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this particular, the committee has attempted a counsel of perfection, which, if followed, might meanwhile endanger the position of the United States in aeronautics. Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien.

The present bill should be the subject of careful consideration in respect of the grant of powers to the Federal courts. Upon constitutional grounds, it appears to be couched in terms much too general. Again, the exemption granted to owners and operators from liability for damages beyond the value of the aircraft, by a limited-liability clause analogous to that now applicable to sea vessels, will doubtless also meet with opposition. The policy of the bill in this respect differs from similar legislation in Great Britain under which the owner or charterer is held liable for actual damage caused by his aircraft, without requiring an innocent plaintiff to prove negligence. Of course, the stringent liability of the British Act does not apply to the claims of passengers or shippers.

Space does not permit of a more elaborate discussion of the bill. It will probably emerge only after careful consideration of the constitutional questions. The extent to which intrastate navigation must conform to Federal requirements so as not to interfere with, or create an undue burden upon interstate or foreign aerial commerce, may safely be left to the courts. The scheme of national regulation, whatever it ultimately proves to be, will undoubtedly form the basis of our treaty relations, and an early solution of the problems in some acceptable fashion, even though short of ultima desiderata, will be heartily welcomed.



The first session of the Institute of Politics at Williamstown, Mass., notice of which was given in an earlier number of this JOURNAL,1 too place from July 28 to August 27, last. The plan of the Institute was the idea of President Garfield of Williams College. Having no inclination to establish a summer school or summer session at the college along the lines which have become familiar in this country, he felt that there was a great opportunity to make use of the facilities of the college for a summer gathering to be devoted to the consideration of subjects of special interest. Prior to the war, he had outlined a plan for an institute of politics to be held during the college vacations. This the trustees of Williams College approved, offering the use of the college buildings for the purpose. With the entrance of the United States into the World War, it was impossible to carry the plan into execution. After the war was over, Dr. Garfield felt that the time was ripe for the realization of his idea. It needed, however, financial support for its accomplishment. This was secured through the generosity of Mr. Bernard M. Baruch of New York, who offered to provide for the maintenance of the

1 January, 1921, p. 78.

Institute along the lines devised by Dr. Garfield for a period of three years. Mr. Baruch's gift was made upon the understanding that it should remain anonymous. It was not until toward the close of the Institute that, after repeated requests, the generous donor consented to permit his identity to be disclosed.

With this financial assurance, Dr. Garfield selected a Board of Advisors to assist him in the organization and in the preparation of specific plans for the sessions of the Institute. The Board of Advisors so selected consisted of the Hon. William Howard Taft as Honorary Chairman, Presidents E. A. Alderman of the University of Virginia, E. A. Birge of the University of Wisconsin, H. P. Judson of the University of Chicago, Professors A. C. Coolidge of Harvard University, P. M. Brown of Princeton University, J. B. Moore of Columbia University, J. S. Reeves of the University of Michigan and W. W. Willoughby of the Johns Hopkins University, and Dr. James Brown Scott of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

The opening exercises held in Grace Hall, the beautiful auditorium of Williams College, included an address of welcome by President Garfield and addresses by Chief Justice Taft, President Lowell of Harvard University, and Mayor Peters of Boston.

The character of the exercises and the enthusiasm which they evoked were an excellent augury of the success of the first session. More than 150 men and women were enrolled as members of the Institute, about twothirds of whom were members of college and university faculties. The representation was national in scope, institutions from Maine to Alabama and to the Pacific Coast being represented. Provision had been made for the housing of all the members in the comfortable dormitories of the College, and all met together for meals in the College Commons. This last proved to be one of the pleasantest features of the Institute. The charming surroundings of the College town and the Berkshire Hills, with the glorious weather throughout the session left nothing to be desired as to arrangements or conditions.

Invitations to become members of the Institute had been sent to men and women especially interested in the field of modern European history, international law and diplomacy, and economics. Naturally the majority of those responding affirmatively were associated with the various colleges and universities of the United States. Invitations, however, had not been limited to those in academic life, but were also extended to and accepted by a number of persons engaged in journalism, banking and other fields.

It had been decided to have the first session devote itself to international questions, considered especially with reference to the World War and the treaties of peace. The work of the Institute was to be of two kinds : lecture courses by distinguished lecturers from abroad, and round table conferences, conducted according to seminar methods, upon specific topics in the field of international relations.

The subjects of the various lecture courses and the lecturers were as follows:

I. "International Relations of the Old World States in their Historical,
Political, Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Aspects, including a Dis-
cussion of the Causes of Wars and the Means of Averting Them.'
The Right Honorable Viscount James Bryce.

II. "Russia's Foreign Relations During the Last Half Century." The Right Honorable Baron Sergius A. Korff, former Vice-Governor of Finland.

III. "Near Eastern Affairs and Conditions."

The Honorable Stephen

Panaretoff, Minister from Bulgaria to the United States. IV. "The Place of Hungary in European History." The Right Honorable Count Paul Teleki, former Premier of Hungary.

V. "Modern Italy: Its Intellectual, Cultural and Financial Aspects." The Honorable Tomasso Tittoni, President of the Italian Senate. and former Ambassador from Italy to Great Britain and France. VI. "The Economic Factor in International Relations." M. Achille Viallate, Professor in the École Libre des Sciences Politiques.

The very distinguished publicist, Dr. Luis M. Drago, of Argentina, had also accepted an invitation to deliver a course of lectures upon Latin-American problems. It was a matter of very keen regret that Señor Drago died shortly before the date set for his leaving for this country. For this reason, unfortunately, Latin-America was not represented among the lecturers.

Each course consisted of seven lectures. Arrangements have been made for the immediate publication of all of them in book form, each course to be comprised in a volume.

