeanor in a court of competent jurisdiction. The first three and the ninth judicial districts comprise the following counties:

First district, New York and Bronx counties; second district, Richmond Suffolk, Queens, Kings, and Nassau; third district Rensselaer, Schoharie Columbia, Sullivan, Albany, Greene, and Ulster; ninth district, Westchester, Rockland, Dutchess, Putnam and Orange.

Juvenile Delinquency covers all crime both felony and misdemeanor for boys under 16 years of age. This is governed by section 2186 of the Penal Law.

The principal statutes under which commitments are made to the House of Refuge will be found in the Penal Laws of the State of New York, Chapter 88 of the Laws of 1909, being Chapter 40 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (1909), Sections 486 and 2184, as amended by Chapter 607 of the Laws of 1913, and 2186 (See also the State Charities Law, Chapter 57 of the Laws of 1909 being chapter 55 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York 1909) as amended by Chapter 449 of the Laws of 1910.

The principal sections of the Penal Law violated by boys committed are as follows:

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