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assembly of the: meetings of, 32-

equality of states in, 138-139
council of the: position of Great
Powers in, 138

Leases of territory, 243-244
Legations: asylum in foreign, 186
immunity of, 364

Le Long, P. A.: affair of, 168
Letters of Credence, 357
Letters of marque, 493

Letters of marque and reprisal, 421
Levée en masse: in warfare, 460-463
Lieber, F., 57, 74

Liszt, F. É. von, 58, 72

Loans: by neutral citizens to bellig-
erents, lawful, 566

Lome, Minister de: recall of, 370
London Naval Conference of 1909:
meeting of, 29

work of, 73, 495, 511, 535, 551, 553
See Declaration of London
Long Island Sound: a territorial wa-
ter, 260

Louter, J. de, 58, 72

Lusitania: case of the, 515
Luxemburg: neutralization of, 88-89
negative servitude upon, 283

Machiavelli's Prince, 18
McLeod: case of, 388
Mafia riots at New Orleans, 158, 390,

Magdalena Bay, incident of, in rela-
tion to Monroe Doctrine, 284
Magellan's Straits: neutralization of,


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sale of neutral, to belligerent, 564
Mesopotamia: mandate over, 101
Mexico: recognition of new govern-
ments of, 113-114

invasion of, by American troops in
1916, 144

rivalry of foreign capitalists to ob-
tain concessions in, 311
Mexico, Gulf of: Spanish claims over,
222, 291

Middle Ages, international relations
during, 14-16

Military expeditions from neutral ter-
ritory, 563

Military government, 479

Military law: as distinguished from
martial law, 479, n. 4

Military necessity: definition of, 434
distinguished from law of necessity,

German interpretation of, 436
Military occupation: in general, 477-

when it begins, 478

scope of authority of occupant, 479
restrictions imposed upon, 480
Mines, automatic contact: 499-501
Ministers, public. See Diplomatic

Minorities: protection of, 91, 154, n. 3
Mississippi river: controversy over
navigation of, 264

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Nalbandian: extradition case of, 212
Napoleonic era; effect of, upon inter-
national relations, 23
Nationality. See Citizenship
Naturalization: citizenship by, 168
United States laws of, 168-169
Naturalization treaties, 171
Navigation: regulation of, 294
Necessity, law of, 436. See Military

Negotiation: as a form of procedure,

Nemo potest exuere patriam, 169
Netherlands. See Holland
Neutral duties: of abstention, 554
of prevention, 555-565

Neutrality: general principles of, 519
development of law of, 520-522
present state of law of, 521
under Covenant of League of Na-
tions, 522

Neutrality Laws: definition of, 561
as distinct from laws of neutrality,
561, n. 3

of the United States, 521, 561-565
of Great Britain, 561, n. 2
Neutralized states, 89-90
Neutral ports: permissible use of, by
belligerent, 557-560

Neutral prizes: destruction of, 551
Neutral rights: in general, 524-536
in relation to belligerent airships,

Neutral status: acts forfeiting, 532-

Neutral territory, inviolability of, 524
Newfoundland Fisheries case, 259, 280
New Orleans: Mafia riots at, 393
New Zealand: international status of,
Nicaragua: canal monopoly granted
by, to United States, 285
Nice: annexed after plebiscite, 235
Niemen river: navigation of, 266
Niger river: navigation of, 266
Nikitchenkoff: affair of, 364
Non-combatants: distinguished from
combatants, 437, 547

North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbi-
tration, 259, 280

Northeastern Boundary Dispute, 405
North Sea: fishing rights along coasts
of, 258

North Sea Fisheries Convention, 258
Norway, 95, 104

Norwegian vessels: requisition of
(1917), 531, n. 3

Nuisance, removal of an international,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

extent of area of, 225

notification as a condition of, 227
See Military occupation
Oder river: navigation of, 266
Oleron, laws of, 17

Open sea. See High seas

Oppenheim, L.: refered to, 56, 72, 347,
428, n. 1, 431, n. 1

Option: right of, 239-241
Oregon Boundary dispute, 226
Orinoco river: navigation of, 265
Ottoman Empire. See Turkey
Outer Mongolia: as vassal state, 97
Outlawry, self-defense against interna-
tional, 153


Pacific blockade: as a form of forcible
procedure, 424-426

Pacific measures of redress, 384, 399-

Pacific Settlement of International
Disputes, Convention for the, 400,
406, 408, 415

Pacifico, Don: affair of, 425
Palestine: mandate over, 314
Panama, international status of, 93
Panama, isthmus of: not subject to
general servitude, 279

Panama Canal: neutralization of, 275
question of tolls upon, 276-277
neutrality of, in time of war, 277
fortification of, 277, 278, n. 2
interpretation of Hay-Pauncefote
treaty, 332-333, 338

Panama Canal Zone: lease of, 244
Pantaleon Sa, Don: affair of, 366
Papen, Captain von: recall of, 370
Paraná river: navigation of, 265
Parlementaire: status of, in warfare,

