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Grotius Annuaire International (The Hague, 1913- ). 9me Année, 1923. Zeitschrift für Internationales Recht, ed. by T. Niemeyer (Leipzig, 1890- ; Band XXX, 1922-23).

Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht, ed. by J. Kohler and others (Breslau, 1906- ; Band XII, 1922).

Jahrbuch des Völkerrechts, ed. by T. Niemeyer and K. Strupp (MunichLeipzig, 1913


Revista de Derecho Internacional y Política Exterior, ed. by de Olivart (Madrid, 1905- ).

Revista Mexicana de Derecho Internacional, published by the Mexican Academy of International Law, ed. by G. F. MacGregor (Mexico, 1919- ; Tomo IV, 1922).

Revista Argentina de Derecho Internacional, ed. by J. L. Suarez (Buenos Ayres, 1920- ; Año II, 1922).

Rivista di Diritto Internazionale, ed. by D. Anzilotti and others (Rome, 1906- ; Serie III, Vol. II, 1923).

Rivista di Diritto Internazionale e di Legislazione Comparata, ed. by P. Fiore and others (Rome, 1898



Official Journal. Official documents received or dispatched by the Secretariat of the League, including, since 1922, the minutes of sessions of the Council of the League. Separate editions in English and French (Geneva, 1920- ; Vol. IV, 1923). Minutes of the Twelfth to Fifteenth Sessions of the Council published separately.

Official Journal. Special Supplements. Official documents relating to matters coming under the jurisdiction of the League (Geneva, 1920- ; No. 11, October, 1923).

Records of the . . . Assembly. First (1920), Second (1921), Third (1922), Fourth (1923), including Plenary Meetings, Meetings of the Committees, Resolutions and Recommendations.

Monthly Summary of the League of Nations (Geneva, 1921- ; Vol. IV, 1924). A condensed account of the activities of the League. Treaty Series. Publication of treaties and engagements registered with the Secretariat of the League (1920- ; Vol. XV, 1923).

In addition to these periodical publications there are the numerous reports issued by the sub-committees and administrative commissions of the League and by the international conferences meeting under the auspices of the League. For a full list, see Catalogue No. 6, World Peace Foundation, Boston, 1923.


Preliminary publications, including Advisory Committee of Jurists and Documents Concerning the Action taken by the Council of the League under Article 14 of the Covenant.

Publications of the Court. Series A, Collection of Judgments, No. 1 (1923). Series B, Collection of Advisory Opinions, Nos. 1-8 (192223). Series C, Acts and Documents relating to Judgments and Advisory Opinions given by the Court, Nos. 1, 2 (1922-23). Series D, Acts and Documents concerning the Organization of the Court, Nos. 1-3.


Judicial decisions are indexed in the Table of Cases


Aaland Islands: neutralization of, 88
Abuse of neutral flag. See Flag
Abyssinia: status of, 99, 104
Accretion: title by, 229-230
Acquisition of territory: modes of,


Act of state, 387
Adjective law, 130-131

Adriatic Sea: claims to exclusive ju-
risdiction over, 291

Aërial law in time of peace, 286-290
in time of war, 570-573

draft code of, in warfare, 572

Aërial Navigation Convention (1919),


Aërial raids, 571

Aëronauts. See Aërial law

Aëroplanes. See Aërial law

Africa: partition of, 27

hinterland problems, 229

Air Navigation, International Commis-
sion for, 289

Air-ships. See Aërial law
Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress of (1818):
classification of public ministers
by, 355

Alabama: battle with Kearsarge off
coast of France, 253
Alabama Claims: origin of, 564

settlement of, by arbitration, 405-

Alaska: purchase of, by United States,

Albania: status of, 98-99
Algeciras, Congress of, 98
Alien enemy: rights of, 445

restrictions upon, 447-450

Alien Property Custodian:
States, 450

British, 449


Aliens: position of, in ancient Greece,


jurisdiction over, 175

admission of, 175-176

expulsion of, 178

rights conceded to, 178

discrimination against, 179
domiciled, 180

enemy, status of, 445
expulsion of, 445

access of, to courts, 447
property of, 448

liability of neutral, to military ser-
vice, 528

to other burdens, 529

Allegiance: doctrine of indelible, 169
due to military occupant, 479
Alliance: Holy, 24-25