The Round-Table Conferences and their leaders were as follows:

I. "The Balkan Question." Professors A. C. Coolidge and R. H.
Lord of Harvard.

II. "The Reparations Question." Norman H. Davis, former Under
Secretary of State.

III. "Treaties of Peace, especially the Treaty of Versailles."

sor J. W. Garner, University of Illinois.


IV. "Boundaries of New Europe." Professor C. H. Haskins, of Har-
vard and Major Lawrence Martin of the Department of State.
V. "Fundamental Concepts in International Law in Relation to Poli-
tical Theory and Legal Philosophy." Professor J. S. Reeves,
University of Michigan.


VI. "Latin American Questions." The Honorable L. S. Rowe, Director General of the Pan-American Union.

VII. "Tariffs and Tariff Problems." Professor F. W. Taussig of


VIII. "Unsettled Questions in International Law." Professor G. G. Wilson of Harvard.

Each of the round-table groups comprised from twenty to twenty-five members and from them the public was excluded. Opportunity was thus afforded for informal presentation and discussion. Interest in the particular questions considered was greatly increased by the frequent presence of the lecturers, who participated in the discussions. This was particularly the case in the round-table conducted by the Hon. Norman H. Davis upon the reparations question, of which M. Casenave, the French High Commissioner, was a member, and of the round-tables upon the new states of Central Europe and upon Latin-American questions in both of which Lord Bryce took an active part and to which he contributed greatly. Notwithstanding the popular interest shown in the public lectures held in Grace Hall, which was frequently filled to its capacity, it was generally conceded that the spirit of the Institute was best shown in these informal round-table gatherings, which were conducted so as to insure studious effort on the part of each member and to invite the frankest expressions of individual opinion.

The plan of the Institute was such as to eliminate at every point possible the opportunity for propaganda in behalf of particular causes or of institu tions. The points of view of the various lecturers differed very widely. While in some instances the lecturers presented a more or less elaborate exposition of particular nationalistic positions, it soon became evident that each felt perfectly free to set forth his own personal position. The Institute of Politics had no propaganda to encourage or cause to advocate, except the full, free, and rational discussion of international problems. The same may be said of the round-table conferences. Throughout the session a spirit of enthusiastic interest and of respect for divergent opinions was manifest.

The Institute closed with a banquet at which the principal speaker was the Honorable Elihu Root, who in eloquent words acclaimed the purpose and results of the first session and showed the urgent necessity, in these days when democracy claims control of international affairs, that such control proceed from an enlightened and instructed democracy.

The munificence of Mr. Baruch having made possible the continuation of the Institute for at least two more sessions, plans have proceeded to this end; and it is expected that a programme for next year's session will be announced by the first of January. The subject for the session of 1922 will also be international relations, with more particular attention to the problems of the Far East. It is probable that the arrangements for the next session will be similar to those of the last and that, while the membership of the Institute will again be by invitation, and therefore necessarily limited, the number of the round-table conferences will be somewhat increased. The early announcement of the session of 1922 ought to make it possible for many men and women specially interested in the field of international relations and international law to be present.

The first session of the Institute of Politics was an unqualified success. In 1922 it will afford an opportunity for the serious consideration of international problems such as is rarely offered.




Abbreviations: Adv. of peace, Advocate of peace; Bundesbl., Switzerland, Bundesblatt; Clunet, Journal du droit international; Cmd., Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers; Commerce Reports, U. S. Commerce reports; Cong. Rec., Congressional Record; Contemp. R., Contemporary Review. Costa Rica, Ga., La Gaceta; Covenant, The Covenant (London); Cur. Hist., Current History (New York Times); Daily digest, Daily digest of reconstruction news; D. G., Diario do Governo (Portugal); D. O., Diario official (Brazil); Deutsch. Reichs., Deutscher Reichsanzeiger; E. G., Eidgenossiche gesetzblatt (Switzerland); Edin. Rev., Edinburgh Review; Europe, L'Europe Nouvelle; Evening Star (Washington); Figaro, Le Figaro (Paris); G. B. Treaty series, Great Britain Treaty series; Ga. de Madrid, Gaceta de Madrid; G. U., Gazetta Ufficiale (Italy); Guatemalteco, El Guatemalteco; I. L. O. B., International Labor Office Bulletin; J. O., Journal officiel (France); L. N. M. S., League of Nations Monthly Summary; L. N. O. J., League of Nations, Official Journal; L. N. T. S., League of Nations, Treaty series; Lond. Ga., London Gazette; Monit., Moniteur Belge; Nation (N. Y.; N. Y. Times, New York Times; Naval Inst. Proc., U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings; P. A. U., Pan-American Union Bulletin; Press Notice, U. S. State Dept. Press Notice. Proclamation, U. S. State Dept. Proclamation; Rev. int. de la CroixRouge, Revue international de la Croix-Rouge; Staats. Netherlands Staatsblad; Temps, Le Temps (Paris); Times, The Times (London); Wash. Post, Washington Post.

January, 1921.

30 SWITZERLAND. Amendment to Article 89 of the federal constitution providing for referendum on treaties, was accepted by large majority vote of the people. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev., Aug., 1921, p. 423.

February, 1921.

15 (?)

ARGENTINA-ITALY. Ratification of treaty concerning indemnification for labor accidents exchanged in Buenos Aires. P. A. U., July, 1921, p. 90.

March, 1921.

13 ITALY-TURKEY. Economic agreement signed at London. Text: Temps, May 28, 1921, p. 2.

16 GERMANY-SWEDEN. Switzerland abrogated treaty of commerce and navigation of May 2, 1911, effective March 16, 1921. Reichs G., March 23, 1921, p. 234.

28 GERMAN-SIAMESE MIXED ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL. Regulations of procedure published. Text: Reichs G., April 1, 1921, p. 345.

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