EXHIBIT 1-FINANCIAL PROGRAM WITH RESOLUTION FOR DETERMINING THE REVENUE AND BORROWING POLICY OF THE NEXT FISCAL YEAR Be It Resolved, by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment: That, subject to such reductions as shall be made by the board of aldermen in the items of appropriations submitted by the board of estimate and apportionment for the fiscal year 1916, and to the approval of the board of aldermen and the mayor, the following "Financial Program" shall govern the action of all boards and officers who are charged by law with responsibility for levying taxes and enacting ordinances for raising revenue and authorizing corporate stock loans (other than for refunding issues already outstanding) and shall be the financial policy for the ensuing year. And Be It Further Resolved, that, upon the approval of the board of aldermen, the attached "Schedule of Authorized Expenditures" (or such modification as shall be made by reduction of items of appropriation by the board of aldermen) shall limit and govern the several departments, bureaus, offices and commissions with respect to the amounts of liabilities which may be incurred and vouchers which may be approved for payment against appropriations, and other authorizations to spend public money from the general fund," "corporate stock funds", "special and trust funds" and the "sinking funds" of the city of New York during the next fiscal year. Provided, that this schedule and "revenue and borrowing policy may be modified by act of the board of aldermen or the board of estimate and apportionment during the fiscal year 1916, each acting within its legal powers, in case the financial needs of the city may require. EXHIBIT 1 (Continued)-FINANCIAL PROGRAM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1916 Authorizations to Incur Liabilities and Expend Public Funds:* For personal services.. Total. Expenses. Capital Outlays and Payment of Debt. Fixed Charges. $000,000 00 $000,000 00 $000,000 00 Method of funding: General fund revenues (present basis).... $000,000 00 $000,000 00 $000,000 00 Estimated unfunded deficiency to be provided for purchase of supplies. equipment materials. contract or open order service other expenditures. Deficit Grand total.... 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 $000,000 00 $000,000 00 $000,000 00 000,000 000,000 Sinking fund revenues.... 000,000 00 000,000 00 Special fund revenues.. 000,000 00 000,000 00 Corporate stock borrowing. 000,000 00 000,000 00 Trust funds.... 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 Surplus 000,000 00 000.000 00 General fund (new sources of revenue) 000,000 00 000,000 00 000,000 00 Sinking fund 000,000 00 000,000 00 Special revenues.. 000,000 00 Corporate stock 000,000 00 |