Dual: in relation to self-defense,

Triple: in relation to self-defense,

Alliances and balance of power, 147
Alluvion, 230

Alsace-Lorraine: right of option in
(1870), 240

Alvarez, A., 59

Amazon River: navigation of, 265
Ambassadors. See Diplomatic agents
Amelia Island: invasion of (1817),

American Institute of International
Law, 71, 125, n. 1

American Society of International
Law, 71

Amnesty: effect of termination of
war, 578

Ancona: sinking of the, 517
Angary: belligerent right of, 529-531
resort to, by neutrals, 531
Anglo-Boer war: use of concentration
camps in, 477

Antivari: blockade of (1913), 424
Appam: case of the, 527

Arbitral Justice, Hague Court of. See
Judicial Arbitration Court
Arbitration: among the ancient
Greeks, 9

of disputed interpretations of trea-
ties, 336-337

as a form of procedure, 403-414
definition of, 403

essential character of, 403

basis of decision by, 404

obligation to submit to award by,

development of obligation to have
recourse to, 406-409

obligations of, assumed under Cove-
nant of League of Nations, 409
Arbitration, Hague Permanent Court
of, 409

Arbitration treaties: Root, 407
Taft-Knox, 407

Wilson-Bryan, 416

Argentine Republic: arbitration treaty
with Chili (1902), 408
Armaments, limitation of: object of
Hague Conference of 1899, 28
object of Washington Conference
(1921-22), 147

Armed Neutralities of 1780 and 1800,
508, 533, 537

Armistices: in general, 487-489

armistice of Nov. 11, 1918, 489, 576
relation of, to treaty of peace, 576
Arms: export of, not prohibited to
neutrals, 567

Assassination: prohibition of, 468
Asylum: in embassies and legations,

on public ships in foreign ports, 203
Atlanta: burning of (1864), 476
Attentat clause, in extradition treaties,

Austin, J., Province of Jurisprudence,

Austinian or positive view of interna-

tional law, 40-41

Australia: international status of, 99-

Austria: granted freedom of transit to
Adriatic, 282

Austria-Hungary: a "real union," 95
dissolution of, 95

ultimatum of, to Serbia in 1914,
400, 458

Avulsion: effect of, upon boundary
line, 248

Azov, Sea of: a territorial sea, 269


Bakhmeteff: status of, as ambassador,

Balance of power: historical basis of,
19-21, 27

in relation to self-defense, 147

Baltic Sea claims to exclusive juris-
Idiction over, 291

Bancroft treaties, 171

Baralong, incident of the, 498
Bays: boundary line in, 256
territorial, 257-258

servitudes upon, 268

Belgium: neutralization of, 88-89
violation of neutrality of, by Ger-
many, 88, 145, 348

Belle Isle, Maréchal de: affair of, 367

Belligerency recognition of, 108-


Belligerent communities: status of,

Belligerents: intercourse between, 484
agreements between, 485
See Combatants

Bering Sea Seal Fisheries Arbitration,

Berlin Conference (1885), 27, 88, 208,

Berlin, treaty of (1878): imposes con-
ditions upon Balkan States, 91
Berne agreement (United States-Ger-
many, 1918), 472, n. 2

Black Sea: an open sea, 270; neutral-
ization of, 347

Blair, Minister: affair of, 356
Blockade of enemy country as method
of warfare, 505
opposing doctrines of, 537
scope of, 537

effectiveness of, 538
notification of, 539

new doctrines of, during American
Civil War, 540

practice of, during World War, 541
Bluntschli, 58, 72

Bodin, definition of sovereignty by,
44, n. 4

Bolivia-Chili boundary dispute, 328,
n. 4
Bombardment: lawful methods of,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

provisions of Washington Confer-
ence relating to, 310

treaties entered into by, under du-
ress, 329, 331

violation of neutrality of, 525
China: removal of reservists from
steamship, 549

Chinese: immigrants excluded from
United States, 177; railways sub-
ject to servitudes, 281