Parole. See Prisoners

Partnerships, commercial, between en-
emy citizens, 455

Passports: in time of peace, 359
in time of war, 485, n. 8
Peaceful procedure, 399-419

Pelagic Sealing Conference (1911),


Pentarchy of 1818, 25

Permanent Court of International Jus-
tice, 32

decisions of, 122, n. 3, 164, n. 4,
167, n. 2

establishment of, 412
Statute of, 413

Persia: admitted into family of na-
tions, 83, 104

as a field of international rivalry,

treaty of 1907 relating to, 331

Persona non grata, 369

Persona standi in judicio: in relation

to enemy aliens, 447

Personal union, of states, 95, n. 2
Peru: Tacna-Arica controversy with
Chili, 328, n. 4
Peterburg, incident of the, 494
Philippine Islands: cession of, 234
right of option in, 239
Phillimore, Sir R., 56

Piepenbrink: affair of (1914), 549
Pillage: forbidden in warfare, 475,

Piracy: suppression of, 204

in relation to privateering, 204

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Primacy of the Great Powers, 135
Prisoners of war: treatment of, 470-

Pritchard, Consul: affair of, 376
Privateeering practice of, 493
Prize Court, International, 30, 412,

Prize courts, national, 552
Prizes: destruction of, 511, 551
Procedure, law of: as distinguished

from substantive law, 130
Property, private: capture of, at sea,
as method of warfare, 505
proposed abolition of capture of,
505, 506, n. 3

Protection of citizens abroad, 156-

Protectorates: as persons of interna-

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Quadruple Alliance of 1815, 25, 151
Quarter: obligation to give, 466


Racial minorities, protection of. See

Radio. See Wireless messages
Railway material from neutral terri-
tory. See Angary

Railways: foreign ownership of, as a
servitude, 281

Ransom, 455

Ratification of treaties, 324-326
subject to reservations, 325

special rule applied to Hague con-
ventions, 325-326

"Rationing" of neutral countries dur-
ing World War, 542, 547
Raw materials of industry: competi-
tition for supplies of, 306-307

Real union of states, 95

Reason, a source of international law,
62, n. 4

Rebus sic stantibus: implied clause in
treaties, 345, 348, n. 4

Recall of diplomatic agents, 369-370
Recognition: of new states, 103
of revolting territories, 105
of belligerency, 108

of insurgency, 108

of new governments, 112

of de facto governments, 112
Red Cross. See Geneva Conventions
Redress for injuries: form of, 385
Remedial rights, 379-385

as distinct from antecedent rights,

Repairs in neutral ports, 558
Reprisals: in time of peace, earlier

forms of and modern practice,

in time of war, as a sanction against
unlawful conduct, 489-491
their legality, 490

directed against non-combatants,

Requisitions, in warfare, 482-484

Res nullius. See Occupation of terri-

Responsibility of states: limitations
of, 386

for acts of public officers, 387-390
for acts of citizens, 390-393
arising from civil war, 393
from international war, 395
Responsibility of individuals in war-
fare: new rules of, 579
Retaliation: in time of peace, 420
in time of war, 489

Retorsion, 420

Revenue laws, enforcement of, beyond
three-mile limit, 254

Rhine river: servitudes upon, 263, 267
Rhodian Sea Laws, 17

Ricci, Ambassador: affair of, 359
Right of representation, 352
Rights: fundamental, 127, 132
secondary, 128

perfect and imperfect, 129-130, 382
of redress, 133
Rights of way, 281

Rio Grande: navigation of, 265
regulation of flow of, 267
Rivers: as boundaries, 247
servitudes upon, 263-268
new international, 266-267
regulation of flow of, 267-268
Rivier, A.: writings of, 58

views of, on causes of war, 384, n. 2
Rock Springs: massascre of Chinese
at, 158, 390, 393

Roman law: influence of, 16
Rome, as a city-state, 10
Root-Takahira agreement, 177

Root treaties of arbitration, 336, 407,
408, n. 1

Rule of 1756, 21, 549

Rumania under treaty of Berlin, 91
under treaty of St. Germain, 91
as vassal state, 96
recognition of, 106

Ruses of war. See Deceit

Russia: delayed recognition of Bolshe-
vik government of, 114-115
repudiation of treaty of 1856 by,


alleged treachery of, in beginning
war before declaration (1904),


Saar Basin: transfer of, made sub-
ject to plebiscite, 237

Sackville, Lord: dismissal of, 371
Safe-conduct: in warfare, 485, n. 8
Safeguard: in warfare, 485, n. 8
St. Albans: responsibility of Great
Britain for attack upon, 390

St. Germain, treaty of, 91

St. Lawrence river: open to United
States vessels, 264

St. Petersburg, declaration of, 438,
n. 4, 463

Sakhalin negative servitude upon,

Sale of territory, 233

Salvage: jurisdiction in suits for, 198
Sanction of international law, 42, 381
San Domingo. See Dominican Repub-


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