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The Medical Herald

Incorporating the

Kansas City Medical Inder-Lancet

Under the Editorial Direction of

Chas. Wood Fassett and S. Grover Burnett


"Fewer and Better Medical Journals."


"If a man can write a better book, preach a better Jermon, or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, though he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door."-Ralph Waldo Emerson.


We have no latch-string; our door is always open to those who would add aught of scientific interest to our readers, and the pathway to the door of The Medical Herald is not difficult to find.

Subscription, $1.00 a year, in advance, including postage to any part of the United States, Mexico and Canada. Postage to foreign countries in the Universal Postal Union, including Newfoundland, 50 cents a year additional.

The Medical Herald aims to reflect the progress in the sciences of medicine and surgery, especially throughout the Missouri Valley and Southwest, the territory of its greatest distribution.

· Concise and practical articles, news and reports of interesting cases invited, and should be type-written.

The privilege of rejecting any communication is reserved, and all papers accepted must be for exclusive publication in this magazine, unless otherwise arranged.

To contributors of original articles a liberal number of copies of the Herald will be given (or mailed free of expense if addresses are furnished) and the publishers will furnish reprints at printers' cost, application for same to be made when proof is returned.

The editors are not responsible for the utterances of contributors or correspondents.

Illustrations will be furnished at reasonable rates, if drawings or photos are furnished.

Address all remittances, correspondence, articles for publication, books for review and exchanges to the Managing Editor.

Subscribers changing their addresses, will please notify us promptly, as magazines cannot be forwarded without adding postage.

Advertising forms close on the 20th of each month. Time should be allowed for correction of proof.

Advertising rates on application to the Managing


Poetic Reprints-Do not mutilate your Medical Herald by tearing out any piece of poetry that may strike your fancy. Write to the Managing Editor, and he will send you a reprint. Reprints are made of all verse appearing in this magazine.

Wanted-Salesmen and detail men who call on physicians, and would like to learn of a proposition to increase their income, may do so by addressing "Proposition,' care Medical Herald.

To Our Subscribers-You will confer a favor on the publishers by remitting promptly on receipt of statement. The amount is very small to each one, but the expense of sending out duplicate bills is quite heavy. Kindly report change of address promptly, giving old address as well as the new location.

(Entered at the St. Joseph P. O. as second class matter.)

For Sale. Faught Pocket Blood Pressure Apparatus new, at half price. Address "Bargain," care of Medical Herald.

Wanted.-Partnership, to do eye and ear work exclusively; or with a general surgeon. Address, Oculist, care Medical Herald, St. Joseph, Mo.

Partnership Wanted. -A physician of experience, specializing in gynecology and obstetrics, would buy a partnership with some well established general practician in Kansas City. Can give best of references as to ethical standing. Address W. A. G., care of Medical Herald.

For Sale.-Second hand nebulizer and physician's chair. Write or call for price. Bender's Pharmacy, 11th and Frederick avenue, St. Joseph, Mo.

For Sale.-Instruments, books, and office equipment. Address "Retired," care of Medical Herald, St. Joseph, Mo.

For Sale.-Hospital equipment for 50 patients for sale at a bargain. Includes beds, mattress, linen, operating furniture, high pressure sterilizer, combination range, dining room furniture. For particulars address, 501 Sharp Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.

A Familiar Form of Cystitis.—There is a form of cystitis quite familiar to the general practitioner. It occurs in females, old and young, with apparently normal pelvic organs, generally after a chilling. There is an abrupt onset with frequent micturition, tenesmus. and perhaps dysuria. The acid urine contains the infecting organism, usually a colon bacillus, pus, and often blood, Rest in bed, local warmth, light diet, free catharsis and sanmetto are the measures employed, and in a few days the severity of the attack subsides, and generally in two or three weeks the patients are as well as ever.

CAUTION!-Whenever the true merit of

a preparation is authoritatively established, imitation is sure to make its pernicious appearance. To counteract the injurious results of another of these fraudulent proceedings-in this instance affecting firm name and reputation-Sander & Sons have been compelled to appeal to law, and in the action tried before the Supreme Court of Victoria, the testimony of a sworn witness revealed the fact that this witness suffered intense irritation from the application to an ulcer of the defendant's product, which was palmed off as "just as good as Sander's Eucalyptol." Sander & Sons had the satisfaction to obtain a verdict with costs against this imitator, who is perpetually restrained from continuing his malpractice. Dr. Owen, in a report to the Medical Society of Victoria, and Dr. J. Benjamin, in the Lancet, London, both denounced, as others did before, on the strength of negative results, the application of unspecified eucalyptus products.

This forms convincing proof that only an authoritatively sanctioned article can be relied on.

SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTOL (Ecalypti Extract)

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2. It was proved at the Supreme Court of Victoria by experts to be an absolutely pure and scientifically standardized preparation.

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Therefore, to safegaurd the physicians' interest and to protect their patients, we earnestly request you to specify "Sander's Eucalyptol" when prescribing eucalyptus.

The Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., agents, will forward one original package (1 oz.). on receipt on One Dollar.


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Diseases of children are at all times of great importance to the general practitioner. They form such a large percentage of his daily work that nothing can be omitted which will enable him to get better results in these cases. Dr. Tuley has written a book of great practical value to that class of practitioners who are called upon to treat diseases of children. The problems involved in successfully treating this class of cases are carefully worked out, and in such a manner as to be easily understood and practically applied. The busy worker who is anxious to keep abreast with the best that is being done in pediatrics will find his wants well supplied in this book.

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Dear Sirs: Please send me a copy of your new illustrated catalogue.


We are desirous of securing several more salesmen to represent our line in excellent territory. Write for particulars.


When Writing to Our Advertisers, Please Mention The Medical Herald


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716 E. 19th Street


When Writing to Our Advertisers, Please Mention The Medical Herald.

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