Church (Roman), influence of, upon
international relations, 15
Citizenship: by birth, 165-168
jure soli, 165-167

jure sanguinis, 166-167

by naturalization, 168-169. See

Civil law: influence of, 16

Claims of citizens against foreign

Clayton-Bulwer treaty. See Panama

Codification of international law, 72-

Collective responsibility, of all nations
for acts of each: absence of, in
general, 46

limited, on part of League of Na-
tions, 48, 381

Collision on the high seas: jurisdic-
tion in cases of, 197
regulations to prevent, 294-295
Colonial protectorates, 228
Combatants: and non-combatants, 437
lawful, 460-463, 493

Comity, international, 35, 181
Commerce: development of, as an ob-
ject of foreign policy, 306

difficulty of adjusting national poli-
cies relating to, 314-315
Commercia belli, 455

Concentration camps: use of, in war-
fare, 477

Concessions: in cases of succession,

as a ground of international ri-
valry, 308
Confederate States of America: rec-

ognized as belligerents by Great
Britain, 109, 354, 459

Confederation: members of a, 94
Confederation, German (1815), 94
Conferences. See International Con-

Conflict of laws, 36, 182-183
Congo basin, neutralization of, 88
Congo Conference of 1885, 88, 208
Congo Free State: recognition of, 105
devised by King Leopold to Bel-
gium, 233

Congo river: navigation of, 266

[blocks in formation]

functions of, 374

privileges and immunities of, 375
special status of, in Orient, 377
Contiguity: doctrine of, 226
Continuity of states, 111-116
Continuous transports: doctrine of,
540, 545

Continuous voyage: doctrine of, 540
Contraband: what constitutes, 543
opposing doctrines of, 543

practice regarding, during World
War, 546

penalty for carriage of, 547
Contract debts owing by foreign gov-
ernments to citizens, 159-160
convention respecting the limitation

of the employment of force for
the recovery of, 409
Contributions: levying of, in warfare,


[blocks in formation]


Danish fleet, seizure of, by British
(1807), 144, 525

Danish Sound dues, 271

Danish West Indies: treaty to cede,
subject to plebiscite, 236
right of option in, 239
Dante's De Monarchia, 18
Danube: servitude upon, 263

Mixed Commission of the, 264, 267
Dardanelles: a Turkish

water, 259

servitude upon, 271


warships excluded from, 272
internationalized by treaty of Lau-
sanne, 273

Debt, public: apportionment of, in
cases of succession, 119, 120, 121
Deceit legitimate use of, in warfare,
467, 501

Declaration of London, 29, 535-552,

Declaration of Paris of 1856: in rela-
tion to privateering, 493

in relation to enemy goods on neu-
tral vessels, 508

in relation to neutral goods on en-
emy ships, 532-534

in relation to blockade, 537, 538
Declaration of St. Petersburg of 1868,
438, n. 4, 463

Declaration of the Rights of Nations
(Abbé Gregoire's), 22

Declaration of the Rights and Duties
of Nations, 125, n. 1

Declaration of war: ancient Roman,

in modern warfare, 457-460
Decretum of Gratian, 16

Delaware Bay: a territorial water, 257
Denmark, Great Belt of, 259

Denver: anti-Chinese riots at, 392, 393
Depierre: affair of, 170

Deportation of enemy civilians, as a

war measure, 483-484

Desertion, inciting of enemy troops
to, 468

Despagnet, F., 58, 72

Destruction: of enemy merchant ships,

of neutral merchant ships, 551-552
Devastation: forbidden in warfare,

Dillon, Consul: affair of, 377
Diplomacy: as distinguished from in-
ternational law, 37

Diplomatic agents: position of, in an-
cient Greece, 9, 350, 360
in general, 350-371
classification of, 354-356

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